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💋chapter 7:I wanna meet him💋

AFTER ME AND TOJI WERE DONE I HAD NO REASON TO stay any longer. I knew he didn't want me to stay either. I fixed my hair and my dress in the bathroom, I put my lipstick on and I left without saying bye to Toji. I could feel him watching me, but I didn't had any intentions of continuing fucking him.

I got into a taxicab once again and I told the man my address. I checked my phone and there were no messages from friends, family, or Sukuna. I texted uncle Gojo to see, if he heard from my mother today, because I haven't seen her in awhile. She's working very hard at the hospital and I don't wanna disturb her.

Of course uncle Gojo didn't reply. It was 2 am and I doubt he was even awake. I payed the driver and I walked out of the car. I looked up at my apartment window only to see the lights on. So..he's here, I thought as I was walking in.

For some reason the guilt I didn't felt before hit me hard immediately after I left the club. I felt shame and disgust, because I knew that when I open my door Sukuna will be waiting for me to ask me how meeting my father was. He was more excited than me the other day. Why did I even did that to him? He didn't deserve it.

I open the front door of my apartment and I walk in. The first thing I see is Sukuna laying on my couch deep asleep. He was waiting for me, he always does. I walked up to him and I covered his half naked body with the blanket next to him, then I press a kiss on his forehead.

"Hmph?",he hummed in his sleep and his eyes slowly opened in front of me. I put a fake smile on my face trying not to cry on his shoulder after I brutally cheated on him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up", I talked in low voice, because I didn't wanted to wake him up even more. It was late, he deserved some sleep.

"No problem", he said and he sit on the couch looking at me as I was wondering around for some leftover food, "how did it went? Did you and him had a nice time?", he asked.

"W-What?!", I turned around. The way he said 'you and him' and 'nice time' triggered me.

"You and your father? Did you two made up?", Sukuna raised his eyebrow and I let out a deep sigh. I almost got caught.

"No..not really. He wasn't what I expected he'll be. He didn't look like he missed me either", I pretended to be sad. Maybe this way he won't ask me any further and I don't have to lie.

I feel like a horrible human being. Look at me lying to my loving boyfriend and one of my best friends, who's been there since day one. Am I that egoistic? Was that temporary pleasure worth it? Thinking about it...

Yes, it was. This was the best sex I've ever had and my body feels satisfied for the first time since my first time ever. The way Toji handles me and how he treats me during sex was the best thing I've ever had for myself. I feel guilty and horrible, but..I don't regret it.

"I'm sorry to hear that, baby", Sukuna came behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist, put his head on my shoulder, "I really wish it could work out, so you can finally be happier", he kissed my neck gently.

"Well, I'm used to him not being in my life, so I don't really care", I put my hands on his.

"Hey, babe, I have an idea", Sukuna said with so much enthusiasm in his voice and it made me turn around, "why don't you call him and invite him here? I'll prepare dinner and all, I'll be right by your side this time and maybe we'll try to make it work this time".

"W-What? No, no. That's not necessary at all, I'll be fine, babe, really..", that's bad. I don't know what I'm suppose to do now.

"Come on. I wanna meet him. Plus, giving it one last chance won't hurt, right?", Sukuna smiled at me and I knew I fucked up.

Shit. If I don't agree to bring my dad here, he'll get suspicious and I gotta tell him I cheated on him. Inside I was panicking, but I tried to stay as calm as I can on the outside. For fuck's sake, I haven't seen my father in years. I don't even know, if he leaves in the same house.

"Y/n, that would be great for you. And I'll be right by you the whole time, so if something goes wrong I'll comfort you", Sukuna continued to insist and I knew I had to say yes, or he won't stop asking me. Damn it.

"Okay. I'll try to invite him over these days, but I can't promise he'll say yes", I rolled my eyes and Sukuna kissed my forehead.

"That's great. Now, I'm going to sleep, because I have work in the morning", he lifted my chin and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips, "good night, my love", he said and I smiled at him.

When Sukuna got into my bedroom and closed the door I finally let myself freak out. Oh, what should I do? I fucked up big time. My hands were shaking so much and I wanted to die in that moment.

Sukuna might be a nice guy with me, but when he finds out I cheated he'll kill Toji and then me for sure. I know lies lead to more lies and there's no end, but I had to figure out something. I can't let Sukuna find out. So I gotta lie once again.

I opened my contacts and I started looking through them. Think, y/n, think. Sukuna knows everyone in my life except my real father. I looked through my contacts and I saw uncle Nanami's number, no..Sukuna knows him too. Plus, I know uncle Nanami won't agree to lie for me.

At that exact moment my phone rang I saw uncle Gojo's name pop on my screen. I picked up and he sounded very worried.

"I felt like you're in trouble, so I called", he said and I was glad to hear his voice. Gojo knows me so well, he feels everything happening to me like he gave birth to me.

"I fucked up big time. And I need your help".


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