13: (Another) First day at Castle

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"Don't dare to run." X warned. Sonic shook his head then gave a slight smile. "Don't worry." Sonic assured, then he ran to Tails' direction.


Tails was looking everywhere for Amy, there was no pace left behind her, not even a smell of her perfume or any sounds, screams, shouts, not a single thing is shown about her, is she dead? where did X put her? this is so concerning.. If she disappeared just like that, then Tails is left alone. What shall he do? Is Sonic even alive so that he can rescue him or something? he already knows the chaos emeralds are already with X, plus.. He is overpowered, even if Sonic would help him, he can't really find a way to defeat X... he is immortal, and very powerful.

Suddenly he heard some movements from the bushes near him, he looked behind him then prepared his 2 Tails for flying if it was something dangerous, and whatever it is, he would fight it, unless it's X..

Then for his surprise, it was Sonic who has suddenly showed up. Sonic gave a wide smile for Tails then it faded instantly and he looked at the ground after seeing Tails' shocked face. "Hey... how is it going?" Sonic asked, just to break the silence and not make everything awkward. "S-sonic? No way... you just disappeared with X, what happened?!" Tails asked, he was clearly having trust issues, he didn't believe it was Sonic, and he needed some explanation.

"Well.. He didn't kill me, and.. I sorta... made a deal with him..?" Sonic said while scratching through his quills, he walked closer to Tails then hugged him tightly.

"H-huh-?" Tails was confused for the sudden hug, but he hugged Sonic back, then he believed it was the actual Sonic. Tails started to wonder, what deal Sonic has made with X? "Deal..? Wait.. are you going to die in exchange to make us live!?" Tails asked, he hoped that Sonic wasn't crazy enough to do that, because why would Sonic hug Tails all of a sudden without a reason?

Tails always got hugs from Sonic only when Sonic wants to say 'Goodbye' for him.. "No!! Don't worry Tails.. well it's sorta close to what you said, but I am not going to die of course." Sonic reassured Tails, rubbing his back in a soothing course for comfort.

"Then what did you do..?" Tails asked, looking at Sonic with a concerned look.

"He agreed to revive the rest of our friends, but in return, I have to obey his orders... and live in the castle of his temporarily, or maybe forever... I don't know? but he said he would allow me to see my friends from time to time but under his permission.. and for a limited time, so I think this is a good deal..?" Sonic explained, he haven't looked at Tails face yet, he was looking at the ground, he already knows how disappointed Tails looked right now, and Sonic has actually sounded like a puppet to X, Listening to his commands and everything.. so he wasn't really that confident to look at his childhood friend after explaining what exactly happened.

"Oh.. Sonic.." that's all what Tails had managed to say, he felt like crying right now, Sonic really doesn't deserve to be treated like this, he just wanted a peaceful life, full of happiness.. (And let's not forget chili dogs.). Sonic was the hero of this miserable island.. how could a hero become... a pet to anyone!? X has no heart, that's it, X has to pay for what he is doing someday.

"Now I have to return, I think I took long enough talking to you.. I will just take my leave." Sonic said with a frown, he hugged Tails one last time and tightened it. Tails has hugged back and started to cry in Sonic's shoulder, he just didn't know what else to say.. this is so heartbreaking.

"Don't worry.. I will see you soon, don't be such a crybaby.." Sonic tried to calm Tails down, but it doesn't sound like it is working, so he forced himself to break the hug and go back quickly before X lose his patience. "I don't know what will happen next, Tails.. so if you saw anyone, ANYONE, from our friends, try to stick with them, regroup together, but don't do anything malicious.. please.. don't ruin everything, going to X's bad side is a terrible idea." Sonic gave an advice to Tails before making his way back to the woods, Tails wiped his tears, then nodded at Sonic and smiled, "See ya later." Sonic smiled back at him then waved his hand and walked away.

Tails was left alone once again, but maybe he can find the others when X revives them as what Sonic has said, when will that happen though? Nobody knows, but all he can do is waiting, he covered himself with his 2 tails then sat on the ground, looking at the sky becoming orange slowly as the sun is about to set.

When Sonic has returned, he haven't seen X sitting on the same Tree trunk that Sonic has left a while ago, where had he gone to? Sonic now was very concerned, maybe he took too much time talking to Tails that driven X to go and check it out? Maybe he is in trouble again...?

or wait.. maybe X left Sonic for a while to test him out on something? Or he went to revive Sonic's friends? All those questions popped up on Sonic's head, he was thinking too much about this, so his head started to throb a bit..

"Overthinking might cause some mental problems." the sudden deep voice almost made Sonic jump from his place, Sonic turned around to find X crossing his arms and leaning his back to the tree. Oh no, he seems angry, isn't he...? "Um.. Sorry if i took so long-" "That was quicker than what I have expected. Anyways, i went to revive your friends, now I am done from that.. we can get going to the castle." X interrupted Sonic so that he wouldn't misunderstand X's pose.

X put his hand on Sonic's shoulder, then he teleported to the castle entrance, showing his throne and other paths, and there were some stairs leading to upper floors. "I know i gave you tour previously, but you didn't get much chance to see everything entirely.. so you may explore with the company of my servant: Tanko. He will show you around and explain some rules to you living here..." X paused to cough twice, "Also if you didn't listen to him, I will recieve some reports, don't make fun of him nor talk to him in a sarcastic way. got it?" X Continued, Sonic nodded and looked at Tanko, Then Tanko smiled at him and waved his hand. "Nice to meet you Sonic!" Tanko said cheerfully, Sonic was surprised from the positivity that just came out from Exe's servant,

'well he might not be that bad..' Sonic thought, then he smiled back at Tanko.

X grinned when hearing Sonic's thoughts, then he decided to give him some space looking around and all.. X just wanted to listen to Tanko's advice, since Tanko was always good at these type of stuff. Sometimes X finds himself lucky having Tanko on his side.

"My lord told me a lot about you Sonic! I have even read a whole book talking about you! explaining your powers and so many stuff you like." Tanko started the conversation, his smile was so wide explaining how joyful he is.

"Woah- you are acting like those fans I once met in Green hill village.. haha-" Sonic said, flattered from Tanko, and embarrassed at the same time. "Sorry if I sound weird! but I like your personality soooooooo much, and you look so similar to my lord!" Tanko said while walking, he must have been simping or something? he is really weird, but he is still more comfortable to hang out with, healthier than staying with X the whole time..

To be continued...

//idk i was reeeaaally bored today so i decided to complete Writing the story, i just gave the title of this chapter based on the ending, was it good? can't really tell.. but hopefully you enjoyed this!//

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