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# 2


She gets out from bed with her body sore from last night.
The things her father made her do, are repulsive to even think about.
How can a father do that to his daughter? He is just a disgusting pig.
She walks to the bathroom taking a bath.
She dries her body when she is done and walks back to her room with a towel around her.
She gasp when she sees her father seated on her bed. What does he want now? She locks her hands around the towel. He stands up and walks to her and brush her arms. She closes her eyes as his touch always makes her flinch, she is afraid of him. Who wouldn't be? Ndlovu is the most powerful man around the neighbourhood. He is untouchable.
Nokuzola:Baba kumele ngiye eskoleni( Dad I have to go to school)
Ndlovu:Uzoya. Ngidinga ukuthi nje kancane. (You will go. I just need to a little).
He tried to remove the towel from her but she was holding it tightly.
Nokuzola:I have to go to school.

What she hates the most is how easily her tears just come out.

Ndlovu:Ngithe uzoya nje. Dedela ithawula Nokuzola. (I said you will go. Let go of the towel).
Nokuzola:Angeke ngikwazi baba, kumele ngiye eskoleni (I can't dad, I have to go to school).
Ndlovu slapped her and she staggered back losing balance, he removed the towel and she remained naked. She hid the boobs and private parts with her hands.
Ndlovu pressed his hand harder on her stomach that she felt pain.
Ndlovu:Why are you defying me? You want me to be rough with you?
He asked giving her another slap. Her face was already red, blame it on her light skin.
He toss her roughly on the bed and Nokuzola cries out calling for her mother.
Her mother silently cries on the other room hearing her daughter's cries.
Ndlovu gets on top of her already naked and enters her dry as she is.
Nokuzola:Baba kub'hlungu. Ngicela uyeke(It is painful, please stop).
She cries with pleading eyes but he is not having it.
Ndlovu:Thula!!(Shut up!!!)
He spread her legs wide apart and humps into her roughly.
He turns her around and make her lie on her stomach.
He presses her body on the bed that she squirms trying to break free.
Ndlovu:If you think you can talk to me anyhow, I will kill you. I don't care if you are carrying my child. I will kill the both of you.
He slams into her roughly from behind.

After a good hour of doing as he pleases with her, he spits on her and walks out.
Her tears are unstoppable, she is even having hiccups. Her whole body hurts and her face is red.
When he pressed her against the bed, she thought he would kill the baby too.
She tries to stand up but her body is painful.
She limps to the bathroom taking another shower.
She doesn't want to go to school but she has to. Her father would be more than angry if she doesn't go to school.
She takes her bag when she's done dressing up and walks out without saying goodbye.
She is late and will probably receive a pipe from the principal.
She arrives at school and indeed there were other students who were late and were already receiving the pipe.
She waited in line for her turn.
The principal gave her three lashes of the pipe on her hand that she felt like they were bleeding.
She walked to class and there was a teacher inside.
She softly knocked and she heard a "come in".
She entered and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her.
She greeted the teacher and asked to join the class.
She gave her permission and she sat down but her bums were burning up so badly. It was hard to concentrate.
# narrated
Ndlovu is at his workplace, he owns a couple of small businesses around the village. Everyone respects him and considers him the wealthiest man around.
He can't wait to go back home and have his fun with Nokuzola. There is just something about her that makes him to not want to leave her alone.
He feels bad though for pressing her stomach on the bed, but she provoked him. She shouldn't question him, she is a child and he is the adult. He knows best. He is low-key excited for the pregnancy, maybe she will give him a son. Something his wife couldn't do. He needs an heir who will take over from his work should he die.
He smiles thinking of all the things he is going to do to Nokuzola.
He went with his brother to town to buy him new uniform and shoes. They passed by the stores buying groceries that would get them through the month. Sabelo is smiling from ear to ear looking at his uniform, finally he will be like the most kids at school.
Phendulani cooks for them and dishes up for him. He eats so quickly. Phendulani laughs.
Phendulani:Akekho okujahayo bhuti(No one is rushing you brother)
Sabelo:Sorry. Ukuthi Kade ngagcina ukudla inyama(It's been long since I ate meat).
Phendulani:I got a better job now. We won't suffer like we used to.
Sabelo nodded and smiled.
Sabelo:Uzobuya nini umama(When will mother come back?)
The smile from Phendulani quickly disappeared and is covered by a look of sadness.
Phendulani: She will be back.
Sabelo:I miss her.
Phendulani: I miss her too.
His phone ringing saves him from the conversation.
He walks outside answering.
Sis'Ken:Phe hi, are you available for tonight?
Phendulani:I have to watch my brother.
Sis Ken:Ask someone to look after him. You have been summoned for a house call. The lady you were with last night was impressed by you and wants you to come to her house. She will pay you and all the money goes into your pockets. I know that your mother is in the hospital and she needs to be operated on, this money could help you pay for her bills. Do the right thing.

