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# 16
# Weeks later
"My client is innocent. There is no evidence that indeed he is the cause of death of another inmate. He was with me in the afternoon for an hour. The fight reportedly started around 14:45 and I was with him, so how would he have done this? Also he has alibis that confirm it wasn't him who stabbed the deceased. Phendulani is innocent, he is being framed. Just like he was being framed for Sally's murder."

The judge spoke," I have listened to all your statements and I have made a decision. Firstly, Mr Ngwenya the evidence you presented regarding Sally Mahlomuka shows that your client didn't murder her, so you are right, he was framed. And for that, the charges placed against him are withdrew with immediate effect. There are real criminals out there who needs to be arrested and not innocent people.

The fight wasn't started by your client, the times do not match. Though, the knife has his fingerprints and it's really hard to confirm that he is really being framed. Which is why I called in a specialist to examine the knife and he will be the one to tell us if something is wrong. "

They all nodded and were told to evacuate the room and come back an hour later.
Phendulani:Do you think we will win this?
Philani:We will. They don't have anything on you, the knife isn't that much of a strong link.
Phendulani:I hope so, I can't be framed with another murder.
Philani:Didn't you see who gave you the knife?
Phendulani:No I didn't. It all happened too fast.
Philani:Don't worry, you will walk out of here.
Phendulani:I don't know how to thank you. You should send me the cost of your services so I can look for means to pay you.
Philani:Oh no, please don't worry yourself about that. Ryn told me your situation and I told him I would do this case for free. You don't have to pay me anything. So tell me, what's your plan?
Phendulani:What do you mean?
Philani:When you get out here. What are you going to do?
Phendulani:I really don't know, look for a job I guess.
Philani:I heard you would have loved 2 be a teacher. There is a program going on at my father's company, they give bursaries to less privileged individuals every year. You should apply for it.
Phendulani:You mean I can still go back to school? As old as I am?
Philani:There is no age limit when it comes to education.
Phendulani:I hear you, I will check it out then.

They chatted until they were called back in. Phendulani was nervous of what the specialist will say.
"Without wasting any time, I have examined the knife your honor. The fingerprints do match those of the accused"
Phendulani's heart sank.
"But.... I found another pair of fingerprints underneath. Phendulani's fingerprints were only at the blade of the knife, and your honor I don't know anything about killing. But I know that to stab a person, you don't hold the blade. The fingerprints dominating the knife are those of Samukelo Makhathini, meaning he is the one who committed the crime".
"Are you sure about this?"
"100% sure. You can call in another specialist to look into it."
"Then I guess it is settled. Phendulani is relieved of all the charges. Bring me this Samukelo Makhathini"
Phendulan:The sun! I feel like I am dreaming. I can’t believe this.
Philani:I told you that you will get out.
Phendulani :Thank you so much for your help Mr Ngwenya.
Philani:Please, call me Philani. And you should really thank your friend, he's the one who put in a good word for you.

Nokuzola:They really shouldn't have discharged you. Who is going to look after you? I have school and a daughter, and now I have to take care of you too. This is too much for me and I don't think I can take it.
Ndlovu :I understand, and I'm sorry for being a burden.
Nokuzola :You see the house we are living in? When do you plan on fixing it? You and mom decided to play and burn down the whole house!
Ndlovu:I will call some construction people to come and patch it up.
Nokuzola:Good! I'm heading school. See you later.
Ndlovu :What will I eat? I am hungry and I need to take my pills.
Nokuzola:Really that is none of my concern. There is no food in this house, what do you expect me to feed you? Don't start acting poor, you have a chain of stores around. Tell your people to bring you food. And I better find those construction people busy fixing the house when I come back, I don't know how you will do it but I need it done.

She went out with her daughter in her arms, she first drops her off at the daycare and head to school. On the way she called Nomtha, and they walked together to school.
Nomtha :So how is he?
Nokuzola:Who? Ndlovu?
She nodded.
Nokuzola:He's getting better but he's disgusting, the fire did him dirty. But I don't feel sorry for him, they say Karma never misses your address.
Nomtha:Yep and it doesn't miss.
Nokuzola:Did you do the Math homework?
Nomtha :No. You?
Nokuzola:Me too.
They laughed.
Nokuzola:Let's hurry so that we can copy from Lungelo.

To be continued....

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