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"why are you so pissed off?" the raven haired boy asked, looking up from his phone. he was sat on the hotel room's couch, noticing how 'pissed off' his girlfriend was.

"i'm not pissed off. i never said i was pissed off." grace replied sternly, as she harshly closed the book she was reading. she was sat on the reading couch, facing matt.

"cause you're acting pissed off. it's ridiculous." the boy commented on the girl's attitude. "those were mine, nick and chris' new friends, gracie. and they were super fuckin' nice to you too."

"no, i liked your friends, i just don't like the way you were acting around them. as if, as if we're nothing." the girl spoke, growing even more irritated.

"you were being all weird and quiet the whole time-" matt replied, as his voice began to get louder.

"i wasn't being weird-"

"yes you were!"

"i was being 'weird and quiet' because you wouldn't even fucking look at me! you acted as if i was your stupid dog, just waiting for you to fucking walk me!" the girl yelled. "you wouldn't even look at me! you didn't even ask me one thing, the whole entire night! you acted like you didn't even want me there!"

"that's bullshit. that is such fucking bullshit." matt spoke irritatedly, throwing his hands up in the air, as if he was getting arrested for something he didn't do.

"you dropped my fucking hand!" the girl screamed, as she stood up from her chair. "what am i supposed to do with that?"

"i didn't even fuckin' notice! what are you talking about-" the boy spoke trying to keep himself from yelling back.

"i don't know any of these people, they're all strangers, they all do what you guys wanna do-" she continued to yell.

"but like what are you talking about-" matt cuttend in.

"i feel so out of place, you're like the only person there besides nick and chris who make me feel comfortable-"

"you're making this about you!"matt argued, cutting in again, once more.

"you won't even look at me!"

"i was talking to my friends, grace! they're important people, that we are friends with! and you're like saying i dropped your stupid fucking hand, like i don't even remember even doing that! how can you attack me over something i don't even fucking remember?" the boy yelled.

the girl looked at him more infuriated. she was silent, but infuriated.

"so i'm not important?" the girl spoke up.

"i didn't fucking say that!"

"oh but you did."

it was matt's turn to fall silent, which he did but only for a few seconds before he decided to open his mouth again.

"i was doing it subconsciously, i was talking to people!"

letters i can't send -m. sturniolo [hella slow updates!]Where stories live. Discover now