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💋chapter 15:forgive me💋

I WAS DRIVING PAST THE CAR LIKE I WAS IN THE FAST AND furious movies, but in my case it was 'dumb and a cheater'. The rain was falling heavily on my front window and I know every book, that Silvina writes has a rain in it, but you know ✨rain makes everything more dramatic✨.

I stopped in front of Sukuna and Yuuji's building knocking a trash can with my door, but I didn't picked it up, because my character can't get more unlikable than this. I opened the doors wide with the key, that Sukuna gave me a long time ago and when I reached his apartment I knocked two times. There was no response. And what we do, when he's trying to play hard to get? Give up? No! Kick the door.

I kick the door with all my strength and I look right in front of me, where the twins were standing looking at me with pure horror. I move my hair back, because it was covering my face and I walk in.

"Damn it, y/n, my fucking door!", Yuuji whined at me and bend down to pick the door from the floor trying to put it back on its place.

Sukuna looks at me as I was walking up to him and he crossed his arms locking them hard in front of his chest. I stopped in front of him and for the first time since I know this man I saw a small sign of sadness in his eyes. It was drawn on his face just how much he was hurt. My heart skipped a beat as I took a deep breath to put my mind together.

"I know you don't wanna see me right now, but please..let me talk to you one last time", I said and I look up at his red eyes, "I promise I won't bother you again, if you just hear me out".

"Go on..", he lets out a deep sigh.

"Sukuna I'm the worst person you can ever meet. I'm egoistical, rude, I'm a narcissist and I don't take other people's feelings seriously, which is the main problem..but this time I know I fucked up", I began to explain, "look, I'm not expecting you to forgive me..not at all, but at least accept my apology. I might not change at all, I might fuck up again, but please let me learn..and don't let me lose you. I still love you, Sukuna, I'm serious".

"If you still love me..why did you cheat on me with Megumi's dad? Was I not good enough for you? Didn't I satisfy you, y/n?", his voice slowly started to crack and it made my eyes tear up. God, I feel awful.

"You were..and still are the best thing in my life. You gave me the world, you were the best, I am just a shitty person", I grabbed him by the hands and it made him look me in the eyes, "it runs in my veins unfortunately".

"Are you seriously going to hit me with what your father told you, y/n?", he pushes away my hands and furrowed his eyebrows, "you can't use your family as an excuse for every time you mess up. You might have your father's stupid shitty personality, but you have a brain, don't you? You can make decisions, you're grown".

"I'm not using it as an excuse, Sukuna! You don't know how hard it is to grow up the way I grew up. You have no idea..".

"NO! You need to shut the fuck up. You're not the one, who had hard times in your life, we all did. Do you think, that Megumi had it easy with no mom and a dad? Or do you think, that Nobara wanted to leave her hometown and come all the way to Tokyo? Or do you think I had it so easy, when all my life I've been looked as a monster and a curse? No. You never think of that, do you? You only think about yourself and your problems..as usual", he shouted.

I looked down at my feet out of shame, because Sukuna was right. I was so caught up in my own shit, that I didn't even thought about how my friends are dealing with their lives. I was so busy feeling sorry for myself. And on top of that I never made it easier for them, I pushed my problems on them too.

How can you expect someone to be by your side now, when you never been by his? I don't know. I don't know anything anymore and I don't wanna know anything. I felt safe in a space, that my friends and boyfriend created for me..that I didn't even think about them.

"I'm sorry..", I said in my low voice.

"Are you? Really? Because every time, when you say you're sorry it's just a temporary way for you to get what you want and then you go and mess up again", Sukuna moved away from me and sat on the couch. I looked at him, but he never looked back at me, "tell everyone, that I forgave you and get your friends back. I'll try to put up with you, but I want you to know I don't feel the same way about you anymore".

"No..I want you to really forgive me".

"It never mattered, if I forgive you. Why would it matter now?", Sukuna finally looked at me.

"Because now my intentions are pure".

"Mine were too. Mine were too and I made sure to be my best, so I can give you a nice peaceful life. But..I didn't realise all you needed to feel happy..is a dick", he clinched his fists.

"Stop talking like that! Sukuna, I love you. I really love you, damn it! I cheated on you, but there were no feelings attached", I sat on the floor and I felt my breath escaping my lungs for a moment. Yuuji came next to me and held me as I was trying to take a breath.

"Y/n..y/n..stand up", I heard Yuuji's voice and it became blurry in front of my eyes. I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around me and I let my body get heavy.

You failed. You didn't do it. You lost his trust, you lost everybody's trust. You lost him. You lost them. You have no one. Now..live alone.


A/n-I feel like this is the first time I'm writing a female manipulator in my books and it's not working, because she just looks pathetic and not actually accurate. Sorry 😭

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