Rant (A/N)

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Before we get started with ranting.. I want to let you guys know:

I just got a very great idea, how about you get the confession early and then I will let Sonic.exe and Sonic celebrate Christmas?

I mean by that.. you get the confession part today or tomorrow, then you get a very VERY good Christmas part for them both. (I am planning to make a drawing) So if anyone agreed on this idea I will have time to write the confession part today then I will start writing the Christmas one, it will be good believe me.

Oh and also! Sorry for being sometimes late while updating, I do update a random event after 6 parts of this story but this time you will get a note and nothing more lol. (Cliff hanger.)

Jk, you want to see more of my drawings? well, I do have some drawings that might interest you, but I gotta tell you they somehow don't relate to the story... or might reveal some spoilers for future parts, so nah! (jkjkjkjk)

I will show you them in exchange for a vote, if this author note got voted more than 7 times I will update it and put some trash drawings here.


Sometimes when someone wants to roleplay with me, I do a quick sketch to make it interesting, so if anyone likes to RP with me, I don't mind it at all, just don't exaggerate the blushing and those weird emotions.. it kinda sounds too girly for any of the characters, and I don't like it for mature characters, because it doesn't sound like it at all..

I know this is an imagination but please don't bug me about it, it was just my opinion.

Complaining about bugging.. most of the readers here attack my dms requesting some spoilers of the future chapters, and they ask me how it ends, they do also bug me alot about Fleetway, Sark or these other exe's i mentioned in my previous book. "Omg who is that character it's my first time hearing about it" Dude just search it up, I don't have to explain.. 

Anyways, some of my previous followers also asked me in Instagram if i can make a  Roleplay book, or Lord x male!reader, but i cannot decide alone.. so maybe voting for which one I should do is very helpful thing you could do??

Oh and... My oc that has been mentioned in the story (Tanko), i think i will remove it, there I have fallen in a drama for adding it, and they all complain because they don't know who the heck is Tanko and I respect this opinion honestly, but i thought it would be fun to add a new character to the story to make it sorta original to me, but i think it won't work after all. I have to remove all Tanko moments and replace it with a known character, Some of exe slaves maybe?

Idk guys I really think writing this story would spread more negativity because of the used characters, I don't know what other characters I should use.. they are all known, SO WHAT DO YOU WANT TO REPLACE IT WITH? WANT A CROSSOVER FROM MARIO OR SOMETHING?

Ugh sorry for caps, but i seriously had enough from stupidity, i may discontinue this story to let them see who is gonna win this argument, and I won't give spoilers or continuation to anyone, don't even expect it.

Be rude with me and I be rude with you, I am not referring this to the nice people commenting in my story, I am talking to the rude people in my dms, please change your attitude and i may continue this story peacefully, no need to fight or make drama about it, it's just a fictional story anyways, nothing is cannon here.

Oh and also, to the people who are more talented than me in drawing, no need to tell me my drawings are shit, just look at your drawings a couple of years ago, weren't they looking like shit as well? I am a new artist and trying to improve, but you are here ruining it and making everyone's life look like shit no offense.

Sorry for blabbering alot but i thought i should reveal some of people's mistakes out loud so that nobody does the same, hopefully someone read till the end, I respect them.

Have a great holiday everyone! <3

//Also don't call me Lord Kobisan, it kinda makes me feel praised but I feel like controlling ya'll and I don't mean to do that to my dear readers, I love you all, have a nice day.//

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