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# 7


MaNdlovu is kneeling in front of Nokuzola and Kukhanya's grave, she places the flowers and sighs.
It's been four months since they died, she couldn't believe it either. She thought maybe Nokuzola ran away and convinced the doctors to lie but she is really gone. She saw her body and she was dead. She was laying so peaceful with her eyes closed, no sign of breathing or anything . When it was the day of the funeral she thought her daughter would wake up somehow; but they viewed the coffins and she was really gone, She named her child Kukhanya. Her coffin was so tiny. She blames Ndlovu in all of this. If he didn't abuse his daughter, she would still be alive.

Things are just worse at home, Ndlovu is taking out his frustrations on her.
"Goodbye", she says to the grave placed next to each other and hurries home.
She finds Ndlovu drunk out of his mind and singing gibberish. When he sees her he stumbles to her and tightly hold her arm.
MaNdlovu: Leave me alone.
Ndlovu: It's your fault she is dead. You weren't a good mother.
MaNdlovu: Ndlovu you are hurting me.
She tries to free herself from his grip but he has suddenly become stronger.
Ndlovu: You should get me a new girl to be my sex toy. Even though she won't be the same like your daughter, I will break her like I did to Nokuzola. Breaking people is my job. I enjoyed seeing her flinch whenever I touched her.

He burped on her face and continued talking.

Ndlovu:The worst thing you did was to sleep with my brother and have me raise his brat. I had always craved for her but always reprimanded myself because I thought she was my daughter. So when I found out she was not my daughter. I thought to myself, let me have some fun with her.

He laughed a little.

Ndlovu:How old was she when I made her a woman? Oh yeah she was ten(10) years old. Her pussy suited my d* perfectly, she was so tight and I enjoyed myself to heaven and hell. Her screams turned me on, I destroyed her and I don't regret a thing. Too bad she died and her daughter did good by dying too because I would have squeezed the life out of her tiny body. So think about this MaNdlovu, this is all your fault. If only you didn't sleep with my brother.

The past few months have been difficult without Nokuzola. She is trying to hold it in together but she is failing dismally. One minute she was waiting to hear that she gave birth successfully and the next she is told she died. It was all too sudden and hard to believe but the body confirmed it.

Her funeral was too emotional and heartbreaking. She wanted to go down with the coffin. She cries herself to sleep everyday.

"Hey", she feels someone touching her on her shoulder. She quickly wipes her tears and turn to that person.
Nomtha:*frowning* What do you want?
Lungelo: I'm sorry about your friend.
Nomtha: Shouldn't you be happy? You hated her.
Lungelo:I didn't hate her.
Nomtha: You raped her.
Lungelo:*looking down* I regret my actions everyday. I'm so sorry, I also have my own demons and I decided to take my frustrations on her.
Nomtha:I hope those demons strangle the shit out of your pathetic life.

She grabbed her bag and walked away from him heading to class. She doesn't have time for him, he is not sorry. He is only acting like this because Nokuzola is no more.

She gets in class and Mrs Mathe was already teaching. She mentally rolled her eyes and went to her seat without even asking for permission.
Mrs Mathe: Excuse me Ms, who gave you permission to join my class?
Nomtha:I thought this was a government school. Didn't know it was yours now.

The whole class looked at her. Mrs Mathe swallowed her saliva and asked to speak with her outside.

She followed her and folded her arms.
Mrs Mathe:This new behaviour you have going on is not cute.
Nomtha: Just like it was not cute when you used to make fun of Nokuzola in front of the whole class? Or have you forgotten about her? The little girl whom you used to bully so much? Is that why you became a teacher? To bully students?? I'm angry at everyone who mistreated her and y'all will pay I'm telling you. Karma will visit you and I hope it starts with you.

