17: Emotional

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Sonic's vision started to slowly fade out to a pitch black void. Soon after, he fell asleep.


The birds started to chirp happily, the sun woke up and shined brightly and the darkness faded away from Sonic's room, it was so peaceful at the morning.. Sonic slowly opened his eyes to meet the sunlight on the ceiling, he felt so energetic after that long comfortable sleep. Sonic yawned and sat on the bed for a while, being quiet to hear the peaceful morning sounds. Sonic looked out of the window to see the beautiful view outside... he looked down to see some servants already woke up and doing their thing in the garden.

Sonic didn't have time yesterday to fully check his room, so he looked around and saw the beautiful decorating and some details on the furniture, the room was beautiful... yet again, it is smaller than he has expected. He checked the drawers and they were empty, okay then, he fully moved into a hotel room (lol). So he needs his stuff to fill the drawers and the wardrobe. He yawned while standing, stretching his hands then his legs, remembering that he has to do some exercise for today.

Suddenly, a Knock on the door ruined Sonic's peaceful morning, he shivered a bit when he heard the knock.. maybe it's Exe? Sonic opened the door slowly to find a complete stranger, a servant? "Good morning! Our lord waiting for us to group in the cafeteria, get ready for breakfast!" The hedgehog announced, he smiled for Sonic then waited for a reply. "C-cafeteria? I don't know where that is- wait- Breakfast?" Sonic was so confused that he had too many questions to ask, but he couldn't say much to not embarrass himself in front of a SERVANT.

The hedgehog laughed in amusement from Sonic's reaction, "Looks like you are new, sorry, i was too quick on ya buddy." The hedgehog apologized then scratched his quills shyly, "We get to eat breakfast every morning in the cafeteria with our lord on the main dining table, and i only wake people up to get ready for breakfast!" The hedgehog explained, Sonic eased his shoulders and sighed. "How can i find the cafeteria?" Sonic asked while putting his hand on his neck. "Just follow the others while they are going downstairs, you will find it!" The hedgehog simply replied, he gave you one last smile and waved at you to say good bye. "Enjoy your food!" The hedgehog said then left to wake more people.

Sonic looked back at his room as if he is unsure if he should go down or not, but his hunger forcing him to walk like a dog behind food, so... PROCEEDING with confusion, Sonic was looking where the others walk mostly, and he followed a bunch of them. Some of them noticed Sonic, he is a popular hero in green hill zone.. so of course people will notice him, shit. All eyes on him while walking, Sonic felt insecure... he looked at the floor and suddenly felt nervous.

He stopped walking to find everyone are grouped around him, holy crap where did this crowd come from?! Sonic looked around him then he gave an annoyed look. "What?!" Sonic yelled, he was clearly uncomfortable with the unwanted attention.. he heard the crowd whispering to eachothers, and he heard many of them saying his name in a quiet voice, what are they even talking about him? what the hell? The crowd was interrupted by X clapping 3 times for their attention, and everyone looked at X.

"What is going on?" X asked, glaring at everyone around Sonic. The servants went silent immediately, giving Sonic space to show up for X.. One of the servants stepped forward and bowed in respect for X. "S-sorry for the crowd my lord, but i think everyone are wondering what is Sonic the hedgehog doing here." The servant explained, which made X facepalm, "Isn't he like anyone in the castle here? all of you been spared for a reason, and he is too, any problem with Sonic's sudden appearance?" X asked, everyone were silent, so X took that as a 'No'. "Now go to the dining table." X demanded, everyone quickly walked past X to the Cafeteria and left Sonic behind.

Recover before dying 2: Sonic x Sonic.exeWhere stories live. Discover now