16: First comfy night

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Sonic slowly wrapped his arms around X and hugged him back, he quickly felt so many sorts of stuff. He felt a bit happy, and the hug made him sleepy, he also felt safe for no reason... as if Sonic needed that hug a long time ago, what is this?


Sonic gave in to that hug, he completely felt comfortable and had the will to sleep, but he tried to prevent this to not do anything wrong.. Come on Sonic, it's just a hug, get yourself together!

X was smiling that Sonic hugged him back, he felt a bit happy that he finally made Sonic feel comfortable around him. Although he liked the hug, it lasted for so long.. he felt a little awkward that both are silent and they are just- there... Hugging each other while standing.

Then X felt Sonic's head becoming heavier on his chest.. wait a sec, is he relaxing or about to fall- "I'm tired." Sonic said, he pushed X slightly as a sign to break the hug, and X backed off as he understood. Sonic rubbed his eyes then turned around to face the library exit door.

"You want me to show you the location of your room?" X asked, he took the comic books from Sonic's hand to hold them for him. "Uh- um.. yeah?" Sonic answered, he wasn't sure why X held the books instead, but he let it slide since his hands were too tired to hold anything at that moment, and the hug made him extra lazy. 'I seriously have to get some exercising tomorrow, I feel like a Koala..' Sonic thought, and it is true, he was bottled up in one room the whole last week, then when he ran away, he felt so tired because it was his first run after some days without exercising. Sonic will get some trouble to get his flexibility again.

X started to walk in front of Sonic to lead the way, and Sonic followed, as it seems.. there were very.. VERY long stairs going up. It almost made Sonic faint from the view, WHY does every castle have THAT MANY STAIRS?? Sonic just wanted to get this over with, "Well if you are that lazy to see the way to your room, then I will show you later, and I will teleport you there." X said, he just wanted to solve the problem.

Sonic furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the ground to think, "Alright.. that's better." Sonic said then sighed from tiredness, it was a long day full of big scenarios.. it sucks to be you Sonic, you stayed all night having a tour and you already know none of the Exes sleep regularly lol.

X just rested his hand on Sonic's shoulder, and teleported themselves to Sonic's new room in the castle.
It was a simple looking room, it was great for Sonic's taste, he likes purple colors even though he preferred blue. and the bed looked so comfortable, he can't wait to drop himself on it... The room was so great! X came inside and placed the comic books on the table while Sonic went to sit on the bed and see if it's as soft as it looks.

(Here is a drawing i made for ya'll to imagine the room.)

X felt how uncomfortable Sonic was when he is in the room, so he didn't want to last for any longer to not see that look on his eyes

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X felt how uncomfortable Sonic was when he is in the room, so he didn't want to last for any longer to not see that look on his eyes.. and he wasn't planning on staying anyways. X quietly went to the bedroom door handle and opened it to leave.

"Goodnight." X said, there was a smile on his face revealing, which wasn't the old creepy smile as it was, no, this one is so different, this one made Sonic feel so safe when that smile is around, and it gave warmth to his heart. Sonic was speechless, so he didn't know how to answer X.. Though X thought that Sonic was ignoring him again.

"Good-.. Goodnight!" Sonic said before X closes the door behind him, then there he is, Sonic was alone again. What made this night any different is that X shifts with his personality real quick, Sonic didn't understand how or why X is doing this, if Sonic has known that X would become this kind to him then he wouldn't have ever ran away from the castle, or the hospital / hotel, or wherever he was... he would have just listened to X's commands in order to retrieve what he wants... his friends, he just wants his friends back.

Sonic laid down on the bed and covered himself with the blanket.. he then started to overthink stuff, he wanted to solve this problem, he didn't want to stay here, around exes without an idea of where he could go in the castle, oh dear he might even get lost in there, he wants to know also how to sneak out to check up on his friends a little and come back, but he thought it would be a bad idea like the last one he ran away from here.. well, guess he has to stay here forever.

Sonic sighed then closed his eyes for a moment. 'Why would Exe want me out of all my friends... is it because I look like him? Or because.. he thinks I am his twin? Wait.. am I his twin??' Sonic started to ask himself in his thoughts, he was flabbergasted because of that hug he got from X a while ago, he really wants to know why X would hug him.. 'Does he like me..?' Sonic asked himself, then he zoned out a little to remember some more weird moments he had with X. 

"Well if he does like me.. then why did he punish me, yell at me, ignore me sometimes, or kill my friends.. or even care at all when I cry? No.. I think he doesn't like me, though I have to find out a way to change him, because as it seems.. I am the only one who can change him here, and maybe he will let me see my friends again.. only if he changes to better." Sonic small chatted to himself, he concluded that X is just acting kind because he wants to make Sonic listen to him and nothing more.

Sonic's vision started to slowly fade out to a pitch black void. Soon after, he fell asleep.

To be continued...

//Hopefully you enjoyed reading! Just a spoiler to the other chapter, Sonic might have a little crush hintttttt. Have a nice day!//

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