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# 17
Lungelo:You guys are really abusing me. Why didn't you do your homework?
Nokuzola :We knew our buddy did it.
Nomtha:And done.
Lungelo:So Nomtha, Yokuthula said Hi.
Nokuzola:Mhhhh, love birds.
Nomtha:Shut up, we are not dating.
Lungelo:I saw the two of you kissing yesterday.
Nokuzola:And you didn't tell me.
Lungelo:Am I lying Nomtha?
Nomtha:Okay fine we are dating. I was still going to tell you guys.
Nokuzola:Ohhh your first ever boyfriend! I'm so happy for you.
She hugged her and pinched her cheeks.
Lungelo:He doesn't stop talking about you.
He rolled his eyes.
Nokuzola:Stop being jealo Lu. They are in love.
Lungelo:Yeah yeah.
Ndlovu took his phone calling the construction people. He doesn't want to anger Nokuzola more than she already is. He needs her to forgive him, it won't be easy but he will try everything. He also calls the people managing his shops while he's gone and they report that everything is going well. He asks one of them to bring groceries to his house.

"Knock knock"
"Ngena(Come in)"
The young man entered carrying a lot of plastics.
He placed them near the kitchen table.
Ndlovu:Thank you.
He nodded and went out.
Ndlovu stood up and looked for something light to eat, he took an apple and took a big bite while unpacking the food.
There is no fridge, it must have burned down. He calls his workplace and tells them to bring a fridge too.
Yokuthula :Hey.
He hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She blushed hiding on his chest.
Yokuthula :Awusa blushi(You are blushing non stop)
Nomtha :I love you.
Yokuthula :I love you too. I missed you so much.
Nomtha :I missed you too.
Yokuthula :Where are the others?
Nomtha :Over there.
Yokuthula :Okay let's go to them.
They held hands and went to Nokuzola and Lungelo.
Nokuzola:Love birds!
Nomtha:Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Lungelo:It's okay. We can leave now.
They walked out of the school premises heading home.
Nokuzola:You guys, we should make a pact that we won't allow anything to break the four of us apart.
Lungelo:Exactly. We have been through so much, at some point one thought they would die.
Yokuthula:Till death do us apart.
Nomtha:Till death.

They walked different directions, each heading to her own home.
Nokuzola found the construction people busy. She smiled, at least he is useful in something. She went inside and he was eating.
Nokuzola:Hi. I see you called them.
Ndlovu:I did, they should be done by next week.
Nokuzola :Thanks.
She went to her room and changed.
It's still early, she will fetch KuKhanya later.
She went back to the kitchen and there was a fridge and a new stove.
All of this won't make her to forgive him though, she took out meat that she's going to cook while he kept looking at her.
She sighed and turned back to him.
Nokuzola:Can you please stop looking at me. You are making me uncomfortable.
Ndlovu :Sorry.


"You truly are one of the best teachers we ever had in this school. Keep it up"
Phendulani:Thank you so much Principal.
He smiled and walked away. Life is going well for him, he permanently moved to Durban, there was nothing left for him in the village. He goes back from time to time to check on his family's graves.
To his word, Philani really helped him apply for that bursary and he got it. The following year he went to University and four years later, he got his degree. He is now working as a teacher at some fancy private school, the money is good. He does not remember going to bed hungry and his heart feels light, he no longer feels like he's carrying the world on his shoulders.
He wishes that his brother was still alive, he would have given him the best life he ever wished for. But he knows they are looking down to him.
He receives a call from Ryn.
Ryn:Phe, have you knocked off?
Phendulani:Yes I'm heading home.
Ryn:Okay, let's go out for drinks later. My son finally forgave me, after 6 long years.
Phendulani:Wow that is good news, I told you to not give up on him.
Ryn:I still can't believe it man, I'm finally going to be a part of his life.
Phendulani:At last, I was tired of you calling me at night crying.
Ryn:*Laughing* Don't you dare tell people that I was crying.
Phendulani:But you were.
Ryn:To you.
Phendulani:I won't tell anyone relax.
Nomthandazo, Nokuzola, Lungelo and Yokuthula are all at University doing their second year, except for Yokuthula who is doing his third year. They all go to the same University.

Nomthandazo is studying towards Engineering, the bond between her and her mother has become strong over the years. She can talk to her freely about everything.
She is still with Yokuthula, it's been 6 years of them being in a relationship. She loves him and she knows he feels the same too. They do have arguments from time to time, but they fix their issues at the end of the day.
They are going to a party later on, and they are going to meet at Lungelo's apartment.

Sogingqa is still rotting in jail, every attempt to make Yokuthula's life miserable dismally failed.

KuKhanya is 6 years old now and is getting more smarter. Nokuzola is the one who looks after her, she doesn't stay at res.
Her and Ndlovu have a civil relationship, she has not forgiven him but tolerates him.

Ningi never bothered to check up on Lungelo, she spends all her days drinking wine and crying over Ngubane. He sent her divorce papers a year ago, he is still in jail.

Lungelo is still minded by his aunt, he feels like she is his mother now. She has been with him through thick and thin.

They are gathered around Lungelo's apartment getting ready to party.
Nokuzola:This dress is too tight Nomtha.
Nomtha :Is not.
Nokuzola:It is.
Lungelo:It really is tight. My girlfriend can't be walking around like this.
Yokuthula:And who is whipped now?
Lungelo:Shut up.
Nomtha :Okay let me look for another one.
She pulled her to a room.

Yokuthula:Girls never get ready on time.
Lungelo:Tell me about it. They will come out of that room after two hours.
They laughed together and talked about other things. They were disturbed by a knock. Yokuthula stood up to answer it but was met by police officers. He frowned looking confused.
He let them inside. Lungelo also stood up wondering what the police are doing here.
Lungelo :Officers, how may we help you?
"We are looking for Nokuzola Ndlovu. Is she here?"
Lungelo :Why? Why are you looking for her?
"Young man you are wasting our time. Is she here or not?"
Lungelo :Uhh she's not....
"Babe who are those pe.."
Nokuzola asked as she came to them but stopped on her tracks when she saw the police.
"Are you Nokuzola Ndlovu?"
Nokuzola:Yes I am.
One officer  went to her and handcuffed her.
Yokuthula :Who whoa whoa!! Why are you handcuffing her?
Lungelo :Yeah leave her, you are hurting her.
"Nokuzola Ndlovu you are under arrest for the murder of Phakamani Mthembu. We found his body buried in his backyard and your fingerprints all over him. No need to deny, we also found the murder weapon.
Anything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law".
Lungelo :Noo no baby they are lying. You didn't do this.
She called out for her as they dragged her away shoving her at the back of the police van.

  >>THE END>>

Please note that this short story is continuing on "Mend my soul"

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