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# 5

Nokuzola: You want us to live on the streets?
Nomtha:As long as it's far away from that man. He will kill you.
Nokuzola: Nomtha we can't. He will find us.
Nomtha:He won't. We will go to Durban.
Nokuzola: Nomtha we are only 14, what about your parents?
Nomtha:I don't care Noks, I only care about you. You can't go back to that house.

Nokuzola made her lie on her lap and pat her back softly so that she can sleep. Within a few minutes she was already sleeping.
She also leaned back on the pillow and realised just how much she is disappointed that she didn't die.
She wanted to be free from the pain, why won't she die? She is tired.
She is going to give birth soon, she is on her 9th month. She should probably stop going to school before she could give birth at school.
Her mind takes her to what Lungelo did to her and tears just involuntarily come out on their own.
Surely he is having the time of his life, forgetting that he raped her.

A while later the doctor enters to check up on her.
Doc:Glad to see that you are awake.
She nods.
Doc:How are you feeling?
Nokuzola:My wrists hurt.
Doc: You will be fine. Why did you hurt yourself?
Nokuzola looks at her not sure whether she should tell her.
Nokuzola: I didn't mean to hurt myself
Doc:Do you need counseling?
Nokuzola: You mean a shrink?
Doc: Something like that.
Nokuzola: I will think about it. How is my baby?
Doc: Didn't she tell you?
She pointed at Nomtha.
Nokuzola:Tell me what?
Doc:The baby is fine. But she is going to be born disabled.
Nokuzola: It's a girl?
Nokuzola: She's disabled?
Doc:Yes but that doesn't mean anything. So long as you show her love.
Doc:If I may ask, where are your parents?
Nokuzola: They are dead.
They are now back home. He has been looking at Sabelo who is waiting for an answer. How does he even begin to tell him that their mother is no more? Will he even understand?
He takes a deep breath.
Phendulani:Buddy... Mom is .... She is gone.
Sabelo:Gone where?
He asked frowning.
Phendulani:She went to heaven to be with dad.
Sabelo:So she left us too? 
Phendulani:She didn't leave us, she'll always be looking over us.
Sabelo:*tearing up* But I miss her. Dad also left us to go to heaven and she has left us too. Abasithandi yini?(Do they not love us?)
Phendulani:*Hugging him* They do love us, a lot. They are watching over us.
Sabelo:*crying* How are they watching over us? We are still poor. They don't love us, that's why they left us.
He broke free from the hug and ran out of the house.
He followed him but he was nowhere in sight.
He sighed and went back inside. Now what to do?
He has to prepare for the funeral, he will use the money that Sally gave him.
His phone rings and it's unsaved number.
Sally:Hi it's me, Sally.
Phendulani:Oh. How are you?
Sally:I am alright, listen I need you tonight.
Phendulani:I can't. My mother died so I have to prepare for the funeral.
Sally:Oh I'm sorry to hear that. If you need to talk I'm right here.
Phendulani: Thank you.
Sally:I will send you some money.
Phendulani:For what? You already paid me.
Sally: Just take it. There's more where it comes from.
Phendulani:Okay thank you.
He hung up. She is good hearted to just give him money like that.
MaNdlovu dips the mop in the bucket and take it out sweeping her blood on the floor.
Her eyes are swollen and she has a burst lip.
Her body feels painful. She limps mopping the whole room.
It's no secret that her husband is a monster, she has tried countless times to leave him but he always find her.
People may think she's letting this happen but Lord knows how many times she has tried protecting her daughter but Ndlovu is just untouchable.
She remembers how she once tried to kill him but he caught her in the act, and the things he did to her!
She has a whole black area on her back, with the sjambok he gave her. All day long without a break, how she is still alive after that is beyond her.

It started when Ndlovu found out that Nokuzola is not her daughter, four years ago.
She once had an affair with Ndlovu's brother many many years ago and that's how Nokuzola was conceived. She regrets it but back then it was hard to resist him, he was charming and knew the exact words to say to her that would make her fall for him.
Ndlovu found out when he heard her speaking over the phone with his brother, he wanted to bond with his daughter. That's when all the abuse and molesting started. Ndlovu was angry at her that she cheated with her brother, and he has been raising a child that's not his.

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