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# 6

In the morning, Sogingqa wakes up and goes to make herself some tea. She notices that there is no breakfast and she remembers that Yokuthula is locked in the freezer. She goes to her bedroom and takes the key.
She goes and open for him.
He was passed out with his arms hugging his body.
She touched him and he was ice cold.
At least he wasn't deprived of air, she doesn't want to kill him. The freezer has little pores to allow air to get in.
She shakes him a bit and realises that he is not breathing.
Her heart skips a bit and she takes him out of the freezer and put him on the floor.
She panics and rush him to her car  driving to the hospital.
Days later she has been feeling stomach cramps all day. She frowns as another cramp hit her so hard. She holds on to the table and wipes the sweat from her face.
MaNdlovu:Hey are you okay?
Nokuzola: I don't know, I have been feeling cramps all day long.
MaNdlovu: You are about to give birth.
Nokuzola: It's too soon. Ahhhh
Another cramp hits her. MaNdlovu tries touching her but she pushed her away.
MaNdlovu: I'm trying to help you.
Nokuzola: Leave me alone!
MaNdlovu: You want to give birth here? Let me help you.
Nokuzola went outside and called Nomtha over the fence.
Nomtha: What's wrong?
Nokuzola: I think I'm giving birth.
Nomtha:Whoa now!?
She touched her back.
Nomtha: Okay let me ask my mom to take us to the hospital.
She followed her

MaNgubane:Lungelo what is going on with you?
Lungelo: What do you mean?
MaNgubane: You have been staring into space for a while and you didn't even hear me call you.
Lungelo:*clearing throat*I am fine sorry.
MaNgubane:Okay.... Your father tells me that he wants you too to go away for the weekend, just you two boys.
Lungelo: What? No mom, I don't want to go anywhere with him.
MaNgubane: What the hell is going on with you? Don't you dare give me that attitude. Your father has worked hard to make sure that the two of you get along. Don't be like that.
Lungelo:*Biting his lips* Get along? That's what he told you? Did he also tell you about how he is molesting me!?
MaNgubane: What? Don't speak such nonsense about your father.
Lungelo:*Crying* I'm not lying mom. He is molesting me. Every night he sneaks into my room. You have to believe me.
His mother marched towards him and gave him a slap.
MaNgubane: Shut your filthy mouth! How dare you say that about the man who has taken care of you for this long!? Yaze yonakala ingane! Get out of my sight!!!
Lungelo:I knew you wouldn't believe me.
MaNgubane:I said get out! Futsek!
Phendulani:I know mom is gone but I'm here for you. You don't have to worry about us being poor. I will continue looking for a more paying job, eventually we will leave this shack and go live in a nice house.
Sabelo:*Smiling* With a shower?
Phendulani:Yes with a shower. Mom and dad love us, don't doubt that.
Sabelo nodded.
Phendulani: Thank you. Now are you hungry?
Sabelo:No. Can I go and play with the others?
Phendulani:Okay but don't come back late.
Sabelo: I won't, thanx.
He rushed out of this house.
Phendulani lifted up the mattress looking for his mother's things. He has to prepare for the funeral.
He stumbled upon his Matric Certificate.
He sat down and looked at it as tears filled his eyes. He was a bright student with big dreams, he wanted to be a teacher so bad. His results were outstanding, but due to his situation he couldn't go to University.
If only he was born into a financially stable family, he would be far with his life. Instead he is stuck here, he wishes to go to University some day and further his dreams of being a teacher. But he knows that's not impossible, he has a brother to take care of.
MaNdlovu: Nokuzola left for the hospital.
Ndlovu:Again? What is it this time?
MaNdlovu:To give birth.
Ndlovu:And you didn't tell me? Why didn't you follow her?
MaNdlovu: She didn't want me to touch her.
Ndlovu: Let's go to the hospital now! My heir is being born.
They go to the car and drive to the hospital.
Ndlovu's heart is dancing with excitement. Finally he will have a child of his own. He wants a son.
They arrive and get inside the hospital heading to the receptionist.
"Good day how may I help you?"
Ndlovu:We are looking for Nokuzola Ndlovu. She just gave birth.
The lady punched on her computer and told them which room she was in.
They went towards that room but found the bed empty.
Ndlovu:Well where is she?
MaNdlovu:I don't know. Let's ask the nurse.
They stopped the nurse that was passing by.
MaNdlovu:Hello nurse. We are looking for our daughter, they said she was in this room.
Nurse: Nokuzola Ndlovu?
MaNdlovu:Yes her.
The nurse looked at them not knowing how to put this.
Ndlovu:What is it nurse?
Nurse:The doctor that was just attending to her was looking for her parents' details. I will call him and he will talk to you.
She walked away quickly before they could ask any more questions.

MaNdlovu and Ndlovu looked at each other wondering what's happening.

A while later a doctor came to them and greeted them.
Doc: You're her parents?
MaNdlovu:Yes. Is she okay?
Doc:Okay.. uhm.... Your daughter was uhm very young and her womb was not developed that much to carry a baby. She made it to the 9th month by luck. I'm sorry but... She didn't make it. She died giving birth.
MaNdlovu held on her chest and gasped hoping this is all a prank.
Ndlovu:The baby?
Doc:The baby didn't make it too.... It was suffocated during labor. I'm really sorry for your loss.
MaNdlovu:Oh God.
# Narrated.

Sogingqa is seated on the hospital benches waiting to hear how is Yokuthula. She doesn't want him to die, she hates him yes but not death. Who would do all the house work if he dies? Her daughters are just useless. They can't even cook a mere rice.
She sees a doctor coming to her and she stands up meeting him halfway.
Sogingqa:How is he?
Doc: Alive but critical. We had to induce coma, it's not looking good. There's too much cold that got inside him and not enough air was pumped to his lungs for a long time. It's gonna be a while until he can wake up.
Sogingqa:*swallowing* Is he gonna die?
Doc:For now we can't tell. If I may ask what happened? There are scars all over his body and he is way too skinny, it's like he is malnourished. Everything okay at home?
Sogingqa: Everything is fine. I found him like that.
Doc: Really?
Sogingqa: Yes.
Doc:Do you know that child abuse is very prohibited in this country and you could be convicted for so many years?
Sogingqa:What are you implying doctor?
Doc: I'm gonna have to call the social workers, that kid right there didn't look like he was taken care of. You can expect them anytime.
He is  at Sally's house. He didn't want to come but she sent him multiple texts asking him to come over.
The gate opens and he goes to the main house on the door. He knocks and hears a soft "come in".
He pushes the door open and walk inside.
"Sally", He shouts for her.
"In the lounge", she shouts back.
He follows the voice and head to the lounge.
He is shocked to see Sally tied on the chair. He was still processing that when he felt someone holding him on his neck from behind and pointing a gun on him.
"You the motherfucker that's sleeping my wife?", The terrifying voice asks him and tighten the grip on his neck.

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