20: Confession

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"It's.." X went silent after that, he was honestly lost, how can he tell Sonic about it? he paused for almost a minute, it made Sonic feel awkward and nervous at the same time... suddenly the place started to become orange, and it turned out that the sun was setting already.

They both forgot about the time, but at that moment, they both enjoyed the view and forgot about the awkwardness in their silence, and it bought X more time to think on how to tell or explain that thing to Sonic directly..


"The sunset is beautiful.." Sonic commented, he wanted to change the subject because X seemed uncomfortable about it, and he was pausing in every word, what would X hide from Sonic...? Although Sonic wanted to change the subject, X didn't want to, he wanted to continue... he wanted to solve his problem, and make all of his emotions stable, he doesn't want to hide them anymore!

"Sonic.. I-.. I think I am very attached to you.. I didn't kill you because I didn't know what to do if I lost you.. You are- you are very valuable.." X continued after half of the sun was gone behind the mountains, Sonic was so surprised by the sadness in X's tone that he had never imagined himself to hear it.

Sonic never expected a cold hearted demon would care for someone like him, but he listened carefully.

"You know.. it always bothers me whenever you ignore me, force a smile to me or lie to me, I don't want anymore lies! Now I see why I wanted to get rid of your friends.. it's because they are the only mobians that you care about.. you wouldn't care for my existence if I haven't dealt a great damage to your heart.."

"But now I realized it's my fault.. I wanted to fix things up before you would run away, hurting yourself more to see your friends.. but i was too late.. very very late." X started to blame himself on everything, it quickly made Sonic feel very emotional, and he felt bad for misjudging the demon..

Even though X was the one who killed Sonic's friends, he still had the urge to fix everything, and he did revive Sonic's friends, but it turned out that he only wanted Sonic to notice him, and live with him.. X wanted Sonic to be on his side, that's the only thing he needed.

Sonic hesitated to do this at first, but then he reached his hand on X's back, and he started to rub his back gently.. trying to cheer him up a little. "I- um.. I am sorry.. I never knew you felt that way." Sonic said, he sat closer to X while rubbing his back, feeling safer after knowing X's feelings.

"It.. is not.. like what you are thinking, it is hard for me to get through my past already, and now I have to get through all of this.. fixing all the mistakes that I have done. I have to.. do something... Although I feel guilty for getting you away from your friends, I also don't want you to go away from the castle... I want you to stay with me.." X explained, it seemed like his eyes were teary, but Sonic doesn't know if X is crying or not..

Because he always saw those bloody tears, but what makes it different now.. is that X wasn't dropping any bloody tears when he is happy, in fact, his face looked more of a peaceful mobian. Although Sonic wanted to see his friends again very much... he decided to stay with X.

Sonic frowned and tried to wipe the bloody tears, but X held Sonic's hand and pushed it away from his face. "What are you doing?" X was just nervous, he didn't experience any of those weird touches, but he mostly thought Sonic is trying to hurt his eyes or something.

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