21: New page

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X kissed Sonic on the forehead, making Sonic overheat from embarrassment, he was very shy from every action that X does, and it was really adorable on Sonic, this was a side of him that X has never seen, nor the other friends of Sonic, but X felt special for seeing this side of Sonic first, it felt like a challenge that he has won it already.


The sun has disappeared and the stars are now visible, Sonic was still shy and couldn't process what has happened.. the fact that he has kissed a demon who actually tried to kill him previously is insane, thinking about it alone would blow someone's mind.

Sonic and X were still laying down, stargazing for a while.. both of them being silent, the silence between them was rather more comfortable than the previous awkward Silence they had that day in the library.. they both seem to be at peace. No more threats.. no more hatred, no more sadness and misery, no more arguing or having any bad intentions.

This almost felt like a dream for Sonic.. how would X be this kind all of a sudden? None of this felt right, it almost made Sonic worry again as if X is using him, or leading him to false sense of security..

Sonic turned his head around to look at X who is already looking at the stars, without blinking.. Sonic cleared his throat to catch X's attention. "Hey um.." Sonic paused to think of the question before he asks it. "Why your servants seem to be afraid from Fleetway?" Sonic asked, he was genuinely curious since the time he saw Fleetway entering the Dining room and everyone went silent.

X looked at Sonic with a confused look, he tilted his head a bit then looked away thoughtfully. "Hmm.. Did Tanko Tell you about it?" X asked before he could explain, he wanted to know if his most trusted servant said anything wrong in front of Sonic. "Uh.. no? I asked him about it but he only said that Fleetway killed two of your servants because they crossed his path, then none of the rest tried to get closer to him.. that's all I know." Sonic answered, he didn't look away from X while doing so.

"Mhm, that part is valid, but the other reason is that I have a deal with Fleetway." X said, he sighed then sat up to start explaining more clearly. Sonic has done the same. "A deal..?" Sonic repeated, he tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, a deal. It was the reason why me and Fleetway live under the same roof." X answered, he still seemed to hide what the deal contained.. so Sonic remained silent to not pressure X anymore than that.

"I see.. so Fleetway is stuck with you, and he can do whatever he wants with your servants?" Sonic asked, he had slight fear that Fleetway would one day want to kill him for satisfaction.

"Correct.. but you aren't involved in the deal, because you are not a servant, but I ordered him to not try and hurt you specifically." X said, he tried to assure Sonic as if he knew what is Sonic feeling about this situation already.

Sonic sighed in relief and then smiled slightly as his cheeks revealed a tiny bit of pink shade. "Thank you.." Sonic said while looking away shyly, he felt really comfortable now, he is indeed safe with Sonic.exe and there is no doubt.

Sonic saw X smiling with the corner of his eye, but when he turned around to see X, he didn't see that smile visible.. he wished to see X smiling, but X is acting all serious around him still, he is really a tough guy.. isn't he?

X exhaled tiredly then stood up, he is finally feeling like being free once again since he had confessed to Sonic, but he wouldn't really let any of his servants know about this.. if they saw their own master being weak in front of someone like Sonic.. then they would take that opportunity to harm Sonic, because they would know that Sonic is a point of weakness to Sonic.exe now. X looked down at Sonic then gave him a serious look.

"Sonic.. I know that you have seen my side of affection and everything.. but.." X paused then kneeled down to Sonic's level. "Can you not tell anyone about this? Not even your friends shall know.." X asked Sonic with a serious tone, his deep menacing voice seemed to be back, but it's less threatening for Sonic now.

"Oh, sure..  I don't think this would be good for your reputation anyways." Sonic said as he started tapping his chin thoughtfully. "So.. everything will be back to normal, as if nothing of this happened?" Sonic asked, he tilted his head in curiosity. X looked away then went silent, he started to think for a moment.

"We will start a new page.. let's say we have a deal, that you should obey my commands for a while until I decide the deal is done, then I will release you.. so my servants won't suspect that we have anything in between.. is that okay with you?" X suggested, he looked like he was worried for a moment, but it soon faded when Sonic smiled at him.

"You will release me?? Does that mean.. I can get out of the castle?" Sonic asked before he could give an answer, he was smiling widely that it almost made X's heart squeeze.

"Ah.. I mean.. yeah-" X paused again. "You can go back to the castle whenever you want though, but let's make this look like we have assigned peace."

"I agree then! That sounds great." Sonic answered cheerfully, he seemed to be happy about this idea.

"It's settled then.." X said, he offered his hand for Sonic to take and help him stand up. Sonic has gladly taken X's hand, both of them stood up.. Sonic was waiting for X to say anything else, but then he ended up staring at his red eyes that looked like orbs shining in the middle of the dark..

"Let's go back, we have been here for hours.. you didn't even get to exercise." X said, reminding Sonic of why they were here in the first place. "Oh crap-- I forgot.. But that's okay!" Sonic said as he laughed a bit, brushing it off easily. X smiled slightly then nodded. "Tomorrow, I will let you go alone, but you better come back or I will break your bones." X said with a sly smirk on his face.

"Oh come on, you won't do it." Sonic smiled then rolled his eyes.

"What if I did?" X tried to intimidate Sonic, but it failed.

"That is unbelievable."

"I guess I spoiled you too much.." X acted as if he is frowning, but he was clearly messing around.

"Well it's your problem." Sonic chuckled then let out his tongue playfully at X.

"I will punish you for that."

"Is it another hug?" Sonic giggled.

"Don't underestimate me, that's right I like you, but won't prevent me from hurting you." X said with a seductive voice.

"Shiver me tempers.." Sonic said sarcastically.

X chuckled a bit then gave Sonic a head pat, Sonic was taken back by the touch, but he enjoyed it, he smiled warmly at X then relaxed at his touch.

X then teleported them both back to the castle, Sonic was teleported to his room, but he was confused that X didn't teleport to the same location as him.. and he frowned because he can't spend time with X alone, but he should behave for now to get what he wanted.. it is now only a matter of time.

Sonic didn't expect himself to like the Demon back, he is now only thinking of how X looked at his eyes in such a romantic view like sunset, he felt like this was all set up.. and not like some sort of a coincidence. Sonic couldn't believe that this day was real, he still thinks that he is in a dream..

He sighed then brushed his thoughts off for a while, he tried to forget the events and do something to let go of his boredom.. oh right!! the comics he took from the library! Time for reading some trivial jokes again.

[To be Continued]

//Yeah yeah I know everyone are a bit mad at me for not updating, sorry for that, I have been preparing something for a new story then I completely forgot about this one, have this chapter for now.. this week I have exams and hell I won't be available at all, maybe I will try to write the next chapter today so that I will upload it when the time comes.//

Recover before dying 2: Sonic x Sonic.exeWhere stories live. Discover now