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# 10

"Nomthandazo please help me, he wants to kill me. It's me, Nokuzola. Please help me"
Nomtha frowns not believing this.
Nomtha:I don't know who you are or what games you are playing but my friend is dead and I don't appreciate you calling me using her name for some silly prank.
Nokuzola: Nomtha I'm not playing, it's really me. I'm at the hospital. Please come get me.
Nomtha: Do not call me again you witch! My friend is dead. Nxxx.
She clicked her tongue and hung up.
Lungelo:What was that?
Nomtha: Someone called saying she is Nokuzola and she needs help. *She rolled her eyes*
Lungelo:What? Isn't she dead?
Nomtha: Exactly. 
Lungelo: Didn't you recognise the voice?
Nomtha:I know that's not Nokuzola. Where could she have been all these months? We buried her, and saw her body.
Lungelo:Can I see your phone?
She gave him and he looked at the number that called. He memorised it and gave it back to her.
Nomtha: I'm going home. See you tomorrow.
Lungelo:Okay bye....

She walked home and saw the Ndlovu house on ashes and smoke everywhere. She was confused and went to her house finding her mother in the kitchen.
Nomtha:Hi ma.
"Hey baby"
Nomtha:What happened kamakhelwane?
"They suspect the gas cylinder exploded with them inside. There was fire and smoke everywhere. We called the ambulance and fire department but as you can see, they couldn't have saved them."
"And I just got a call from the hospital, they don't have their next of kin. MaNdlovu died and Ndlovu is barely alive, they said his entire body is burnt."
Nomtha:Mhhh I did say karma would come knocking on their door.
"Don't say that Nomtha".
MaNgubane is still standing on the door shocked.
Mfundo sprung out of bed and wore his clothes.
MaNgubane:How old are you!???
Mfundo: I'm 17.
MaNgubane:Oh God! Oh God!! Ngubane what is this!!? What is this!? You get out!!!
She chases Mfundo out and he runs out.
Ngubane is still naked sitting on the bed ashamed.
MaNgubane places her hands on her waist and stand over him.
MaNgubane:Are you some phedophile? What were you doing with a 17 year old!?
He kept quiet looking down.
She hit him on his head fuming.
MaNgubane:*Shouting* I'm asking you a question!! You don't know how to talk now!? Did I marry a gay man!? What in the name of Jesus were you doing!? In my bed Ngubane!? In my bed!? You disrespect me that much!?

Her chest was moving up and down because of anger that she was feeling.

MaNgubane:What Lungelo was saying, is it true? Did you really rape my son!?
Ngubane:My wife I..
Ngubane:*In shame* Yes.. The devil came over me, I only did it once.
MaNgubane: Don't you dare lie to my face again. Oh my God! After I defended you! I didn't believe my son when he told me about this!! I stood by your side and didn't believe my son, what was I thinking? How could I believe a man over my own child?
Ngubane: I'm sorry.
MaNgubane:I don't even want to hear a word from you. You disgust me!!
Flashback 💭
Nomtha: You will be okay Noks, don't cry.
Nokuzola:I can't hold it any longer Nomthandazo. I want her out..Ahhhh!! Nomthandazo get her out!!
Nomtha:Let me go call the doctor.
She hurried out and came back with him.
Doc: Just relax okay. The baby is not here yet.
Nomtha:Oh but she feels so close. Ahhhh!!
Nomtha:Hey just breath in and out with me okay.
Nokuzola:Okay ....
They practised breathing together.
Doc:Okay Ms I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Nomtha:I will be just outside.
She left.
Doc:Okay now lift up your legs. Don't close them or you will suffocate the baby.
Nokuzola:Okay okay....
Doc:Okay now give me one big push.
She pushed screaming.
Doc:I see her, push again.
She pushed again with all her strength.
Doc: She's here,she's here.
A baby cry filled the room. He cut the umbilical cord.
He wiped her and wrapped him with a blanket. He placed her on Nokuzola's chest, who immediately fell in love with her but became sad when she saw her arm. She knew she was going to be disabled but she had hope that maybe the doctors made a mistake.
Nokuzola: She is perfect.
The doctor smiled and attempted to leave but Nokuzola grabbed his coat looking at him with pleading eyes.
Nokuzola: I need your help.

