important!! please read!

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hi!! before any of u guys freak out, no i am not discontinuing this book! but i just felt like i had to point out some things.

my friends have pointed out that there has been a few fanfics basically copying this book but just with a different name for their grace, who also happens to be gracie abrams as well, which that is okay bc i know a lot of people love using gracie and i don't own having her as a face claim for my character.

but anywho back to the "copying". i want you guys to know that if anyone is copying my book, i WILL find out. i WILL see it. i don't own this type of trope or wtv but this book was my idea, that i created out of my own brain lol.

if you're going to do something similar, at least give credit so im not thinking that you're trying to "steal" what i created.

on top of school and everything else going on in my life, i was very hurt to see that people are literally recreating my book and claiming it as their own.

if you come across any other books that are quite literally almost the exact same as this one, please lmk and send me the book.

please remember to always ALWAYS give credit when taking something and recreating it. credit is important.

on top of school and everything else going on in my life, i was very hurt to see that people are literally recreating my book and claiming it as their own.

that shit isn't cool!!

also!! another thing!

again, stop sending hate to my book bc i fr be deleting ur goofy ass comments anyways. don't comment rude shit against me or anyone else in my comments. if you don't like it, why you reading? like fr..


that's all for now!!!

new update soonnn.

because i be lacking of content, here's a lil cute spoiler!!

chris and grace frfr besties fr #real.

love u!
& see u soon!

thank u 4 reading this if u did!!

letters i can't send -m. sturniolo [hella slow updates!]Where stories live. Discover now