11: X emotions

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"I asked him and he seemed to be confused about it, so he isn't really trying anything, then it's my problem." X finally gave that conclusion, and he wants to find a way into getting rid of that feeling.. because it's making him sick of caring about someone.


Sonic took a break in the middle of the forest, he saw some apple and berry trees so he decided to stay for a while until his arm heals a bit, and because he is hungry already. "Ouch- it still hurts though.." Sonic muttered, looking at his injured left arm while holding it tightly with his right hand.

After an hour, he decided to keep moving so that if X found out about him escaping at least he would be far away already, and X wouldn't know where he went.. but he still wants to see if his bff was doing okay, he really missed Tails.

Sonic ran a bit and saw that the forest he was in is already near the green hill zone, awesome! Now he will know where his friends are if he found the main way towards Amy's house (since Amy's house is the closest one to green hill zone), so he kept moving.

-----------Exe POV-----------

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" X yelled at his servants with anger, he wasn't pleased with what he heard, he is in the mood to kill anybody at this moment.. "S-sorry lord X!! Please have mercy on us! We didn't know Sonic will esca-" "AN APOLOGY WON'T DO ANYTHING, GET AWAY FROM MY FACE BEFORE I TEAR YOU APART!!!" X demanded furiously, then he used his red blood energy to track the blue hedgehog, but he just realized it doesn't work on Sonic because their powers relate somehow.

UGHHH, This is so annoying! What can he do to know where that blue idiot went to? Oh that's right, he went to reunite with his friends.. means that he can still catch him if he tracked Tails or Amy since they are the only survivors.

"This requires patience.. that I'm not a fan of, but I'll wait if that's what it takes me to get him back." He muttered while smirking widely, then he went to sit on his throne. "I'll let him have his last moments with his friends." He said, then he spotted Tanko (his favorite servant) cleaning the throne room floor quietly. "Tanko." He called his name, which made the poor servant wince a bit then give him a nervous smile.

"Yes.. my lord..?" Tanko replied, his reaction made X feel guilty for scaring him. "I have a question." X requested before elaborating, Tanko made his way to X and bowed his head a little for respect.

"Ask as you please my lord, I'll try to find the answer." Tanko said in a low tone (because X hates loud voices specially when anyone is near him) "If you have an enemy and you try to convince them to make peace and he refuses force and kindness, what are the other ways to convince them?" X asked, Tanko widened his pupils and looked around with a thoughtful expression. "Well, if the enemy was too stubborn on being your enemy, then you have to surrender if you wanted peace.. because if you didn't, then the enemy won't stop on trying to get you with force." Tanko replied.

"But I don't understand.. my lord." He continued, "Why would you ask that question and you don't have enemies except for Sonic? You already caught him, what is bothering you?" Tanko asked with a genuine curious expression, X looked away, he was hesitant to tell his servant what he felt towards Sonic, but he have to find a solution if that kept on his mind.

"Whenever I look at Sonic's eyes, I see the fear in his eyes, the sadness for his friends, and the pain from his injuries. What makes me wonder on hesitating to kill him, are my feelings.. I feel guilt for the first time, whispers in my head preventing me from hurting him, so many emotions in me control my body more than you can realize, it's just weird that I find him...." X paused for a second, he wanted to say a word that he never understood, but Tanko listening beside him made him feel paranoid of the consequences if he said it, so he is thinking of another word.

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