Way to go Ken. Use his mother against him.

Phendulani:Okay I will be there. Where is her house?
Sis Ken: That's a good boy. I will send you the address. Request Bolt to take you there.
He hangs up and go back inside.
Phendulani:Buddy, I have to go to work. Please go to MaMtshali's house again.
Sabelo:Uyahamba futhi?(You are leaving again?)
Phendulani: I will be back. I have to work so that we can have food to eat.
Sabelo:Okay I will go.
He changes into new clothes and takes his backpack walking out. He accompanies Sabelo next door and ask that they look after him while he is gone. Luckily, MaMtshali is a kind woman and she doesn't mind looking after Sabelo.
She requests Bolt and the driver drives him to the address that Ken sent him.
When they arrived he paid the driver and walked towards the gate.

Not knowing what to do, he just stood still not moving.
The gate opened and he gasped shocked, wondering who opened it.
He walked inside and the house was magical. It looked like one of the houses you see on TVs or magazines.
She walked to the door and knocked.
Sally opened for him, the lady from last night.
Sally:So glad you came. Come in.
He pulled her inside and walked to the lounge. There were other women, two of them. They looked the same age.
Sally:Ladies, this is the lad I told you about.
"Mhhhh, you weren't lying. He is handsome."
She walks to him and touches his crotch.
"And it's big".
"We will be satisfied"
Phendulani frowned not understanding what is happening.
PHENDULANI: I'm sorry but what is going on?
Sally: You are here to entertain us. Like you did to me yesterday.
Phendulani: You mean I must have sex with the three of you at the same time?
Sally:Honey it's called an orgy. Don't worry it will be fine.

Phendulani breathes softly, "you are doing this to get paid.", He says to himself.
It is after school, she walks to the toilet to take a leak. She won't be able to hold it in.
She does her business and opens the door walking out to wash her hands but someone holds it.
"There is the pregnant bitch", a voice says.
She looks up and it was Lungelo and other boys she doesn't know, they are probably on the tenth grade.
Nokuzola: Lungelo what is going on? This is girls toilets.
Lungelo:I know. Hold her boys.
The other boys laugh and hold her arms.
Lungelo forcefully kisses her.
Lungelo: I want to feel you. Why you go around sleeping with old men is beyond me?
Nokuzola: Please don't do this.
Lungelo:Sekuyigobolongo vele. It won't hurt.
He unzips his pants taking out his d*.
Nokuzola shakes her head no and tries to break free from the grip they were holding her on. She's about to be raped at school. She shouts for help.
Lungelo:No one is coming sweetheart. Everyone is gone.
He tells the boys to place her on the floor and hold her.
He gets on top of her and tries entering her but she closes her legs.
Nokuzola: Please don't do this. Let me go! Please!
Lungelo:I will be quick.
He forcefully enters inside her and closes his eyes feeling the warmth. He moves in and out for a few times and pulls out. The other boy laughs.
"Seriously? That's what you call sex? Come let me show you"
Lungelo moves from Nokuzola and the boy gets on top of her taking his d* out of his pants.
He was just about to enter her when they heard a loud voice shouting.
"Futsek Msunu suka!!!(Get off her!), that was Nomtha holding a broom.
She walks to them and hit them so hard with the broom, they run out.
She rushes to Nokuzola and hugs her.
Nomtha: I'm sorry I'm sorry. I should have come sooner when I noticed you weren't coming.
Nokuzola:Ngikhathele Nomthandazo Ngikhathele.(I am tired Nomthandazo, I am tired).  It's better if God takes me, I can't take this anymore.
She wailed so painfully that Nomtha cried with her.
To be continued

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