23: Realization

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Sonic froze in his place, he looked at Fleetway.. unsure of what to say.
"Uh.. um.. wait-" Sonic didn't know how to explain.. "I- well.. actually-- Nobody told me that I have to get your permission!" Sonic raised his hands in defense. "I swear I didn't mean to disrespect you.." Sonic tried to defend himself.

Fleetway went silent, yet Sonic's explanation seemed to work.. it made Fleetway slightly calmer, but his sharp glare didn't leave his face...


Sonic didn't understand.. why was Fleetway so upset anyways? He hasn't done anything bad, nor tried to be disrespectful towards him.. he was just trying to be peaceful, and not interact with him any further to not create some sort of chaos, knowing how easily Fleetway could be provoked.. Sonic tried to calm the situation.

"I apologize.."

Sonic finally spoke, feeling a little bit awkward from the silence that filled the air between them, he was trying to break the tension between them.. and he really hopes it would work to make Fleetway get a little bit calmer. Even if it was a TINY bit..

Fleetway remained silent, yet he furrowed his eyebrows then sighed.. facepalming lightly, and keeping his hand on his face for a while before his face expression softened a bit.

"How pathetic.." Fleetway scoffed before looking away, he crossed his arms and started to tap his own shoulder with his index. "Whatever you say, blueberry. Go f*ck with the library.."

Fleetway's tone of voice calmed down, his demeanor changed completely after the apology, which caused Sonic to be surprised and slightly proud of himself, he was hopeful after that little reaction.. perhaps, he could change demons in a way? Or perhaps.. not all demons are bad, he should really start working on this..

Fleetway sat back down on his chair, opening the book he was reading once again, trying to continue where he stopped on.
Sonic sighed in relief, this outcome wasn't expected, but he is relieved that he calmed things down.. now he could move around peacefully, without the need to be bothered by Fleetway anymore. At least.. that's what he thought.

Sonic started to look around the variety of books on the shelves, seemingly not interested on any of the book topics around.. he was always fond of the comedian comics he used to read with Tails previously, but now he is forced to stay in a big black castle that is probably full of demons.. perhaps he is destined to live this way, Maybe not..

A book has caught Sonic's interest, the book was named 'Sonic', and it really confused him.. it seemed to be a thick book as well, which caught him by surprise.

'I had a book that was speaking of me? Who the hell wrote this..' Sonic thought.

' Sonic thought

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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