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# 15
The way he has been eating these days is worrying him, but he is so hungry. He goes to the kitchen and make something to eat again. He is not used to this, if he was back at home he wouldn't have eaten for the day.
Sogingqa:You will eat when those clothes are dry.
He looked at her in disbelief, it was raining outside so those clothes are far from being dry.
Yokuthula:I haven't eaten for two days. Please.
It was pointless begging her, she has no sympathy towards him.
Sogingqa :You should be washing the dishes instead of making noise in my house.
Glen :Eating like this isn't healthy. You will choke.
Yokuthula:I'm hungry.
He answered with his mouth full.
Glen:I know but slow down and eat healthy. You will get sick. I have been watching you these days.
Yokuthula:Okay fine.
Nomtha:I can't believe it's really you. You are really back..
Nokuzola:Yep its really me alright. How have you been? We haven't really talked.
Nomtha:Now that you are here, I am fine. I was losing my mind Nokuzola, everyday was getting worse. I even smoked weed because I couldn't handle it.
Nokuzola:I'm sorry that you went through that. I should have told you my plan but I was scared for you.
Nomtha:Nah it's okay I understand, Ndlovu was a monster so I don't blame you.
Nokuzola :And Phakamani did the exact same thing. It's like I wasn't even born for happiness, I have suffered for too long.
Nomtha :Please don't talk like that. You deserve happiness. No one was born to suffer.
Nokuzola:I don't know Nomtha and I fear that I may be going to jail soon.
She blurted out.
Nomtha:*frowning*Jail? What for?
Nokuzolla:*Deep sigh*I killed Phakamani. I grinded a hole in his head and stabbed him all over. I buried him on his backyard.
Nomtha:*with her eyes open*Oh My! Are you serious??
NOKUZOLA :I am. It just happened Nomtha, I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop, I just kept on stabbing him again and again. I was angry, in a way that I've never been before.
Nomtha:*Hugging her*Shhh it's okay. It's all over now. I don't judge you, I would have probably done the same if it was me.
Nokuzola:*Crying*I killed someone, what if they find out? I will be arrested and my daughter will be left all alone.
Nomtha:No one will know Zola. Where did you put the knife?
Nokuzola:I washed it and destroyed it.
Nomtha:How do you destroy the knife?
Nokuzola:Google helped.
Nomtha:Then there is nothing to worry about. Even if there is, we will deal with it the two of us. It's us against the world.
Nokuzola:*Giggling*Two musketeers.
He folded his clothes packing them to the wardrobe, his aunt's place has that "feel at home" scent. And that is what he is doing, feeling at home.
Zo:Come down for dinner when you are done.
Lungelo:I'm coming.
He shouted back. He went out and the table was already set. He sat down and looked at the food in front of him, she really outdid herself. It looks neat and nice. He reaches for a spoon and Zo slaps his hand.
Zo:We pray first.
Lungelo:*Frowning* Pray?
Zo:Yes, pray. Bless our food please.
Lungelo:Uhh I don't know how to.
Zo:It's okay, repeat after me :
"Our Heavenly father"
Lungelo:Our Heavenly Father.
Zo:Close your eyes.
Lungelo:Close your eyes.
Zo:I mean close your eyes you idiot.
Lungelo:*smiling*oh oky.
He closed his eyes and prayed with her.
They started digging.
Zo looked at him and smiled faintly. She couldn't understand why Ningi was not showing love to her son. Was she really choosing a man over her own child? A child which she carried for nine months? She hopes she wakes up soon.
MaNgubane looked at her husband and he looked so thin in just a few weeks inside.
Ningi:Oh what have they done to you?
Ngubane :I will be okay. Don't worry about me.
Ningi:This is wrong.
Ngubane:No, I deserve this. I hurt your son. I have to serve my sentence.
Ningi:But you apologized.
Ngubane:Ningi please don't do this. You should be with your son right now.
She looked down.
Ngubane:What? What happened?
Ningi:I kind of chased him out, he is refusing to drop the charges.
Ngubane:Are you crazy?
Ningi:I was doing it for you.
Ngubane :Stop acting selfish Ningi, your son needs you now more than ever. Where did you expect him to go when you chased him out? He is 14, where will he go?
Ningi:I thought I was doing the right thing.
Ngubane:Kwangqondo ngathi awusenayo. (You are stupid). Are you really choosing me over him? I told you that I did molest him. What will it take for you to believe him? I'm locked up because of my actions. Stop this nonsense Ningi and be a mother to your son. No wonder his father left you, you don't have brains. What kind of woman are you?
Ningi:You will not sit there and insult me Ngubane.
Ngubane :If it means some sense will be knocked into your head then I will insult you. How did you think this would play out? You thought I would be happy that you chased him out!? Please leave because you are just making me angry.
Ngubane :I said leave.
She is breastfeeding her daughter. In a few minutes she is already sleeping. She smiles and places her down. She walks out to the kitchen opening the fridge and cupboards but there was no food. She is so hungry and the nappies can be finished soon.
She went to the parents bedroom and ransacked it looking for money.
She found it rolled in a bag. Lots of it. Her eyes beamed with happiness and she took all of it. She put it in her bedroom and took out the amount she's going to need for now.

She went outside and called Nomtha.
Nokuzola:Can you watch Kukhanya? I need to go to the shops.
Nomtha:Sure no worries.
She walked out heading to the shops.

To be continued....

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