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the plan to go out to eat, ended up not happening, for well obvious reasons. instead, they all went back to grace's old home in sommerville. 

"hey mom?" the girl yelled through the house, as she creaked open the door with her friends following closely behind.

"grace? grace, sweetheart, is that you?" a woman's voice answered, as the sound of footsteps gradually became louder.

"hi mom." the girl let out a big breath, as she and her mother shared a tight hug.

her mother unfortunately couldn't make it to her first show, well because she wasn't doing very well. the woman was unstable to say the  most, especially not for a concert.

"sorry i couldn't come tonight.." her mom spoke, voice cracking, as tears started to fill the brim of her eyes.

"no mom, it's okay. you need to put your health first, okay?"

"god, sometimes it's like you're my mom sometimes" the woman chuckled.

"uh, by the way, some friends came with me too" grace informed with a soft smile, stepping out of the way to reveal them.

the woman went around greeting all of the faces, giving them each tight hugs, especially this one specific friend.

her mother gasped. "oh matthew.. you're here!" grace's mother pulled the boy in a tight embrace. she's always loved that boy, especially for her sweet girl. she knew that they belonged together, and that they'd find each other again soon enough, and maybe. just maybe. this was that part.

"oh how i missed you, mrs. philips" the boy chuckled, through the embrace.

"oh come on, matthew! i've been telling you for years and years to call me jennifer! gosh, i haven't seen you since.." she trailed as she pulled away from him.

"yeah.." the boy replied softly, nodding.

grace was confused. what was the "since" part? surely, she was curious and she needed to know what this was about.

the group hung out at the philip's household for the rest of the night, till they all had to say their goodbyes and head home, leaving grace, jennifer and savannah.

"well, sav, are you gonna be staying here tonight?" the woman asked kindly.

"oh no, jen, i can't! i've got to head back to the hotel and catch up on some school work. college is.. college" the auburn haired chuckled.

as soon as the house was just grace and her mom again, the house felt big, making them feel small. it has always been just the two of them in this big home that's made for a family of four, but only consists of two. it pains them both knowing it used to consist of three.

grace's father died when she was just eleven years old. and any death, at any age is never something easy to deal with. when her dad died, a part of her died too.

the eighteen year old was now up in her old bedroom. she noticed it hadn't been touched at all after scanning the whole room. everything was exactly where she left it, even all the pictures of her and matt, and the gifts from him too.

"left everything the same just in case" the girl's mother said softly as she leaned against the door frame, hands in her front jean pockets.

"yeah.. i mean, by now i'd have thought you turned this into your yoga studio." the young girl chuckled softly.

"couldn't even dare me to do it.."

her eyes land back onto the pictures of her and matt. they looked so happy but now, she wonders if that happiness was even real.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

"wow, what a fucking night." chris dramatically exhaled as he shoved a couple of fries into his mouth.

"no for real? elliot the elite, everybody!" nick spoke sarcastically. "i mean who the fuck does that?"

"kid thinks he's too good for a minivan. if you don't wanna fucking ride in one then go drive yourself?? or better yet, don't fucking come!" matt joined in, ranting. "he has absolutely no fucking right to talk about my car like that!"

elliot just boosted the hatred matt had towards him, especially since that was the guy who his girl was with, even though he knows that she, in fact was no longer his.

"fucking bozo" chris replied nastily. "almost punched him on the spot, deadass."

"man, god bless grace's heart for literally doing charity work by dating him.." nick commented.

"she's better off with me than that piece of shit.." matt said under his breath.

"what was that, matt?" nick asked, not hearing what his brother had said.

"uh- oh nothing."

"okay..? you sure?"

"yep." he lied, putting on a tight lipped smile.

authors note💌
lol this was such a short
chapter but i just wanna
say thank u guys so
much for reading!!
the reads on this like
ten times since the last
time i checked, which
was like 50 reads and
now it's at like 500?
sry 4 the short chapter btw.

lots of love!!!

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