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"alright, alright, dinner is on me!" grace exclaimed as the group all walked out through the back stage door.

"you really mean it gracie?" chris asked, jumping up and down like a little kid.

"yes, i really do mean it!" the girl chuckled, "you guys came here for me, and you guys are my favorite people, so why not treat my favorite people to dinner?"

"you seriously dont have to, babe" alanha said as she put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "we came here for you and not for free dinner."

"but! but! she already said it! she said she will!" chris argued, again acting like a little kid.

"it's fine, really! don't worry. where should we head off to?"

"steak house off of main?" savannah suggested, to which they all agreed.

"great! okay, so who's driving?" savannah asked.

"i'll drive" matt and elliot said at the same time causing everyone's head to turn and look at them. what made it awkward was that they were standing right next to each, and of course to worsen that situation, they both had eyes on the girl that they both love.

grace looked around the group of friends nervously, as she was standing in the middle. she let out a nervous chuckle, looking back and forth from matt to elliot. "uh- um, i- i mean-"

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uncomfortable silence filled the air. the girl was stuck. even though the obvious and well, smart choice was to choose her boyfriend to drive, for some reason she was stuck. why though?

"well, i vote matty b." chris spoke up breaking the silence.

"me too!" alanha agreed, followed by nick's vote for his brother too.

it was savannah and grace who needed to vote now, even though it was already obvious who was going to be driver.

the auburn haired girl let out a shrug, "sorry elliot.. but i missed matty boy's driving and plus, he actually knows boston. don't take it foo personal?"

grace looked up at her boyfriend and mouthed a sorry. even her own best friend chose her ex over her current boyfriend to drive. though, she couldn't blame her, cause that was what she mentally voted on too.

"are we even gonna fit in a car?" elliot asked, slightly irritated at the fact no one wanted him to drive, but he let it go since savannah made a valid point.

"yeah dude, i literally drive a minivan-" matt replied.

"a minivan?" elliot almost laughed out loud. "you're eighteen, and you drive a minivan?"

"ayo what are you trying to say man?" chris started to get defensive of his brother, walking up to stand beside him.

"yeah what are you trying to say?" nick interrogated, as he followed chris' lead.

"nothing. just think it's a little hilarious that you're eighteen and driving a mom car."

"hey, honestly man, watch your mouth" matt scoffed. he was deeply offended at that comment, along with the rest of the group, including grace.

letters i can't send -m. sturniolo [hella slow updates!]Where stories live. Discover now