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# 8


His parents called him because they want to "talk".
He sits on the couch opposite them.
MaNgubane:Me and your father have come to a decision.
Lungelo:What decision?
MaNgubane:*Clearing throat* We have decided to enrol you to a boarding school because you are suddenly causing trouble. Lying against your father saying that he is molesting you is beyond me. I don't know why you would lie like this. Your father left you when you were an infant and Ngubane stepped up and became the father that you deserved. I honestly don't know why you are causing trouble now Lungelo, after everything he has done for you.
She wiped her tears and Ngubane hugged her calming her down.
Lungelo looked down feeling like the whole world is turning his back to him. He now regrets telling his mother about this. Ngubane warned him that no one would ever believe him. And he was right, no one believes him. Not even his mother, her only son. How can she not believe him? Why would he lie about this? What would he gain?
Lungelo:If you want to send me to a boarding school, then it's fine. I won't argue with you. I just hope some day you realise that I was telling the truth.
He stood up walking to his room.
Ngubane:I will talk to him.
MaNgubane:*sniffing* Please do. Maybe it's puberty that's making him to behave like this.
He stood up and went to Lungelo's room. He found him packing his clothes, he locked the door behind him and went towards him.
Ngubane:I told you that no one would believe you. You shouldn't have told your mother about this, look now you are leaving. You pushed me to convince your mother about this.
Lungelo:She will see you for who you are some day.
Ngubane:*Smirking* With that little brain of hers, I doubt. If she can't believe you her own son, what makes you think she's going to find out you were telling the truth?
Lungelo: You are a monster. I'm glad you have no children because you would abuse them like you are doing to me. I'm actually glad that I'm going far away from you. Enjoy your marriage in peace.
Ngubane:*Holding his arms roughly* Don't talk to me like that.
Lungelo snatched his arm away from him and moved back.
Ngubane:Oh you are acting strong now? Is that it?
He moved towards him and pulled down his pants.

Lungelo took the scissors from the table and scratched him on his cheek. Ngubane held his cheek and felt himself bleeding.

Ngubane:Did you just do that?

He asked in a voice full of rage.
Lungelo looked at the window and it was open, he didn't waste any time and jumped out.
Ngubane went out of the room and went to the kitchen.
MaNgubane saw him and quickly stood up going to him.
MaNgubane:What happened?
Ngubane:He scratched me. He doesn't want to leave for boarding school.
MaNgubane:I will get the first aid kit.
She disappeared and came back minutes later with it. She started cleaning him up and patching him.
MaNgubane: I honestly don't know what to do with him now.
Ngubane: Don't be harsh on him, he is still a teenager. He should stay here and we will keep a close watch on him. He is too wild and he will be uncontrollable at that boarding school. Let's not send him away.
MaNgubane: I guess you are right. I know you have his best interest at heart. He needs to start respecting you. You are the only male figure in his life and he should at least meet you halfway.
Ngubane:He will come around. You know teenagers and puberty. Hormones are playing with him.
MaNgubane:*Smiling* I understand.
Ngubane: I will go and look for him.

Meanwhile, Lungelo is running like someone is chasing him. He doesn't know where he is going but he knows it has to be far away from that house.
The rain starts showering from the sky. He takes cover at the shelter where people stand when they are waiting for a bus.
The rain starts pouring harder and faster.
He is starting to get cold, he wraps his arms around his body.
A car parks next to the stop and a man steps out.
He swallows and look at him.
"Get in", he commands at him.
He drags his feet inside the car. The man looks at him and smiles before driving away.
It is late at night and Nomtha's mom has finished dishing up for her family. She takes the food to her husband and he thanks her. She sits down with her food too.
"Nomthandazo dinner is ready", she shouts for her but hears no response. She frowns looking at her husband who is eating and minding his own business.
"Nomtha is not okay. Since her friend died, she is barely talking to us".
"She is pregnant".
"Do you ever take anything serious? I feel like I'm taking care of two children in this house. You are unbothered by everything".
"What do you want me to do? She is an adult, she knows what's her problem", he answers carefree and continue digging through his food.
She clicks her tongue and stands up going to Nomtha's room.
She knocks softly before getting inside.
She finds her burried under the blanket.
She removes the blanket and look at her.
"What's wrong baby? Are you okay?", She asks concerned and checks her temperature.
Nomtha: I'm okay. I just feel sick.
"And you are hot. I will bring you some pills."
Nomtha: Thank you.
"Uhm.... I know you feel sad over Nokuzola's death but it will get better my love. She is in a better place"
Nomtha:I know she is in a better place because her parents were shitty parents. It's their fault she's dead. They killed her.
"Nomtha please don't talk like that"
Nomtha:No mom it's the truth. I bet they are rejoicing right now.
Her mother sighed, not knowing what to say anymore.
"Food is ready. Are you hungry?"
Nomtha:I will eat later. I still need to do some homework.
"Okay I'll put the pills on the table so that you will take them after".
Nomtha: Thanks mom.
She smiled and walked out.

