19: Explanation

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 X's old personality is starting to fade slowly, he stopped collecting souls for strength, and he is becoming nicer towards everyone, is this supposed to be a great improvement? Or... a bad one?


An hour already passed and Sonic lost track of time, but he felt like being late, so he immediately ran towards X. He saw X sitting at the edge of a hill and was looking straight at the sun, it was honestly weird to see X this peaceful, he looked so freaking peaceful.. X heard Sonic's footsteps and snapped out of his deep thoughts, he looked at Sonic and stood slowly. "You are finally back?" X said, he gave a slight smile to Sonic and crossed his arms. "Wait.. w-was I late?" Sonic asked, he was rubbing his left arm nervously and felt uncomfortable for a second..

"You are, you were running past your limited time for 15 minutes." X said, he frowned a bit because of Sonic's uncomfortable position, he wanted Sonic to feel better, not... like this. "Oh.." Sonic widened his eyes then he gritted his teeth, cursing himself for not realizing.

"Am I in trouble..?" Sonic asked sheepishly, he already knew he would be in trouble, but surprisingly, X's face expression didn't show any madness or disappointment.

"Don't worry, you are good." X smiled at Sonic again, then he patted Sonic's quills softly.

Sonic was truly surprised from that reaction, he thought he would have a great punishment or something, but X has changed.. it's like a whole different hedgehog, and he truly liked this personality on him.. despite everything Sonic has got from X that was really bad, he still appreciates the effort X is doing to fix everything up, but what is the goal behind X keeping Sonic in his castle?

It is still a mystery to Sonic, but he is now starting to get used to be in the castle, and he liked the place already..

X rested his hand on Sonic's head, and started gesturing it from behind Sonic's ears gently. Sonic tensed up at the start of the weird gesture.. but soon after, he relaxed and closed his eyes... feeling very comfortable, and it felt nice for Sonic.

Sonic finally got reminded of the question he asked X at the morning, and he decided to ask X again about it, because it felt like the perfect time for talking, right here, right now. "Oh right.. about the question...? You.. want to talk about it now?" Sonic asked, he felt X stopped petting his head.. so he thought there might be something wrong about it..

"Um.. sure." X said, he frowned and looked away, then he went to sit back at the edge of the hill he previously sat on. Then he gestured at the space beside him, inviting Sonic to sit beside him.

Sonic did as he was told and sat besides X.

"Well.. about how I feel about you, I honestly don't know how to explain this.. even though I already told Tanko about it, but it feels different to you.. because I am not used to talk to you." X tried to run away from the subject, he wasn't ready for explaining yet..

Sonic felt like he knows what is behind that, besides, X sounds very very new to this. "Is it.. is it bad?" Sonic asked, he feared it might be some bad thoughts, or it might be the thing he is thinking about lately... but even if X had feelings for him, he would have forced him for.. you know?

"Oh, no no, it is just me, I think I don't get it sometimes.. like the first day I started torturing you, my feelings were very unsettling, they prevented me from completely killing you.. Then.. I felt some emotions that I haven't felt since my childhood, like guilt, sadness and fear.." X explained, he wasn't looking at Sonic while explaining, he was just gazing with the clouds to distract himself from the nervousness.

"How did that happen..? What made you feel that way?" Sonic asked, he really didn't expect X to feel all of these stuff just because of him, he then believed on how he could change X to better... but he needs to know more about X at the moment.

X was hesitant while replying, he was being more careful while talking to not reveal a false idea, so he just kept gazing the clouds and sighed. "I am not sure what made me feel like this, but I think... whenever I get closer to you, I feel all the emotions you feel, it's like we are the same person, but very different.." X replied, he then coughed a little when he felt awkward.. he was becoming extra nervous when Sonic looks at him like that.

Sonic was silent, he was waiting for further explanation so he only focused his vision on X, though he saw how uncomfortable X was.. so he thought X didn't like to express his emotions, he thought looking at him would make him better, but little did he know it made X feel extra nervous.

"Anyways.. the second day, when I decided to finish you off.. I just changed my intentions in a flash of light the moment I saw you sitting with the collar on your neck... your left arm was bleeding.. and your right leg was broken, the lifeless look on your face made me feel... guilty...? I immediately went to pick you up.. but you were flinching.. very cold, and the fear in your eyes made me feel like an idiot." X explained further, though the mention of that memory itself brought horror back to Sonic.. but when Sonic knew X's part of view at that moment, he felt less horrified from that memory.

"I.. didn't know that.. I thought you were trying to torture me with other ways when you got me out of that room.." Sonic said his part of view, it made X feel guiltier, but he has to explain more about this.

"Do you.. remember the time you wanted to escape through the balcony? I was at that time.. very scared, for you to get hurt again, that's why I shouted at you... but I saw the tears in your eyes, I didn't like it when you do this, you know.. if you were confused on why I apologized, it's because of me shouting at you like that." X explained, reminding Sonic of every moment that he might have felt weird about it.

"Oh.. I thought.. you were angry because I wanted to leave the castle, and not.. about that. I feel very selfish..." Sonic said, he looked down while talking, he actually felt bad for misjudging X that way. X placed his hand on Sonic's shoulder, then he smiled at him. "I know this might sound weird but... I sometimes have a strong urge to hug you, so forgive me if I ever made you feel weird." X said, in an apologizing manner, which made Sonic's heart squeeze.

"I-it's fine! heh.. I am used to hugs.. Amy was always doing that." Sonic admitted, a blush was visible on his face, although he wanted to hide his face, he sorta felt comfortable showing it for X more often now.

"Well.. that sounds great.." X said, he frowned again and put his hand back beside him. Sonic didn't know why X became like this suddenly, but he just thought he is guilty for doing such a thing for him. Sonic personally would forgive X, but he has to think twice before doing that.. who knows if X telling the truth or not? Even though it's already clear that X says the truth, but Sonic has to be careful from giving in to X's control..

"Uhm.. could you maybe tell me why you decided to spare me?" Sonic asked, this thing was always bothering him, so he asked to finally know the answer. "It's.." X went silent after that, he was honestly lost, how can he tell Sonic about it? he paused for almost a minute, it made Sonic feel awkward and nervous at the same time... suddenly the place started to become orange, and it turned out that the sun was setting already.

They both forgot about the time, but at that moment, they both enjoyed the view and forgot about the awkwardness in their silence, and it bought X more time to think on how to tell or explain that thing to Sonic directly..

To be continued...

//Alright I am taking a break from writing, PHEW, finally I caught up a bit to the perfect moment, anyways... See ya at the next part! Remember it will be exactly in Christmas day. have a great holiday everyone!//

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