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# 13

She dropped the knife and dropped down on the ground, her tears falling uncontrollably.
"Oh God! What have I done?" , she asked under her breath.
She touched him and he wasn't moving nor breathing. Only his eyes which were wide open, that she felt like he was looking directly into her soul.
She wiped her mucus and slowly stood up.
She took a phone and went to Google :
"What is the best way to cover up murder?"
Results popped back in.
She locked all the doors and went to the storage room. She took the big black carpet and dragged it back to where Phakamani was.

She rolled it and layed it on the floor.
She went to him and closed her eyes as his sight was horrifying. She rolled him over to the carpet and pulled the carpet with him inside covering it. She took the ropes and wrapped them around him.
She took the shovel going outside and checking if no one is seeing anything.
She went to the backyard and dug up a hole big enough for human size.
She went back inside and used all her strength to drag him outside.
She pushed him with her feet towards the hole.
"We Nomthandazo, where have you been all day? Who is supposed to cook if you galivant around!?", her mother asked her fuming.
She just threw herself on the couch and laughed.
"Uyahleka? (Are you laughing?)"
Nomtha:Ma have you ever wondered whether bees have sex?
She asked laughing with her one leg dangling.
Her mother marched towards her and pulled her up.
"Nomthandazo look at me. What is wrong with you?"
She tried to maintain a straight face but ended up laughing at her mother's face.
Nomtha:Nomthandazo look at me. What is wrong with you?
She mimicked her mother.
"This child!! Sewubhema insangu!? (Are you smoking weed?"
Nomtha:Sewubhema insangu!?
She mimicked her again and burst out in louder laughter.

Her mother let her go and sat down feeling defeated. She looked at her husband.
"Please say something to her", she pleaded with him.
"What will I say? I told you that she is an adult. Throw her in jail so that her mind can come back"
Nomtha's mom leaned back on the couch wondering just why she was still married to Theb. He is an excuse of a husband, doesn't work, doesn't do anything around the house. All he knows is to stare at the TV all day long and finish all the food in the fridge. She just bought another groceries again, she wonders how much more of this she can take. It feels like she is raising two children.

Then there is Nomtha, who was never the same after Nokuzola's death. She just turned into this person that she does not know nor recognize. She doesn't talk to her and she is partly to blame for that. She was this strict monster for a mother, that's why Nomtha doesn't confide in her. She wants change so that she can trust her and tell her what is bothering her. She loves her daughter with everything in her, it hurts her that she has turned to drugs to deal with the pain.
She sighed standing up and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
"Okay class, don't forget that tomorrow we are writing a test. Read chapter 4 & 5 only."
The Natural Sciences teacher shouted out before packing her books and walking out.
"Thula are you okay?", one student asked him. He does not feel good, at all. His stomach is so painful and he is feeling hungry.
Yokuthula:It's just hunger.
"Okay, it's breaktime already. Let's go get food before the line gets full."
He nods and takes a lunchbox from his bag and they walk out to the line. He waits for his turn and the aunties that serve food fill his lunchbox with rice and chicken necks.
Just the aroma and smell of the food makes him even more hungry, if you have not tasted school food; you are missing out. The ladies who cook do an outstanding job, they never miss.
He goes back to class and sits down. He starts digging into his food.
"You must have been really hungry"
Yokuthula:You have no idea.
"Hamb'o phinda"
Yokuthula :We can do that?
"Yeah we can"
He was surprised honestly. He was used to eating just a spoon or two, that's if he was even given that food. He wastes no time and goes out to get the food for the second time.

She has finished burying Phakamani. She has also cleaned the floor, it is now spotless.
She used all sorts of chemicals. The knife is the only thing that she doesn't know what to do with. She can't throw it out, it has her fingerprints and it could be ruled as a murder weapon should they find his body. She can't go to jail, she has a daughter to look after. She can't stay here though, sooner or later she has to run.
Phakamani's phone rings from the bedroom. She hurries to it. She looks at the caller and it's written "Gazi", must be his brother.
She looks at it not knowing what to do. What will she say? The phone doesn't stop ringing and she decides to answer it. She doesn't say anything but wait for the person to speak.
Gazi:Phakamani bra, I want us to go clubbing like crazy tonight. You know it's the 25th, so the clubs are packed with hoes. I am driving to your house right now. I'll be there soon.

She quickly hung up as her breathing paced up. Gazi can't come here, he will surely suspect that something is wrong. She springs out of the room and peeps outside. Indeed, there was a car outside and a man stepped out of it. It must be Gazi, she figured.

Meanwhile outside, Gazi walked inside the yard whistling dancing around. He wants to let loose tonight and with Phakamani as his wing man, he's sure to score a girl or two.

He knocks and pushes the door open.
"Phakamani??", he shouted for him.
He walked around the house looking for him but nothing.
"Where is this one?", he asked himself.
He went to the lounge and was welcomed by an unpleasant smell, he sniffed the room and yeah, it was definitely the smell of chemicals and cleaning materials. But who would use these to be strong like this? Even the place looks suspiciously clean. He looked at the floor and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. He walked around calling for Phakamani.
He noticed a knife that was on the table in the kitchen and looked at it.
He took his phone and took a picture of it before walking out.

On the other room, when Nokuzola heard a car driving away she sighed relieved and took her daughter placing her back on her cot.
She ran to the kitchen looking for the knife and thanked the Lord when she saw it was still there. She needs to get rid of it, and she needs to get out of here. She can't afford people snooping around.
Ngubane is still not back, his mother has been trying to get them to talk but he is not interested honestly. He was heartbroken when she didn't believe him, he's not ready to go through that again.
He was in his room when his phone rang. It was the social worker. He answered
"Lungelo Hi, it's me Sona. About your friend, we are going to get her tomorrow. The warrant is ready and I have a few officers who are going to accompany me. Would you like to tag along?"
Lungelo :Oh thank God, that was fast. I will be more than happy to be there.
" Perfect. Meet us at the house then "
Lungelo :Okay I will, thank you.
" Lungelo? "
Lungelo :Yes.
" Me and you still need to talk, you are hiding something and I want to help you."
Lungelo :I'm not hiding anything.
"I have worked with children for so many years. I know how a child who is happy is supposed to behave. When we get your friend tomorrow, I want you to come to me and you will tell me everything"
Lungelo :*Sad voice* I am scared.
"Nothing to be scared of, let's not talk about this over the phone. See you tomorrow boy"
Lungelo :Thank you once again Sona.
He hung up and sent Nomtha a text.
[Nokuzola is alive, believe me or don't believe me; it's up to you. But tomorrow I'm going with the social workers who are going to rescue her. It's up to you if you want to come. 8am sharp.]

He pressed send and threw his phone on the bed.
He walked out of his room going to the kitchen to get something to eat. But, he heard something from his mother's room that made him stop and eavesdrop.
Ningi:Yes I know.
Ningi:He will forgive you. Just come back home so that we can talk.
Ningi:Maybe he can go  live with my sister while we fix our marriage.

He walked away feeling a huge lump stuck on his throat, his mother keep on proving to him that she doesn't care. He went back to his room and cried his eyes out. He just needs his mother's support. Is that too much to ask for?
To be continued....

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