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"no." the boy said sternly gripping onto the front door handle, eyes narrowed, as if he was trying to solve his first ever algebra problem.

"come on, matt!" grace practically begged. "please! come on, you're like the best writer i know please please please."

"gracie, you know i don't write anymore, right? i haven't written anything in ages."

he was lying.

of course he was.

writing was his favorite thing to do.

anyone who knew matt sturniolo knows he could never give up writing. he was a true writer at heart. the thing is though, not many people knew he was a songwriter.

but grace knows.

of course, she does.

but for some reason, she believed it. i mean, you think you know someone, right?

"oh." her facial expression fell, and began to ramble. "sorry, i didn't mean to waste your time, uh. yeah, goodnight."

she quickly turned on her heel and began to walk away.

"wait" he called out.

a smile began to grow onto her face, as she turned around.

that smile.

that goddamn smile. the smile that made matt sturniolo all bubbly inside. the girl was luminous. she was back then and she still is to this day.

gracie philips was luminous.

"i'll help you."

the girl ran up the porch steps and hugged the boy. "thank you, thank you, thank you."

he was a bit shocked at first, but decided to hug back. he loved her hugs.

but of course it didn't last very long.

after they awkwardly pulled apart, matt suggested they go up to his room.

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the raven haired boy was subtly plucking random chords on his guitar.

"can't believe you still have that.." grace spoke, causing matt to abruptly stop.


"the guitar. you still have it." a small grin began to grow onto the girl's face.

"of course, a famous person gave it to me." matt joked.

tilting her head a bit towards him, waiting for a true answer, "mhm" she replied.

"no but, i guess it was the only thing that made me feel close to home, since.. yeah."

"yeah." she replied softly.

the two fell silent again. but this time, it was the comfortable type.

comfortable silence is underrated. sometimes all you really need is that certain person's presence, and you'll be alright.

"what do you think of this?" matt asked, as he began playing a sweet melody.

"oh. my. god. I love that!"

a cheeky grin grew onto the boys face. "now remind me, what's this song for?"

"okay so basically, it's about these two characters ricky and nini for some high school show or whatever, and the screenwriter wanted a song for them. like w song about still being in love with each other, and how when they're playing their characters on stage, it's like they never broke each others hearts and are still perfectly in love." grace rambled.

the story seemed a bit familiar to matt. it was a story that hit close to home. this was something he knew all about.

you know, still being in love and having those moments where you're heart is no longer broken.

even, if it's just for a moment.

"yeah and it has to be a duet"

playing the sweet melody he had figured out a couple minutes ago, the boy opened his mouth to sing.

not many people knew the talent matt sturniolo had. the talent called his singing voice.

it was the singing voice that never failed to make grace's heart melt.

"i.. fell in love.. with the only girl who knows what im about.." he sang, looking over at the girl, signaling it was her turn.

"i, fell in love with a boy.. and i can't tell if i.. fell out" the girl sang back.

the two look at each other in complete shock.

"holy shit! holy fucking shit! this could work, this could honestly work!" the girl squealed.

"now to finish the rest!"

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authors note💌
short chapter sorryyyy
it's kinda shitty too but
i kinda liked it tbh

hopefully more updates soon!

thx 4 reading!!!!

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