9: Not again.. (Part 2)

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"Shut up! Get into my House Rouge is gone missing!" She quickly replied. "Oh-" Tails is more shocked than ever. He flew as fast as he could to see if Amy is actually genuine. "Can this day go any worse..."

And here the worse comes...


X has read Sonic's thoughts, it made him angrier... Those questions gives him the urge to stab and shout, but he prevented himself from hurting Sonic, though X doesn't have a good reason why he isn't hurting Sonic yet.. from the very first day he wanted to torture him, something made him feel like it isn't right, what is that feeling??? Is he having Sympathy around someone that defeated him from before, for his stupid friends? No, it's not that, X thinks he is mentally ill.

Sonic was completely silent and frozen, he is around 6 meters away from X and still doesn't feel comfortable with his presence, Sonic remained silent because he thought talking might make things worse.. but he still has so much in mind to say, and so many questions he wants to ask.

'i will just forget about escaping, maybe he will let me free like what he has said that day-' X interrupted Sonic's thoughts with a knife being thrown beside his face, nearly one inch away from his left eye.

"H-huh-?" Sonic creeped away from the knife that is now stuck on the wall behind him. "Didn't i tell you.." X paused for a moment before continuing, "X.. I-" "To follow my rules??" X raised his voice even more.

"Didn't I tell you to not piss me off?!" X started to get closer to Sonic with each question he gives. "Why can't you listen to me, you little brat!?" Sonic trapped himself to X against the wall, the room was too big, but he knew there is no escape from X, which means he will have to face him.. until dawn.

"If you have listened to me until now I wouldn't have killed that stupid echidna, nor the bat!" When Sonic heard those, his heart fell, he felt his soul is trying to break out from his body.. he couldn't believe that Exe actually killed Knuckles and Rouge! Why would he do that??! Did he kill more of his frie-

"Shut up!!" X demanded, which made Sonic stop immediately and focus on him. "Questions.. questions... MORE QUESTIONS.. I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS!" Sonic's eyes widened as X is becoming angrier, Sonic watched X approaching him slowly in horror, isn't completely ready for another torturing session.. but he thinks it's worth it if his remaining friends will live longer..

X trapped Sonic against the wall with his hands sticking from the both sides of Sonic, and his body blocking the main way. While Sonic is feeling X's grips breaking the wall behind him, showing how mad he genuinely is.

Sonic just looked down and closed his eyes, then mumbled a 'Sorry' which is hardly heard, X heard it of course, but that didn't affect him much since he is angry already. "Sometimes i just think of killing you, it is really so easy.." X said, Sonic didn't say anything but he still hoped that X wasn't genuine with his words and it's just his anger.

"But for me it's so damn hard to do it, are you playing with my damn mind???" X asked with a serious tone, making Sonic completely confused. Sonic opened his eyes and looked back at X. "Wh-", "I didn't allow you to talk, idiot." X warned, the wall behind Sonic was letting out breaking noises, X cringed his teeth and then sighed after a short while of silence. He backed off from Sonic then looked away, "Sorry." He apologized, making Sonic completely puzzled. Sonic stared at X for a while then he waved his hands "I-it's o-" "You won't forgive me anyways." X teleported away right after he said those words.

Sonic dropped down on the ground automatically after X disappeared, letting himself rest on the floor since he really cannot move after that horrifying moment that could ever happen in his life. 'X is so complex...' he thought to himself, 'why did he blabber all of that and almost scared me to death then apologize later? That's really- ugh.. who knows if he is here, he will read my thoughts again.'

Sonic prevented himself from offending X as best as he can to not fall in trouble again, but he really wished that he is free to say anything he wants, it will kinda help him to vent for himself..
'I never wanted to live like this.' Sonic thought to himself before closing his eyes slowly, he fell asleep right after that.

-----------Sonic's friends POV-----------

Tails arrived at Amy's house.

"Amy? Where are you?" Tails yelled, he is searching for Amy in every room and he hasn't found her yet. "Oh no.. what should i do!?" He looked at his smart watch and wanted to locate where might Amy be, but he saw that she is in the same location, has she dropped her watch?

"Ugh this is pointless." Tails complained, completely unpleasant about the disappearance of Amy, but after a short while, he heard some crying from outside the house.

"Oh-- Amy??" Tails looked from the outside of the window and yelled her name for a couple of times until she replied with a sob. "I'm here..." Amy replied, her voice was shaky and it looked like she was crying for a long while.

Tails went to the backyard and saw Amy sitting infront of a familiar body, and blood was everywhere surrounding her.. "Amy--" Tails called, but then he froze when he recognized the body.. it was Rouge's body, resting on the ground, her eye was pulled out and her heart is inside of her mouth.. her organs were teared apart.. the view itself would make someone run.

Tails dropped on his knees beside Amy, his eyes were teary, he was shocked and scared, even more sad to his friend lying on the ground like that. "Amy.. we should stop searching for Sonic." Tails said with a shaky voice. Amy remained silent, focusing with her sobs. "Exe warned us twice.. we didn't listen.. everytime we don't listen he will kill one of us.. I'm sure that-" Amy had enough, she screamed loudly before Tails could finish his sentence.

"ENOUGHHHHHH, WHY WOULD THAT BITCH DO IT??? WHY CAN'T WE LIVE IN PEACE?????" Amy shouted, holding her spiky hair tightly as if she went crazy, she clearly couldn't handle what is happening. "I DON'T CARE IF HE KILLED ME TAILS." Amy glared at Tails while tears are falling from her eyes. "ALL I KNOW, I WON'T GIVE UP ON SAVING SONIC FROM THAT STUPID DEMON." Amy gave her closure, then she stood and went back to her house. "BURY THE BODY." Amy commanded before slamming the backyard door behind her, leaving Tails alone in the backyard to think alone. "What a mess.." Tails commented, putting his hand on his face for comfort.

To be continued...

(A/N) //Haha- because chapter 1 was kinda short i made a part two of it. What do yall think? Hopefully y'all like it-//

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