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# 11


He arrives home and the tension is so high it could break a glass. He can hear them arguing from his room. He wonders what they are fighting about, he locks his door and tries to do homework but something is bothering him. The phone call Nomtha received, he can't help but wonder if that was really Nokuzola. But how could she still be alive? They saw the body, or they burried dolls? He has watched too many movies and it could be a possibility that Nokuzola is still alive.
He calls Nomtha and she answers on the second ring.
Lungelo:Hi, are you sleeping?
Nomtha:I was about to. What's up?
Lungelo: About that phone call, don't you think it's true?
Nomtha:I told you that was just a prank. I won't entertain it.
Lungelo:But think about Nomtha, what if it really is her and she needs help?
Nomtha:Lungelo it's late, just sleep. That was not  Nokuzola, I would have recognised her voice.

She hung up and he looked at his phone in disbelief. For someone who claims to be the best friend, she sure is not interested in looking this up.

He punches the number he memorised from her phone earlier on and dials it.
"Nurse Mshiya speaking, how may I help you?"
He thought of an excuse quickly.
Lungelo:*Coughing* Hi, I want to know which hospital you work in. I have a bad flu.
"Don't you have clinics nearby? And where did you get this number?"
Lungelo: I got your number from a medical emergency book. We don't have clinics this side. Please I'm really dying.
"Okay, I work at....", She told him the name of the hospital.
Lungelo:Thank you so much. I will be there soon.
He hung up and wore his clothes walking out.
He went to the rents room and knocked.
His mother opened for him and her eyes were red.
Lungelo:Mom are you okay?
MaNgubane: I'm okay. What do you need?
She opened for him to come in. Ngubane was seated on the bed.
Lungelo:Can I borrow a car? I need to go somewhere, I will bring it back.
Ngubane:*Clearing throat* You can take mine.

They gave him the keys and he walked out to the garage. He got inside the car and drove out to the hospital.
He sat in the car for a while not knowing if he should go inside.
He noticed someone who looked exactly like Nokuzola walking with a man, he looked a bit older.
He saw binoculars on the car and wondered what Ngubane is doing with binoculars. He took them and looked through them, it really was her. She looked so different, she was alive but she doesn't look like a person who's alive. She has a bandage on  her head.

The car drove out and he followed behind them, making sure that they don't see him.
They arrived on a fancy neighbourhood.
He parked far away from them and looked through the binoculars again.
He memorised the house number written on the gate, and watched as the man led Nokuzola inside.
He sighed thinking of his next step. He could go to the police, but rich people always find a way to get away with their crimes.
He only knows one department that won't disappoint him. Child services.
She narrated the whole story to him and he felt pity for her.
Doc:Okay, I will help you. I will tell them that you didn't make it during labor.
Nokuzola:But won't they want to see the body?
Doc:They will and we will show them.
Nokuzola:But doctor I am not dead, they will see that.
Doc: You remember when the Hawkins Lab people presented a fake Will Byers? His family burried a doll that they found on the river, thinking he's dead.
Nokuzola:Are you talking about Stranger Things?
Doc:Yes. We will do that too, leave it all to me. We will have to move your right away before they suspect anything.
Nokuzola:Okay thank you Doc, I just need to run far away. I can't go back to that house.
Doc: Okay let me get into it....
Phakamani: Nokuzola!
She snapped out.
Phakamani: I bought you food.
Nokuzola: I said I'm not hungry.
Phakamani: You need to eat so that you can take your pills.
Nokuzola:And whose fault is that? Aren't you the one always making me your punching bag?

She is doing everything to make him angry. She wants him to finish her off and kill her, so that she can be free from all the pain of this world.

Phakamani: Just one bite babe please.

She took the food and threw it on his face.

Nokuzola:I said I'm not hungry damn it!!!

He breathed heavily removing the food from his face. He knew he probably deserved that, he has been an a**hole to her.

Phakamani: I will make you another food.
He walked out.
She stood up and went to check on her daughter.
She looked so peaceful and relaxed.
She picker her up and placed her on her arms.
Her tear fell on her cheek and she wiped it with her finger.
Nokuzola: I'm sorry for bringing you into this world. I just wish I can protect you from it, but mommy is also tired. She has suffered so much, you're the only good thing to happen in my life for so long. I love you so much.
Glen:Thula why did you refuse being adopted?
Yokuthula:I have been abused half of my life G. I couldn't risk it. My stepmom abused me so much, I don't trust anyone. I'm better off here at the orphanage.
Glen: I understand. Maybe she was sent by your stepmother who knows?
He says laughing but Yokuthula can't help but think if that's true. Sogingqa did say that she would make him pay for snitching on her.
Yokuthula:She hates me, so I wouldn't be surprised if she really did that.
Glen: I'm sure she doesn't hate you that much.
Yokuthula: You don't know that woman. She made me sleep in the freezer, eat with the dogs and many other things.
Glen:*Swallowing* She really made you do that?
Yokuthula:I wasn't thin like this. It's her abuse that led to my excessive weight loss. I look 9 years old but I am 15 years. She really ruined me. I don't want to go back to her, I don't want to be adopted. I'd rather I live in the streets if they chase me out here.
Glen moved closer to him and gave him a bro hug.
Glen:I thought my situation was worse but yours is heartbreaking. I'm sorry for what you went through.
She still can't stop thinking about Lungelo's phone call yesterday. What if really Nokuzola is alive?
She sighs and walks to the ward room. She finds him with his legs stretched out with bandages around him. She chuckles and moves over to him. 
She presses his arms hard and he winced in pain. His eyes moved to Nomtha who was looking at him with the biggest smirk on his face.
Nomtha:Shhh.... Don't talk.....
She takes the pillow underneath him and place it over his face.
Nomtha: I hate you so much. I've never hated a man like I hate you, you caused my friend so much pain and she died not knowing what happiness feels like.
You don't deserve to live, people like you don't deserve to live.

She moves to the side and place the pillow over his face. He moves under her trying to break free but she press it tighter against him.
"You don't listen Nokuzola!" , He barks at her.
Nokuzola:What did I do?
"I told you to not go outside", he marches to her and throws in the first slap.
Nokuzola: I'm sorry, I just wanted some air.
That's how it started, with one slap and he continued with more. She can't even recognise who she is anymore. She is standing in front of the mirror naked. She has so many bruises and scars. She ran away from Ndlovu only for Phakamani to do the same thing to her. Her arms and wrists still have the razor cuts. She walks to the kitchen still naked and take the biggest knife.
She rubs it against her face wanting to gauge her eyes out. She moves it over to her arms and cuts herself a little.

She moves it back to her face and just wants to stab herself all over.

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