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# 4


She has been walking for hours and finally she arrived at the hospital. She is so scared for her friend. She hasn't even moved an inch.
She gets inside and shouts for help.
She is now carrying Nokuzola in her hands.
Nomtha: Please help her.
Nurse:*Annoyed*She's pregnant? How old is she?
Nomthandazo loses it and snaps at her.
Nomtha: Don't you dare ask me that nonsense! Can't you see that she's bleeding to death!? What does a person have to do around here to get help!? Ungangicasuli we nurse ngivele ngingenamandla.
The nurse humbles herself and takes Nokuzola away.
Nomtha sighs and sits on the bench waiting for feedback. She can't help but wonder if it wasn't her evil father who did that to her.

An hour pass and no feedback, she stands up and go towards where that nurse disappeared to.
She sees her.
Nomtha:Is my friend okay?
Nurse:The doctors are still busy with her. Wait for a moment.
She leans on the wall silently crying.
Nokuzola can't die now, she still has to escape that hellhole called a home.
Another hour pass and the doctor appears.
She looks at her with her eyes wide open waiting to hear how her friend is.
Nomtha: How is she?
Doc:Where are her parents?
Nomtha: She doesn't have parents. It's only the two of us.
The doctor look at her through her glasses but she is not changing her statement.
Doc:Well she is alive.
She sighs relieved.
Nomtha: I sense a but.
Doc:She almost died, we were able to stop the bleeding. But she's not awake for now, we had to heavily sedate her. Her pregnancy is in critical condition.
Nomtha:What do you mean?
Doc:The baby is not going to be born on a good condition. From our diagnosis, it looked like blunt force was applied on her stomach multiple times.... I'm sorry but it seems like the baby is going to be born disabled.
She showed her the scans but Nomtha not knowing anything didn't see what the doctor is showing her.
Nomtha:Can I see her?
Doc:Yes but is she having some sort of psychological issues? We can organise therapy for her.
Nomtha:Will that cost us?
Doc:No. It's one of the hospital's free services.
Nomtha: Okay I will talk to her.
She thanked the doctor and went inside, she was sleeping peacefully with the IV line connected to her.
Her arms were bandaged.
She sat down on the chair and held her hand.
Nomtha: Please wake up and come back to me.

"Let me out please let me out.", He shouts for his mother to let him out.
His teeth are gnashing against each other because of the cold inside the freezer.
He tries pushing the door and hitting it repeatedly but it is locked.
He hugs his legs close to his chest and rocks himself back and fourth.
"Let me out.. let me out".... He says slowly.
His lips are as cold as ice... He passes out.

Meanwhile his mother, Sogingqa comes and open the freezer. She looks at him passed out. She touched his skin and it was cold. She smiled and went to the kitchen to get cold water that she had put in the fridge.
She comes back and pours the water all over him.
He wakes up gasping for air. Feeling cold he hugs his chest with his arms.
Sogingqa: You lasted an hour today. Not bad. Get out and clean yourself up. There is tons of chores that need to be done in this house.
She walks away. He gets out of the freezer and walks to his room, at least he has one.
He locks himself inside and start drying himself with a big towel and gets under covers trying to get himself warm.

This is his everyday life and he has to get used to it.
It all started when his biological mother died and his father got a new wife, he also died at a later stage. Leaving him with his stepmother and his step-siblings. Everyday she locks him inside the freezer for 30 minutes, she says he is paying for his mother's sins.
He is the one who does all the house chores around the house. He cooks, clean, wash laundry and everything. By 9am, he should have done everything and the house should look spotless; if not so he can sleep outside.
He has stopped going to school, Sogingqa said it's no use for him to go to school because he will never amount to anything anyways.

Everyday he prays to God to take him out of this misery but it has been going on for too long, he doubt God hears his prayers.
Some days are just more harder, you know the pain of being forced to eat in a dog's dish with the dogs, eating dog food?
He has been in and out of the hospital because of that. His health is not good, he knows it.
He has lost too much weight, he used to wear at least size 30 but now he wears abo 13-14 years.
He used to be such a handsome boy when his mother was still alive but now he has become so darker and is always wearing rags.
He sniffs under the blankets, his heart is so heavy.
This is not the life he wants. Why won't God save him?

"Yeeey awuphume lapho wena.(Get out of there)! Didn't I tell you that you have chores to do!?", He gets out bed like lightning heading to her.
Sogingqa:What took you so long?
Yokuthula:Ngiyaxolisa(I am sorry).
She grabs him by the ears to the kitchen.
Sogingqa:Uyabona ukuthi kuncole kanjani la? (Do you see how dirty it is here?)
Yokuthula:Yebo mama.(Yes mom).
Sogingqa: Ngihlezi ngikutshela ukuthi yekela ukungibiza ngo mama. Unyoko ule emathuneni(I always tell you to stop calling me your mother. Yours is on the grave). Now clean this mess!!!
She walks out.
He wipes his tears and starts cleaning.
Phendulani:I don't understand doc. Please tell me this is a joke.
Doc: It's not a joke. She had gone on for too long without getting that surgery.
Phendulani:And you let her die? So if a person doesn't have money you let them die?
Doc:Son please understand that we didn't have the specialists to treat your mother.
Phendulani:No, you let her die. You let her die because we are poor. I begged you so many times doctor to take her to that surgery while I still look for money. I begged you, I begged you.
The doctor hugged him and tried to calm him down. His cries were painful to him too.
Phendulani breaks free from the hug and go to find his brother.
Sabelo:Muphi pho umama?(Where is mom?)
He looks at him not knowing what to say. He is so young, how will they get on without their mother?
How could she die leaving them all alone?
She opens her eyes slowly and realise that she is at the hospital. She sees Nomtha sleeping on the chair, her head resting on her legs.
She smiles and whispers her name.
She nudges her a little.
Nomtha wakes up and hugs her for dear life when she sees that she is awake.
Nomtha:Oh God, I thought I lost you. I'm so glad you are here. What happened?
Nokuzola: I'm sorry, I just wanted the pain to go away.
Nomtha: Please don't ever do that to me again. I thought you were dead.
Nokuzola: I'm sorry, who brought you here?
Nomtha:I did. Your father didn't want your mother to use his car and my mother also said no. I walked on foot and brought you here.
Nokuzola:What about my mother?
Nomtha:She turned back.
Nomtha:Noks we have to run away.
Nokuzola:And go where?
Nomtha:I don't know, I will go with you. We have to run away,  I saw the hate your father had in his eyes. You can't go back to that house. We will live on the streets, it's okay. As long as it's not that house.
MaNdlovu takes the food to Ndlovu.
MaNdlovu:Baba I have a request.
Ndlovu:I am listening.
MaNdlovu:May I please go and see Nokuzola tomorrow, just to check how she is doing.
Ndlovu:Who is the man in this house?
MaNdlovu: You.
Ndlovu:As the man I say no.
MaNdlovu: Please, I need to see if she's okay.
Ndlovu:Ngithe Cha!!(I said No!!)
MaNdlovu: Nokuzola is my daughter, I will go and see her. Uthanda ungathandi(Whether you like it or not).
Ndlovu stood up and walked to her giving her a slap.
Ndlovu:Sewuphikisana nami wena? (Are you disagreeing with me?)
He started hitting her everywhere and threw her on the floor kicking her.
To be continued....

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