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# 3

Nomtha: I wish you weren't going back to that house Noks. Will you tell them?
Nokuzola: They would never believe me.
Nomtha:We need to report Lungelo. He raped you.
Nokuzola:I am used to pain Nomtha.
Nomtha:I won't keep quiet. We have to tell someone.
Nokuzola:Nomtha you can't do that. My father will kill us both. I don't want him to hurt you. He once drowned me on the tub when I attempted to tell the police. Please don't say anything.
Nomtha: But I can't keep quiet.
Nokuzola:I wish I had a prince charming who would save me.
She said giggling with her tears.
Nomtha:Girl he would take you out of this life.
They laughed forgetting about their problems.
Nokuzola noticed her father standing outside watching them.
Nokuzola: I have to go. See you tomorrow.
Nomtha:Okay bye.

She walked inside the yard.
Ndlovu:Why were you standing with that girl? What were the two of you talking about?
Nokuzola:We were discussing the homework baba.
Ndlovu: Did you tell her anything?
Nokuzola:Cha baba I never told her anything.
Ndlovu: That's a good girl. Now go inside and change, I want to find you in my bedroom naked.
Her heart sinks, won't he let her rest? Even just for a day? She bites her nails.
Nokuzola:Can I get some rest today Baba? My body is still painful and I have a load of homework.
He frowns.
Ndlovu:What did I say about questioning me? Now get in there and do as I say.
Nokuzola:Yebo baba.
She walked inside and found her mother cooking.
Nokuzola:Is Ndlovu my real father? Are you my real mother?
She doesn't know where she got the courage to ask her that, but she needed to know. The abuse has gone on for far too long.
MaNdlovu rushes to her and closes her mouth.
MaNdlovu:How dare you ask that nonsense? You want your father to kill us Nokuzola?
Nokuzola:I asked a very straightforward question. Is he my father or not?
MaNdlovu: He is your father.
Nokuzola:Then why do you let him do this to me? You have been turning a blind eye for four years. Why won't you protect me against that monster? You want him to kill me? That's what you want?
MaNdlovu: Nokuzola please don't talk like that. You think I enjoy this?
Nokuzola:Of course you do. You don't say anything ma, you let him do as he please. I am 14 and I am pregnant with my father's baby. Does that sound right to you?
MaNdlovu:This is bigger than you. Yo..
She walks away to her room and locks herself inside.
She places her bag on the bed and sits down taking off her uniform and wears comfortable clothes.
She walks to her wardrobe and looks for a razor.
She takes it and sits down wanting to cut herself.
Nokuzola: Okay I can do this. Just a little cut.
She cut her wrist a little and grinds her teeth but nothing.
She presses the razor hard on her and cuts herself deeper. Little blood comes out.
She cuts herself on her cubital fossa, making sure that she cuts the median nerve.
Minutes later blood gushes out like crazy.
She closes her eyes and lies down on the bed waiting for death to fetch her.
He rubs his wrists and he had red marks around them. His neck had a lot of hickeys. Those women had tied him up and they did as they pleased with him. Of course he couldn't stop them, he needs the money and this is the only way to get it.
Finding a normal job has proven to be difficult, he had to swallow his pride and look into other options.
With a brother to look after and a sick mother at the hospital, he really had no choice. Other people may look at him and judge him, but until you put yourself in that person's shoes; you have no right to judge them.
Life is different for all of us. Others when they are born, their life is already planned out by their parents. When they finish high school they know it is a guarantee that they are going to University and probably get gifted with a car and expensive phones. Meanwhile they, they were born into poverty and bayofela khona (they will die poor). They have to do everything to make ends meet.
Sometimes you would even find yourself asking God why did he bring you into this world only to suffer? At times it looks like he has favourites. Other people have their lives going so smoothly for them, they don't lack anything.

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