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# 9


A week later, her everyday routine involves waking up, bath and go to school. Same thing everyday.
Every day after school, she passes by Nokuzola's grave just to talk to her. She always feel better after that. Mrs Mathe is still giving her attitude but she does not care, she's here to learn not for her.
She takes the scissors and place them back on her bag and hurries to class. Thank God it was the Maths period, the teacher is so calm and literally minds his own business.
"Mrs Mathe to the parking lot, I repeat Mrs Mathe to the parking lot. Trouble with your car", the PA speaks over. Nomtha smiles and stands up with the other learners running to the parking lot.
Mrs Mathe was crying and screaming at her damaged car. It was scratched all over with the word "BULLY", her tires were also slashed and her windows slightly cracked.
"Aww kodwa nkosi yami ngisanda nakuyithenga lemoto.(Good Lord, I recently bought this car)", she cries loudly putting her hands on top of her head.
Her colleagues hold her and try to calm her down.
"Who could have done this? Who would hate me like this?", She continues ranting.

Nokuzola walks away and Lungelo follows her.
Lungelo:It was you, wasn't it?
Nomtha:Me who did what?
Lungelo:Mrs Mathe's car. You destroyed it.
Nomtha: You want to be next?
Lungelo:*Swallowing* Uhh No.
Nomtha:Good, then stay out of my way.
Lungelo: Nomtha I'm really sorry for what I did, I am ashamed when I think about how much I hurt Noks. Please forgive me, I won't lie and say I don't know what came over me. I took out my frustrations on her and hurt her in the process.
Nomtha:Noks was also going through some things, probably worse than yours. But she never took out her issues on anyone, she was always smiling; and y'all always bullied her. You bullied her so much together with the teachers. She knew while she was pregnant that her baby would be disabled but you never saw her being a bully to anyone. We are all going through some "things", but we don't use that as an excuse to be mean and shitty to people.
Lungelo:*Hugging her and wiping her tears* I'm really sorry Nomtha please forgive me. Can you accompany me to her grave so that I can apologize. I feel bad honestly.
Nomtha:Okay, we will go after school because I can see that you are really being remorseful.
MaNdlovu limps to the kitchen wincing all the way.
She put water in the kettle and plug it. She waits for the water to boil and she unplugs it, she carries the kettle back to the bedroom and stand over  the sleeping Ndlovu. She just wants to pour all the hot water over him. He is even snoring, unaware of her presence. She lowers his pants carefully and his manhood come out in the open.
Without hesitation, she pours the hot water on his lower body and he wakes up jumping feeling the  water burning the skin.
He takes the shirt he was wearing and tries drying himself, MaNdlovu pours the remaining water all over his body and he screams like the bitch that he is.
MaNdlovu walks out of the room going to the kitchen.
She strikes a light stick on the box matches and hold it over the gas cylinder.
Ndlovu comes to the kitchen limping, he was naked and was fanning a shirt over his body.
"Take me to the hosp.... What are you doing?"
MaNdlovu:I would rather we die, the both of us in this house. My daughter is no more today because of you, you are a monster. We will meet each other in hell. I still hate you!!

She drops the light stick on the gas cylinder.
Phendulani:So?? What did they say?
Ryan:Man I'm getting out of here. They approved my parole. Next week I'm going home.

Phendulani jumps on him giving him a bro hug.
Phendulani:Wow, I can't believe it. I'm so happy for you.
Ryan:I still can't believe it. They said I am leaving next week Monday. Finally I'm getting out of this place. After 15 years!
Phendulani: You deserve it, you have served your sentence. What's the first thing you are going to do when you get out?
Ryan:I want to talk with my son and try building a bond with him, it's not gonna be easy but I'm willing to give it a try. I also need to apologize to his mother the traditional way you know.
Phendulani: I wish you luck Ry. I hope it all goes well for you.
Ryan:And then I'm going to find a way to get you out of here.
Phendulani: What? No. Please don't do anything that will land you back in here.
Ryan:I won't do anything illegal, but I will come back for you.
Phendulani:I don't know what to say Ryan.
Ryan: Don't sweat it, you were kind to me and I promised you. I never back down on my promises.
He walks over to her and land a punch on her face again.
"You never want to listen to me!", He shouts at her.
"I'm sorry", pleading for her life.
She knew it would happen again.
He presses her against the wall and bangs her head against it twice.
"Why must we always fight?", His face is red from all the anger.
He drops her to the floor and kick her repeatedly.
"You don't listen! You don't obey me!!", He says continuing kicking her.
He picks her up and throws her on the bed.
He notices that she is really in a bad condition and his face relaxes a bit and all the guilt and regret start flooding in.
"Baby I'm sorry.... Please let me take you to the hospital", he picks her up rushing to his car.
At another hospital.
Two people are being brought in with a strecher.
Nurses and doctors come rushing.
"Talk to me, what are we dealing with?", One doctor asks.
"Arson. Female not breathing. Male is burnt beyond recognition and in need of urgent medical help".
"Did you CPR on the female?"
"Yes but she didn't wake up."
"Okay thank you, we will take it from here".
They wheel them to the theatre room preparing for urgent surgery..

