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"boston! my first show is almost over, but hold on we got one more song!" elmer exclaimed through the mic, "thank you all for coming out tonight. you all mean so much to me."

the crowd roars in excitement.

"now, i've got some friends here to help me get this last song done.." the boy started through the mic.

the whole room gasps. whispers began to fill the room. who could it be?

"please welcome to the stage, my best friends, matt, nick, chris, grace and alahna!"

fans began to scream their hearts out. best show ever, perhaps?

running onto stage, grace's heart was so full as she, looked down at the crowd of people standing before her, and over at elmer. he was smiling like a kid on christmas morning.

the group of teens waved at the fans.

"this last song is called miss me!" elmer exclaimed through the mic, as the music started.

"ending with you saying how you miss me!" the crowd screamed to the mic elmer pointed to them, as everyone jumped up and down.

"yeah you miss me! and all the things that we did" grace sang and jumped along with the crowd, facing matt, who sang the words back to her.

this was one of those moments. one of the moments where you question if you really no longer have any love left for a person. one of those moments where tension is high. One of those moments where all you want to do is close the distance between the two of you, but you just can't.

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"bffr." grace and nick yelled at elliot. "be fuckin for real."

elliot had came back to boston to spend grace's last 3 days before she went back on tour.

"i'm just saying, logan is way better than jess" the british boy argued.

they had just finished rewatching gilmore girls for what felt like the millionth time, and the group was debating on a very serious topic. which of rory gilmore's boyfriend was the best. obviously it's jess.

"elliot, there is no way you think that" alahna intervened.

"thank you!" grace exclaimed. "like, no one would ever fuckin say he is. he completely ruined rory!"

"and plus like, the fuck was he doing talking down on jess for something he worked hella fucking hard on" matt added.

"yeah well jess was holding her back, don't you think?" elliot replied, jaw slightly clenched.

"logan wanted her to ditch her friends, that isn't very 'good boyfriend' of him" matt's jaw was clenching now too.

grace's eyebrows furrowed. this was starting to seem like it was about a lot more than characters of a show.

thankfully, someone else had caught onto this as well.

"okay.. what the fuck?" chris spoke up, eyes widened "is this even about the show anymore because.. what the fuck!"

"all just about the show" elliot spoke through his gritted teeth, "right? bud." punching matt's side.

"right. bud." matt returned the punch.

everyone just looked at them confused. what was this awful tension between them?

if you haven't guessed it already, damn you're an idiot.

but hey, it's okay to be slow.

two guys are in love with the same girl.

and the girl, well.

she thinks she's in love with one of them.

or maybe she's just trying to convince herself that it's not the other guy she loves because god, how much of a nightmare would that be?

of course this is rhetorical. and maybe the situation is hypothetical, right?

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・

grace and elliot were sat on her living room floor. everybody else had went home.

"fuck" grace groaned, throwing her head back in irritation. "why the fuck can't i write something good?"

her boyfriend chuckled at the irritated girl. "you do write good. every time, love." elliot reassured.

"what are you writing anyways?" he followed up.

"remember that one high school musical show thing?" grace asked, turning her body to his direction.

"yeah what about it?"

"well, they want me to write a song for the two main characters, ricky and nini but i just can't get it right. like, i seriously need help. i don't think this is a song that could be written from one perspective, you know? like, it's practically impossible" she ranted.

"you know, i could help you write the song. like it's no big deal." elliot suggested.

"no, no love it's okay. you already have a lot of work things you need to do, it's okay."

"okay, well i should get going" the boy says as he stands up to put on his coat, grace following him to the door.

"night" elliot whispered as he placed a soft peck on grace's lips.

she leaned against the door frame as she watched him drive away to his hotel.

sighing, she opened up her text messages to the person she knew would be able to help her write this song.

authors note 💌
woah she's back lmao???
i've been so m.i.a sorry
also this was a short ass chapter
but i kinda liked it tbh

thank you for 20k reads btw!!!
that is fucking insane.
i am so grateful.

i lowk hate how dead ive been.
it's been like a full blown
month n yall haven't heard
shit from me like.

the reads on this thing is just
constantly growing
n ppl r constantly interacting
in the comments
and i absolutely love that.
thank u for all that u do.

thx 4 reading!!!

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