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💋chapter 9:you're just like me💋

THE ZENIN CLAN. ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL CLANS among the jujutsu sorcerers. I've heard so many stories about 'em and how awful they are. Unfortunately my dad isn't any better. He's cruel and egoistical, he's rude and a complete jerk.

When him and mom met she said she fell in love with him, because she thought she can change him, even tho it was obvious nothing can change such cruel man. But, when a woman is in love you can't remove the blindfold off her eyes.

When I was younger I used to hear from my teachers, that I'm exactly like him-cruel, rude and egoistical. That I only care about myself and my issues, that I get what I want and I don't care who I might hurt in the process..and I'm starting to see it clearly now.

And now, when he's standing right in front of me..I see how much I look like him. My mom made sure I grew up as a decent human, but with every year I'm turning more and more into my father. I can't help it.

"Tell me, what bring you here, kid?", Naoya was still smiling looking down on me with those ugly eyes. I guess he didn't forget about me after all, but it was obvious he doesn't like me..at all.

"Can't a girl come and see her father? Or I'm not allowed to do that?", I crossed my arms and I was ready to give him a taste of his own medicine.

"You brought roaches too, huh?", he looked behind me, where uncle Gojo was waiting and my blood started boiling.

"Don't insult him, Naoya, he was more of a father to me, that you'll ever be".

"Same attitude as your mother. She used to get so mad, when I insulted that bastard. I don't see what you two find in him", he laughed at me and moved to the side inviting me in.

I walk slowly inside the house and the first thing I felt around me was the strong cursed energy in this house. It felt like it was full with curses everywhere and their aura was so strong I felt kinda uneasy. The house looked old and it was decorated very traditionally. Nothing I didn't expect from the Zenin clan.

My father walked behind me and I knew he was watching every move of mine. The cursed energy was getting stronger as I was walking deeper into the house. I sat on a couch close to me and I held my head in my palms.

"You feel it too, huh?", Naoya came and sat right in front of me, he put two glasses of tea on the table in front of me and leaned back into the chair, "I knew your cursed energy was strong, but I didn't expect you to be this sensitive", he smirked once again.

"Usually I'm not. This house is just shitty".

"Yeah, I should redecorate it soon. But I'm pretty sure you didn't came all the way here to talk about my decoration taste, am I right?".

"Yeah, I wanna invite you to dinner at my place tonight", I said and Naoya stopped on the spot holding the cup in his hands. He looked surprised, but not in a bad way, "my boyfriend insists on meeting you, because I told him we met you last night to catch up", I explained.

"And why on Earth would you say that?", he asked and observed my very closely.

"Does it matter? You have no right to ask me shit about my personal life. You either accept the invitation, or not", I looked down to my cup of tea and I stir it slowly.

Naoya sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. On the outside I was calm, but on the inside I was very nervous what he would say. If he doesn't accept the invitation I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to create more and more lies, which I don't want.

"Okay. I accept. On one condition", dad said.

"What do you want?", I looked at him.

"I want you to visit me more often. Looking at you right now makes me nostalgic".

"Spill it, Naoya, what do you really want from me?", I rolled my eyes at him.

"What? I'm sure your mother made sure to turn me into the worst human in your eyes, but trust me I'm not that bad", Naoya smiled like he was the sweetest angel, "I'm still your dad and I miss my little girl a lot. And look at you, you're grown now..you have a boyfriend. I wanna be invested in your life, y/n".

"..no, really..what do you want?".

"I need money".

"There we go", I raised my hands in the air and then dropped them back in my lap. You know, how you do, when you prove a point, "how much do you need, Naoya?", I asked.

"350 000 yen".


"If I tell you you gotta tell me why did you lied to your boyfriend", dad raised his eyebrow and put a cocky smile on his face.

"Nah, it's not worth my time", I stood up and I started walking towards the door, then when I reached it I pulled out a piece of paper with my address on it and gave it to my dad, "tonight at 8 o'clock. Don't be late, Naoya".

"I won't miss it, daughter", he smiled at me once again as I was leaving the house.

Uncle Gojo started the car and when I got in he immediately drove off like he couldn't wait any longer. I clinched my fists in my lap remembering the way my father acted like he cared for me. If I didn't know what kind of man he is I would let myself get fooled.

On the way home I texted Sukuna to tell him, that my father agreed to come tonight and he was very excited. Remember, y/n, this is the last time you lie to him. After tonight you'll be truthful and caring girlfriend, you'll forget about Toji and everything goes to the past.

My phone started buzzing. It was a message popping on my screen. I immediately saw the name and the person, who sends it.

Toji:are u free tonight baby girl? I miss your body on mine. ;)


A/n-Naoya x Ieiri is a ship that I created just for the book, it doesn't actually exist, but I felt like Naoya Zenin would be the perfect match for our MC.

If you haven't realised the plot of the book yet, or you can't catch what's up it's basically a book about daddy issues and if you can relate to this chapter I am so sorry and I want you to know, that you're loved no matter what! 💕

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