End of flashback 💭
She gave the phone back to the nurse, Nomthandazo didn't believe her. Couldn't she at least recognise her voice?
Now she has to do this herself. She thinks of going to the police, but really the police never helped anyone. She needs to run away from this man or he will end up killing her. She thinks of her baby that is being taken care of by a nanny. She's the only good thing happening in her life.
He enters her ward room and she forces a smile.
His name is Phakamani.
He sits down on the chair next to her and holds her hands.
Phakamani:Hey, how you doing?
Nokuzola: I'm good. I'm feeling better.
Phakamani:They said we can leave today.
She nodded, she could feel her tears threatening to come out. Being back at that house would mean more abuse, Phakamani can't control his hands. He is always angry.
Phakamani: I'm really sorry Nokuzola, I don't know what is wrong with me. I just lost control and hurt you, please forgive me.
Nokuzola:I know you will do it again. You are apologizing because you see the damage you caused, it's only a matter of time until you hit me again. When I asked for your help, I didn't think you would turn on me and do this. I was just a lost child who asked for help, I trusted you because you were a doctor but instead you broke me again. You know the kind of life I ran away from, and you do the exact same thing my father was doing. I always thought it's my fate that I have to suffer like this in life, I'm giving up now. Continue doing as you please with me, continue beating me, kill my daughter like you threatened. Do whatever you like, I don't care anymore. You should take me out of my misery and just kill me, just kill me. I am tired.
Phakamani looked at her ashamed, realising just how much he had broke her. She only wanted him to help her run away but he insisted that she stays with him.
At the orphanage.

A woman dressed smartly and wearing high heels steps out of the Black shiny car and walk inside the orphanage. She looks around the place and frowns thinking how do people live like this.
"Hello, may I help you?"
"Uhm yes, my name is Flo. I'm looking for the owner or whoever is in charge here".
"Okay please follow me".
She followed the lady to what looks like an office.
"Her name is Flo", she says and steps out.
Flo sits down on the chair.
"Good day, I am Grace. What can I help you with?"
Flo:Me and my husband want a boy to adopt. We have not been having kids for a long time, so we are considering adoption as our other option.
Grace:*Smiling* Wow that's great news. How old should a boy be?
Flo:14 or 15.
Grace:We have them, but there is a procedure that is done mam.
Flo:I totally understand and I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
Grace:I will call them for you so that you can see who you will like.
Flo:I'd appreciate that.
Grace: Follow me.
They go to the dining hall and Grace goes to call the boys. She comes back with them and they form a line. Others wishing they could be the ones chosen.
Grace:Well this is all of them.
Flo walked around analysing the boys. She spotted Yokuthula and smiled. She pointed at him.
Grace:Okay Yokuthula please come to my office.
All three of them went to the office.
Grace: Yokuthula this is sis Flo. She wants to adopt you.
Yokuthula: Really?
Grace:Yes really, do you agree?
He looked at Flo and he knew her from somewhere but he couldn't figure out where. And besides, he doesn't trust her. She looks so shady and suspicious, she has been through so much abuse to just trust a stranger.
Yokuthula:No thank you ma. I am good, you can choose the others.
Grace:*Shocked* Are you serious?
Yokuthula: I really just want to enjoy my stay here, if I'm too much trouble I can live on the streets.
Grace:Whoa no need for that. If you don't want to, then it's fine. We will not force you. This is your home.
He smiled hearing that and Flor clicked her tongue.
"Stupid boy", she muttered and stood up leaving.
She went to her car and drove to the prison.
She waited for her and she came wearing orange jumpsuit.
Sogingqa:Flo my friend. So how did it go?
Flo:That boy refused. Can you believe it?
Flo: I'm telling you, and they said they can't force him.
Sogingqa:Damn it!
Phakamani:Do you have everything?
Phakamani: Okay let's go.
He held her bag and they walked out going to the car.
He helped her get inside and he got on the driver's seat.
Phakamani:Are you hungry?
He nodded and started driving.

A car parked behind them, someone was watching them through the binoculars. When the car drove off, he started the engine and followed them. Making sure that they don't see him.
Ndlovu wakes up at the hospital, his entire body is bandaged; including his face.
Ndlovu:Mhhh Mhhh.
He tries to speak but moving is proving to be a difficult task for him.
The doctor comes to him.
Doc: Please minimise movements. Your body is still healing.
Doc:The female you were brought here with? I'm sorry she didn't make it. I'm very sorry.
He stared at the wall, this was all his fault. He has no one to blame but himself. He did this.
To be continued.....

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