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# 12

She moves to the side and place the pillow over his face. He moves under her trying to break free but she press it tighter against him.

"Hey who are you?"
She quickly removes the pillow and smiles turning back to the nurse.
Nomtha:Oh I'm just a neighbour, I came to check on him.
"Okay, visiting hours are over"
She nodded and went out.
She hiked a ride back home and found her father watching TV on the couch.
She sighed greeting him.
Nomtha:Hi dad.
"Hi, how was school?"
Nomtha:It was fine. Mom back from work yet?
"No, she said she will pass by the stores to get some groceries"
She went to the kitchen looking for something to eat.
She opened the bread container and it was empty.
She moved to the fridge and the food that her mother left for her last night is also gone. Her stomach grumbled from all the hunger.
She frowned and walked back to her father.
Nomtha:Baba what happened to the bread? Because mom bought a loaf this morning.
"I ate it sorry".
Nomtha:And you also ate my food that was in the fridge?
She asked getting angry.
"I didn't know it was yours. I saw food and I ate it because I was hungry".
Nomtha: That's all you know baba, you laze around the whole day and finish all the food in the fridge. Look at that belly you have!!! The month just started and you have finished all the food. Mom works hard to feed us!!
"Is this still about the food?.... Well here, take"
He reached for a bowl under the couch and gave it to her. She looked at it and scoffed. It was just remains of the food he was eating and some bones from the meat.  Her face became red and she squashed the bowl with her hands and it dropped down on the floor, cutting her finger a little. Little blood came out. She held her finger and wrapped a tissue around it. She walked away to the bathroom to clean herself up.
"Hey, who's going to clean this mess?",he asked shouting.

She finished cleaning herself and went to her room changing into casual clothes.
She looked at her phone and she had a number of missed calls from Lungelo.
She called him back.
Lungelo:Why haven't you been answering your phone? I have been calling you.
Nomtha:Sorry, I got held up somewhere. What did you want?
Lungelo: I need to talk to you. It's about Nokuzola.
Nomtha:*Rolling her eyes* Oh God! Not this again.
Lungelo: Just hear me out.
Nomtha:No I'm done with this crap. Just let my friend rest in peace. Leave it!
Lungelo:Nomtha listen I s..
She hung up and clicked her tongue. She looked for another contact on her phone. She pressed on it and dialled it.
"Hello", he answered with his deep voice that always made her lose all her sanity.
Nomtha:Hi, it's Nomtha.
"Yes I have your number", he answers chuckling.
Nomtha:I need to see you.
Nomtha:Yes. I need you to make me feel good, I'm going through a lot.
"Say no more baby, I will come and fetch you".
Nomtha: Thank you. You have weed right?
"Plenty of it".
Nomtha:Now that is what I'm talking about.
MaNgubane: You know what hurts the most? Is that the person who considers me as his mother does not trust me anymore. He trusted me and confided in me and I didn't believe him. I called him rude and dismissed him. I believed a man over my son. If I didn't catch Ngubane, I wouldn't have known that my son was telling the truth. How do I fix this Zo?please tell me.
She confided in her sister crying.
Zo:But Ningi you acted stupid nawe.
Ningi: Please don't rub it in.
Zo:No I'm telling you the truth. Sexual assault is the most traumatizing thing ever, for a person who was molested growing up; you'd think that you would be open minded over this. That boy needed his mother's love and touch, for you to tell him that everything is going to be okay. Even if you didn't believe him, which is ridiculous. You could have handled the situation better; but it is done now. Where is he?
Ningi: I don't know. He left early in the morning.
Zo:What about Ngubane?
Ningi: I told him to leave.
Zo:Are you going to continue being in a relationship with him?
Ningi:I love him, maybe he regrets it and Lungelo can forgive him and we can continue being a family. He's the only one who loved me and looked beyond my rape issues.
Zo clapped her hands in shock.
Zo:Wow! So you are planning on staying with a man who molested your son because you love him and you think he regrets it!?
Ningi:*Crying* I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose him but I'm also upset at what he did.
Zo: You know exactly what you have to do. Break it off with him. How you plan on staying with a child molester is beyond me!
Ningi: You wouldn't understand Zo. You are not married. You do not have a chi..
Zo:So now you are rubbing that to my face? Because I'm the barren one and the one with no husband? Is that what you are saying?
Ningi:Zo that is not what I meant.
Zo: Leave it!

Lungelo:So will you help her? Please help her. She didn't look okay yesterday. She needs help.
"Please calm down"
She touched him but he flinched and stepped away. The social worker noticed but didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
Lungelo :I am calm, I just need to know if you will help her. Her mother died in a fire and her father is alive but it's not looking good. He also abused her, so you see that she's never had happiness? She was probably running away from her family and instead found herself in another hell.
"I understand what you are saying and I am glad you came to us first before involving the police. We will get your friend out of that place don't worry, I need to consult with a few officers so that they can prepare a warrant of arrest."
Lungelo:How long will that take?
"A day or two."
Lungelo: Thank you so much Mam.
"It's okay, it's our job to make sure that children aren't abused. We take cases of child abuse & endangerment very serious."
Lungelo felt relieved hearing that.
"Hold on Nokuzola, help is coming", he said to himself.
Phakamani hurries and takes the knife away from her. Luckily, she hadn't harmed herself. Just a little cut on her finger.
Nokuzola: What are you doing? Leave me alone.
Phakamani: I won't allow you to hurt yourself.
Nokuzola: You've been doing it for months, so why is it a problem if I do it? Give me the knife.
Phakamani : I can't Nokuzola.
Nokuzola:I said give me the knife Phakamani. Give it! Give it to me!!!!
She walked towards him and he kept on moving back until he reached the wall. She grabbed his arm and tried to snatch the knife but he threw it on the far  end of the room. She opened her mouth screaming and salvaged his arm with her teeth.
He tried to remove her from his arm but her teeth were deeply in his flesh.
Phakamani:F.. Nokuzola stop biting me!
She ran away and picked up the knife.
Phakamani:Babe put the knife away.

She breathed heavily in and out and walked back to him, she raised the knife above his head.
Nokuzola:*Sniffing* I hate you!
Phakamani: Let's t..
She didn't wait for him and she shoved the knife deep on top of his head. She kicked him on his balls and he went down.
Nokuzola shoved the knife with deeper force on his head until the blade went all in.
He was now bleeding and grunting painfully..
Blood started to come out from his mouth.
He coughed on his own blood. She removed the knife and looked at the big hole on his head.
Mucus dropped from her nose mixed with tears.
She started stabbing him all over his body.
Phendulani:I will miss you.
Ryn: You will see me when you are out of this place.
Phendulani: Please don't raise my hopes for nothing man.
Ryn: I'm not. I have a lawyer friend, he is really good. He will help you don't worry.
Phendulani: If you say so, I trust you.
They hugged each other before he walked away.
Going back home, he felt more lighter. At least Nokuzola will get help. He feels really bad for what he did to her, so he's hoping that she takes forgiving him into consideration. He walks through the kitchen door and found his mother on the lounge looking so pale.
Lungelo:Hey mom.
Ningi: Lungelo. Where have you been?
Lungelo:Was with friends.
Ningi:Okay, can we please talk?
Lungelo: About?
Ningi:*Clearing throat* About Ngubane. I know what he did.
Lungelo:I don't want to talk about it. You said I am bringing trouble in your marriage, didn't you? You dismissed me and wanted to send me to a boarding school because you protected him. So what has changed now?
Ningi:Lungelo p....
Lungelo: I said I don't want to talk about it! You want to bring up my pain!? I won't allow you to do that!!
He walked away to his room.

To be continued.....

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