Hours later,
Doc: Anyone have an idea how to contact relatives? The female did not make it. The male is barely alive.
"I will check if we don't have their records".
MaNgubane is not at home and Lungelo is still at school, so that will give him enough time to have some fun.
He pours the juice on two glasses and walks back to the lounge. He gives one to the boy and keep one for himself.
Ngubane:Relax Mfundo, no one is home. We have the house all to ourselves.
Mfundo:*Relaxes a bit* Ohh thank God.
They sip their juice and Ngubane suggests that they take it to the bedroom.
Mfundo: Isn't this your marital bed?
Ngubane:It is, but who cares?

He throws him on the bed kissing him while taking off their clothes. They both remain naked and Mfundo kneels on the bed.
Mfundo: Should I?
He asks pointing at his manhood.
Ngubane: Please.
He smiles crawling to him ready to suck the life out of him.
Nomtha:We should go now.
Lungelo:Okay let me say goodbye to Yokuthula.
Nomtha: Alright.
He walks away and comes back . minutes later. They walk to the cemetery.
Nomtha: He's your friend?
Lungelo:Who? Yokuthula?
Lungelo:Yeah, he is new. 9th grade.
Nomtha:*smiling* He's cute.
Lungelo:*wiggling his eyebrows* mmmhh somebody is in love.
Nomtha:Shut up. I just said he's cute.
Lungelo:I can talk to him for you .
Nomtha:Oh please don't do that.
Nomtha:And we are here. You ready?
Lungelo:Yes let's do this.
They walk to Nokuzola's grave and kneel in front of it.
Lungelo:*nervously* So what do I say?
Nomtha: Just speak from the heart.
Lungelo:Okay uhm.... Nokuzola it's me Lungelo. I came here to apologize for taking adv...for raping you the other day at school. I shouldn't have done that, I was stupid and selfish. I know this won't make up for the pain and misery I caused you but I really regret it Zola please forgive me. I'm really sorry.... I had my own issues and I took them out on you... I hope you are resting in peace where you are and you will forgive me when your heart allows it. Nomtha misses you.
Nomtha:So much Noks. I keep on thinking that someday you will knock on my window.
Lungelo: It's okay. She heard us

They place stones on both the graves and stand up.
They start walking home.
Nomtha:So tell me Rookie, what issues do you have?
Lungelo: You wouldn't believe me either.
Nomtha:Try me.
Lungelo:Okay but promise me that you will never tell anyone.
Nomtha:I promise.
Lungelo:*sigh* Well my stepfather has been molesting me, it's been six months.
Nomtha:*Gasping* Really!?
Lungelo: Yep.
Nomtha:So evil. Did you tell your mother?
Lungelo:*Chuckling* I did but she didn't believe me. She wanted to send me away to a boarding school because of that.
Nomtha:I can't believe that your own mother does not believe you, she is choosing a man over you. I guess all fathers are full of shit. I'm really sorry Lungelo, I didn't know.
Lungelo: It's fine. I have been avoiding him.
MaNgubane goes through the kitchen door, she was in an important meeting but had to rush back home because she forgot an important file. She clicks her heel going to the lounge and see two glasses that were empty. Maybe Ngubane and Lungelo were bonding as father and son, she smiles thinking Lungelo will now stop with his ridiculous accusations.
She walks to her bedroom but as she nears, she is hearing very weird and strange noises. She walks faster and pushes the door open. She screams in shock at the sight she was seeing.
"Ngubane what are you doing?", She asks still shocked. He was on top of another man, no a boy. He was on top of a boy busy thrusting into him from behind. He is even so sweaty, which means they must have been doing this for long.
Nomtha: You should burn his dick while he's sleeping.
Lungelo:*Laughing* That's just too much, don't you think?
Nomtha: It's the only way you can free yourself I'm telling you. You know how fucked up the justice system in our country is. He would be out in teo months, that's if they even arrest him.
Her phone rings again and she rolls her eyes of ignoring it.
Lungelo: You should answer your phone. It could be important, that's the fifth call.
Nomtha:I don't know who this is. They are playing a prank on me.
It rings again.
Lungelo: Answer it.
Nomtha: Okay.
She answers
She hears someone breathing heavily on the other side, like he or she is scared.
"Nomthandazo please help me, he wants to kill me. It's me, Nokuzola. Please help me"
To be continued.....

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