Nomtha got back under covers and scrolled through her phone looking at Nokuzola's pictures.
A text showed up in the notification bar.
She dragged the screen and read the message.

She called the number but it rang unanswered.
She frowned confused wondering who could have sent it, but then it could also be a prank. Kids in her class love to pull pranks on them.
She ignores the message and continues looking at Nokuzola's pictures.

First day of his return to school. Everything is going well so far, the teachers and students are nice. He has made a friend already.
The bell rang and it was break time.
He packed his books inside his bag and walked out.
"So how was your first day?", Lungelo asks him. He's the friend he made.
Yokuthula:It has not been a day man. What are you doing here?
Lungelo:Is it wrong to visit my friend from the 9th grade?
Yokuthula: I never said it was.
Lungelo:Come let's go buy something to eat.
Yokuthula:Oh, I don't have lunch money sorry. I thought there was a feeding scheme here.
Lungelo:There is, no worries I will buy you something to eat.
Yokuthula:Oh no you don't have to.
Lungelo: Nonsense. Take it as a welcome to school token.
He said and hung his arm around him.
Yokuthula smiled following him.
He opens the door and she is sleeping on the bed.
She is wearing a dress only, showing her bruised thighs. He trails his finger around her swollen face and sighs feelin' bad for what he did. He shakes her up a little and she slowly wakes up and her eyes meet his. She loses her breath for  a minute, is he here to finish her off? She thinks to herself.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done this. I don't know what came over me", he says to her. He always apologize, no matter how much damage he causes; he comes back and apologize. But it's only a matter of time until he beats her to a pulp again.
She winces when his hand touched her stomach.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry", he pleads again.
She nods her head, it's the only thing she can do. There's no running away, this house is security tight and with the way it's big she won't even find her way out.
"Are you hungry? I bought you some food."
She nods and he smiles taking out the food and placing it on the bed. She sits up straight and tries to take the burger but her arm is feeling heavy and she could almost not see anything.
He takes the burger and place it on her mouth.
She slowly takes a bite and chew slowly.
He helps her until she finishes it.
He takes the juice and drops a straw inside it.
He brings it to her mouth and she sips on it.
When they were done, he cleaned up and came back.
"I will get better I promise you. I love you so much, I don't know what came over me. I think I have issues, I will get help. Please don't leave me", he begs her.
"So what brings you in here really? You don't look like the prison type", the other inmate asks him.
Phendulani:Wrong place, wrong time and I was framed.
"Damn, that must hurt like hell."
Phendulani:*chuckling* It is what it is. What are you in for?
"Killed my baby mamma after I found her with a man on our bed, with my child sitting there."
Phendulani:What? In front of the kid? Do you like, regret it?
"Big time, I didn't use my head that time. I just allowed anger to consume me, when I walked in on them I just saw red. I killed her on the spot. I started to regret it after, my son will grow up hating me and knowing that I killed his mother right in front of him. His maternal family won't allow me to see him, which is understandable."
Phendulani:Man that is some tough situation. But she was also in the wrong, how do you bring a sidechick in your main's bed? With a kid in the presence? As much as you were wrong but ayy naye....
"I was hurt big time, I just wish I didn't kill her. I will forever hate myself for that. I should have walked away but instead, I did something stupid."
Phendulani:How many years did you get?
"I have been in here for 15 years. Only 10 years left, I hope they consider my parole, I have been on my good behaviour ever since I arrived here".
Phendulani:I hope they approve you, 15 years is a long time.
"How many years did you get?"
Phendulani:30 years.
The inmate whistled shaking his head.
"And you've only been here for four months."
Phendulani:I know, I just wish there was something I could do to prove my innocence.
"Don't worry, when I get out I will prove your innocence "
They laughed together. 
Sogingqa is seated on the far corner of the cell hugging her legs. Prison life isn't for her, how dare Yokuthula place her in this place? After taking care of him when his parents died, he snitches on her just like that. But his happiness will be short lived, she won't suffer alone. She already has a plan.
MaNgubane: I hope you won't do what you did again. You should thank Ngubane that he is even still caring about you.
Lungelo:*Bowing his head* I won't do it again. Can I go to my room?
MaNgubane: Yes you can go.
He leaves them and walks to his room. When he was inside he locked it using a new keypad that he bought.

At midnight he heard the door knob moving and he gasped holding tightly on his blankets.
"Open for me", Ngubane whispered enough for him to hear him.
He stayed in bed not moving.
He knocked softly again and he ignored him.
After a while, he heard his footsteps walking away.
He sighed relieved and got back to sleep.

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