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💋chapter 8:reunited💋

"YOU DID WHAT?", UNCLE GOJO SHOUTED AT ME, when I told him what I did last night. I couldn't wait any longer, I had to ask him for help. So I woke up early in the morning and I got back home to meet him.

"Please, don't scream. Mom and uncle Geto are still asleep", I looked down. His blue eyes were fixed on me and felt so ashamed. How can I not be? I'm a horrible person and a lier.

"Let me see, if I got it right? You felt like your boyfriend Sukuna didn't gave you enough, so you started texting a complete stranger, who turned out to be Megumi's father", Gojo said and his eyes furrowed even more, "and then you cheated on Sukuna with this man knowing damn well he's Megumi's father?".

"Yep", I couldn't bring myself to look up, I knew how disappointed uncle Gojo was, "but that's not the worst part of it".

"Oh, there's more?!".

"I told Sukuna, that I'm meeting with my dad to avoid suspicion and now he wants me to invite my dad to meet with him".

"WHAT?", uncle Gojo was now standing on his feet right in front of me.

Damn, I sound like a whore. Not only I did all of this crap, but now my uncle and one of my mom's best friends knows about it. Ahh, I should just disappear at this point.

"I don't know what to tell you, y/n", uncle Gojo sat back down, when he calmed down a little and I heard his nails hitting the coffee cup slowly. That means he's mad, "you created such a mess for no real reason. If you don't like Sukuna anymore, why don't you just break up with him? It would be much easier".

"Because I have no real reason to break up with him. He's great. He takes care of me, he loves me, he's always there for me..why should I let go of all this for one time sex?", I asked.

"Because now you have this situation on your head and this time you're on your own. You know, that I love you and you're like a daughter to me, but you need to learn how to face the consequences of your actions".

Uncle Gojo is right. I created this mess and I can't relay on him to fix it, or on anyone else to be honest. I can't tell the others what happened and I can't tell Sukuna the truth. The only thing I could do is..actually meet my father.

Ugh, it would be much easier, if I just let Sukuna destroy me. I don't wanna talk to my father. I don't remember my father, it was so long since I last saw or heard from him. But from what I've heard my dad was a complete asshole. He didn't treat my mom well, he didn't care for anyone else and he didn't respect the people in my mothers life.

I think it's pretty obvious, that he didn't care about me either. I've always had some issues, that I never thought I'll realise. I've read so many books about kids, who grow up with only one parent and they all say, that most of the kids, who grow up without a father seek validation from older man, or from man in general, which I kinda can relate to.

No, I'm not trying to victimise myself in any way. What I did is entirely my fault and my dad has nothing to do with it. I'm aware, that my choices aren't anyone's fault. But I can't help, but wonder..would I be different, if my dad was in my life? Would I end up being different?

"I know what I must do", I finally took enough courage to speak up. Uncle Gojo looked at me and he looked very relieved for a moment.

"You'll tell the truth?", he asked.

"No?", I furrowed my eyebrow and he lost the hope he has in his eyes minute ago, "I'll just go and talk to my father. I mean..he owes me".

"No, y/n, no one owes you shit. If you go to that man you'll end up disappointed and hurt like your mom was", uncle Gojo tried to protest against my decision, but I knew I won't end up like mom.

Mom used to really love my father and I'm sure she still does, but I'm not like her. I don't know the man and I don't care, if he wants to be in my life, because I'm only going to use him as an alibi. I don't want him close to me.

That's why I convinced uncle Gojo to drive me to my father's house, which was all the way in Shibuya. I gotta admit, that I was really nervous to meet my father again after 19 years, but the only thing I could think about was how I'm going to convince to help me.

I knocked on the door without exceptions for an answer. Uncle Gojo was waiting for me in the car, because he said and I quote; 'i will never look that men in the eyes and shake his hand'. Or whatever.

I heard heavy steps coming closer to the door and my heart started beating fast. This is it.. after so many years with no contact I'm about to see him again. The door handle was twisted and a small crack shook me to my core. Then the door slowly moved and his face was right in front of me. His big eyes fell on me and his body was tense, when he recognised me.

My hands were shaking. I haven't seen him in years, but I have seen a couple of pictures of him, when I was little. He looks exactly the same, he didn't changed at all. My fathers looks down on me, he was very tall and muscular, and then a smirk appeared on his face.

"Well, well, well..if that's not my blood standing right in front of me shaking after so many years", his deep voice sounded like a screaming in my ears. It was disgusting.

"Hello...Naoya Zenin", I said.


A/n-before you ask, no..Toji and y/n are not related in anyway. In this story Toji has nothing to do with the Zenins.

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