She went back inside and took her bag and walked out. Mrs Mathe remained frozen on the spot. Was she just threatened by a 14 year old?
~Four months earlier~
He is  at Sally's house. He didn't want to come but she sent him multiple texts asking him to come over.
The gate opens and he goes to the main house on the door. He knocks and hears a soft "come in".
He pushes the door open and walk inside.
"Sally", He shouts for her.
"In the lounge", she shouts back.
He follows the voice and head to the lounge.
He is shocked to see Sally tied on the chair. He was still processing that when he felt someone holding him on his neck from behind and pointing a gun on him.
"You the motherfucker that's sleeping my wife?", The terrifying voice asks him and tighten the grip on his neck.
Phendulani tried removing the hand from his neck but the person was holding him tightly.
"You have the nerve boy to sleep with my wife in my own house", he says again.
He let him go and tied him too on the chair. Phendulani took a good look at him and he could tell he was angry and he was twice his size.
He looked over at Sally and she was beaten up pretty bad.
"Hey hey eyes up here you little shit!"
Phendulani: I'm sorry.
"Oh you're going to be sorry. Do you know who I am? I didn't get this far to allow little boys to roam freely in my territory."
Phendulani: Please don't hurt me. I was just doing my job.
"I don't care. I only care about the fact that you have the nerve to fuck my wife in my own house!"
Phendulani: I didn't know.
Ben marched towards him and gave him a punch. Phendulani pushed his head back feeling like his jaws were just hit with a hammer.
He gave him another one and another one.
Ben: I'm going to show you who I am. You and Sally really think I'm stupid.
He nudged Sally with his hand and she looked up to him feeling dizzy.
Ben:This is what you cheated on me with? He can't even fight back.

He kicked Phendulani's face with his legs repeatedly.

Ben: So weak!! This is what you chose!! Huh Sally!!?

He gave him another punch again.

Ben: Look at him! I want you to get a pretty good image of him before you die!!

He kicked Phendulani from his chair and he fell down.
He pressed his shiny pointy shoe on his head making him come into contact with the cold, bloody tiles.

He lifted the chair and made him sit properly. He put on gloves and  reached for his gun and pointed it at Sally.
Ben:Say goodbye to him.
Sally:*crying* Please don't do this.
Ben:I said, say goodbye to him you old whore!
Sally:*turning to Phendulani* I'm sorry for dragging you into this.
Ben:I really loved you Sally. Goodbye.

He pulled the trigger shooting her right at her forehead. She fired another shot at her lower abdomen. Then another one at her heart.
He looked at Phendulani who was full of blood and a swollen lip.
He gave the gun to him and made him touch it before putting it away.
Ben: Angibhenywa mina, angiyona insangu.

He reached for his phone calling someone.
Meanwhile, Sabelo saw that it was getting late and his brother wasn't home yet. He decided to go to MamTshali's house. He was walking on the pavement when he heard a car speeding behind him.
He moved to the side but the car followed him and bumped into him sending him to the ground.
The car reversed and ran over him again and again before driving away, leaving him for death.


MamTshali:How are you holding up?
Phendulani: Taking it one day at a time.
MaMtshali: I'm really sorry mfana wami. You do not deserve this.
Phendulani: I keep on hoping and praying that maybe they will let me go and find evidence that I didn't kill her. I was framed and the fingerprints are mine. I don't see myself getting out. 30 years is a long time, I will be 56 by then if I don't die in here.
MaMtshali: God will see you.. About your brother..
Phendulani: Please don't remind me ma. I'm still coming into terms that he is dead. My life is just one big mess,   I never seem to catch a break. I'm all alone now in this world. I will die in this prison for something I didn't do. It hurts so much. What have I done to deserve this?
He woke up a month ago and the social workers put him in one of those orphanage homes.
Sogingqa was arrested for child abuse & endangerment.
He hopes she never gets out, she really made his life miserable.
The orphanage has been good so far. The caretakers are nice and they don't do any heavy chores, it's just helping around where you can.
He is going back to school next week. Grade 9.
He feels at peace, finally God answered his prayers and came through for him.

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