18: He is everything..

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'That was really weird..' Sonic thought, he had many hints of crush for today, X definitely likes him, but when is he planning to confess? Sonic will have to wait for X to potentially come to him and confess first, or he might help him with that- but he has to be sure 100% that X likes him, he didn't confirm that thought yet, and Sonic doesn't want to embarrass himself..


Sonic went to his room (After asking Tanko where it might be.) and continued on reading the funny comic books he had. It was honestly better for him to read in his room, not like the library that would drag the attention of X's slaves- but he didn't care much to be honest, he just doesn't want to be interrupted while reading the comic books.

Sonic felt bored after a couple of hours, he read like 3 chapters of the comic and was uninterested on reading more, so he decided to get out and go around the castle to find something interesting, maybe going to the Junior Academy? that would be good but who knows when are they going to leave the academy- besides... it's already past afternoon, and X took a very long time to come back to the castle, there must be something going on with that 'Family meeting' we suppose.

Sonic went out of his room and went down stairs to the first floor then to the throne room.. (He didn't plan to go there but he just happened to be there //he doesn't know locations of rooms//.) He found Tanko cleaning the throne while humming, and he was surprised to find a commander litrally cleaning instead of slaves, does he like this job or something?

"Umm.. Hi Tanko, do you know when will X come back?" Sonic asked, he just wanted to request something from X but he took so long in that 'Family meeting' thing. "Huh? Oh hey Sonic, Why do you wanna know?" Tanko asked, he was a bit surprised that Sonic asks about X for once.

"Because I have something to say to him, but he didn't come yet..." Sonic answered while rolling his eyes. "Oh dear, he is already here." Tanko said, he gave a smile and tilted his head.

"Wait wha-" Sonic didn't expect X to be in the castle without calling his name or bothering him like usual, did X actually leave Sonic with his free time? Oh goodness, that is great improvement, unless X was busy with other things that he actually forgot about Sonic completely.

"Where is he right now?" Sonic asked, which in his surprise... made Tanko a bit nervous to reply. "Uhm- umm.. You would find him in the torture room- it's beside the library door, you gotta just enter the hall and go there." Tanko replied, his voice was a bit shaky as if he knows what is exactly happening there, hmm.. 'Torture room', Sonic was very familiar with this, and the mention of it already made Sonic completely terrified to go there... but now he is wondering why X was there, and WHO is he torturing?

Sonic thought for a moment before deciding to go, he snapped back to reality and thanked Tanko for telling him the directions, then he went outside the throne room.. trying to remember where the heck was the library again. Silly him, all the rooms are actually close to eachothers, they are only connected with halls, he just needs to read the signs and he is good to go.

Sonic finally found the Library entrance door, he looked at the left side of the door and he found a hall as what Tanko instructed, he walked through the hall to find a big, thick looking hard metal door.. with a big sign wrote with red painting (blood?) 'Torture room', it made Sonic shiver, he started to have many old flashbacks on how Exe was torturing him... he found himself frozen infront of the door, so he decided to wait outside of the room to see if X would get out of it when he is done, but at the same time... he was very curious to know what is happening inside.

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