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# 14
In the morning, Sona and the other officers get ready to go to save Nokuzola. As a girl who went through the most abuse growing up, she wanted to help those who are not strong enough to fight for themselves. She became a social worker specifically to help children, no child deserves to be abused. Childhood is one of the most important stages of life and she believes that everyone should enjoy it nicely.
"We can go Mam", one officer says to her.
She nods and they get in the car driving off.

Nomthandazo gets inside the car.
Lungelo:I didn't think you'd show up.
Nomtha:I wanted to see this with my own eyes.
Lungelo :You still don't believe me?
Nomtha:I want to believe you, trust me.
Lungelo :Well then let's go.
He drove away to the place and Sona was already there.
They stepped out of the car and went towards them. They exchanged greetings.
Lungelo:So what is going to happen now?
Sona:Me and the officers will go in there and get her out. You two stay here.
Lungelo :Okay.

Sona and others walked inside the yard.
They knocked on the main door and received no response.
"You think no one is home?"
Sona:I don't know.
She knocked again. They heard footsteps approaching. Nokuzola opened for them and her eyes wandered around looking at the officers. Her heart pounding at the possibility that they have come to arrest her, how would they have known though? Sona noticed how scared she was.
Sona:We are not going to hurt you. Are you Nokuzola Ndlovu?
She nodded slowly.
Sona:Alright, we received a claim from someone days back. He said you needed help and you called someone asking them to help you.
Nokuzola:Yes I did, the man I was... I am staying with was abusing me.
Sona:Alright Zola. Where is that man right now and what is his name?
Nokuzola:His name is Phakamani Mthembu. He is at uhm.... I don't know where he is. He didn't tell me.

# Weeks later
Nokuzola is visiting Ndlovu at the hospital, she wants to see him with her own eyes.
She enters his ward room and poor thing! Who would have thought that thee mighty Ndlovu would fall like this? She walked over to him.
Nokuzola:Ya Ndlovu.
Ndlovu :*Face full of regrets*Zola... Thank you for coming to see me.
Nokuzola:Don't think I came here to see you. I just needed to see with my own eyes that you are a vegetable for real.
Ndlovu:I'm sorry.
Nokuzola:*Smirking* What are you sorry about?
Ndlovu :About everything that I did to you... And about your mother.
Nokuzola:What is everything? List it all out one by one. And yeah my mother, I heard. What a shame.
Ndlovu:Please forgive me ngane yami.
Nokuzola:Oh! So I'm your child now? Won't you ask how your daughter is doing? She is 6 months old now. She wants her daddy.
Ndlovu:Nokuzola please I'm sorry.
She breathed heavily and forced a smile 9jer face.
Nokuzola:Now let's get over that and talk about important things. Who is my father? And don't lie to me because I know you are not my biological father. No parent would do what you did.
Ndlovu swallowed looking at her, he might as well just tell her the truth.
Ndlovu:Your mother had an affair with my brother and they made you. When I found out that you were not my daughter, you were 10 years old. I went to my brother with your mom and killed him in front of you. I then saw it fit to start abusing you, I was angry at your mother that she kept a secret like this from me. I'm really sorry Nokuzola.
Nokuzola:So you killed my father?  I'm not surprised.
Ndlovu:I am sorry. I wasn't thinking straight, I was blinded by anger.
Nokuzola:Yeah yeah. I just want to see who will take care of you when they discharge you here. The fire didn't do a proper job, the fact that you can still talk shows it. I hope your dick got burnt off too.
A lawyer just visited him, Ryn's friend. He told him that he was able to find evidence that he didn't kill Sally, he put in a request to the judge to review the case. He warned him to stay away from trouble and if all goes well, by next week he shall be going back home. That could not make him more happier, he just wants to mourn his mother and brother in peace.
He returns to the cell and sits on the bed. He is reading a book just to pass time when he hears commotion coming from outside. He walks out to check out the noise.
Other prisoners are fighting and it looks really bad. Prison fights never end good, they always end with a dead body.

He attempts to walk back inside but he feels a hand holding him. Before he knows it, a bloody knife is placed on his hands. He looks who gave it to him but sees no one. Shortly, the scene was crowded with wardens and they pinned him down when they saw him holding the knife. He looked at the body that was laying on the ground and he closed his eyes. Not again! Not again!
"Here! Take all your rags!! Leave my house this instance!", shouted his mother shoving his clothes on the black plastic bag.
Lungelo:I wonder what it will take for you finally act like my mother.
She tried to slap him but he held her hand and pushed her away.
Ningi :Are you fighting me now!? Amasende asek'hlaza!? Usuyindoda huh!?(You're a man!?)
Lungelo:I am leaving, I hope you never contact me again.
Ningi :I won't. Not unless you take my husband out of jail.
Lungelo:I'm not doing that. He will rot in jail.
He picked up the bag and walked out. He sat on the pavement and called his aunt to come and fetch him.

Well, Ngubane was arrested. Sona made sure of it, he told her everything and she believed him. Plus, Ngubane was also involved in numerous accusations in the past of child molestation ;so it was more than enough to charge him.

"Hey Lu", said his aunt. He stood up and hugged her.
Lungelo:Thank you for coming.
Zo:Anything for you, don't mind your mother. Uzenza islima(She is acting stupid on purpose)
Lungelo:She never believed me. She is still convinced I'm lying.
Zo:I believe you, and that pig is in jail. Now let's go to your new home.
To be continued

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