10: Unexpected escape

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"BURY THE BODY." Amy commanded before slamming the backyard door behind her, leaving Tails alone in the backyard to think alone. "What a mess.." Tails commented, putting his hand on his face for comfort.


Sonic woke up from his little 'nap' to find himself laying on a bed, he stretched his body a bit, and started to process what actually happened before he fell asleep again..

"What happened..?" He looked around and cannot see anything familiar with the room, then he realized what happened before he got here. "Oh, X was angry because i tried to escape, thenn- i fell on the ground and slept.. i don't remember coming here." He said to himself, he pushed himself out of the bed and stood to stretch himself even more. "Did somebody save me..?" He muttered, he stood infront of the bedroom door and hesitated to open it for a moment.

He held the door handle and opened it slowly.. then he saw a tall hallway that has different rooms on the sides. "Huh-?" He didn't expect to see himself in a place like this, the floor was clean, the walls were painted in a gray-like silver color, he thought that he was in a hospital.. even though the room's bed and decorations are fancy, the room say the complete opposite of the outside view.

Sonic stepped outside and started to look around, then he found one pink and blue wolf wearing white clothes and there was a robot floating beside of her.. he thought maybe it's wrong to get out of the bedroom so he decided to hide behind a wall.

-"Hey Cora.. What was the name of the hedgehog that lord X got lately?" The wolf asked, the robot beside of her seemed to have the ability to talk like any normal person. "His name is Sonic, he is in a VIP room #8, Lord X wanted us to watch him out and make sure he won't run away." The robot answered, the moment Sonic heard this.. he decided to run as quickly as possible, away from them.. and try to escape out of this place.

'This is my chance..!'

he thought to himself. The wolf and the ro- well.. Cora, went to check the room that he was previously in, and before they enter the room.. he quickly ran and passed the hallway to find an exit door. "This is my chance!" He said quietly, he opened the exit door and saw so many stairs leading up and down.

"Ughh.. which way? Maybe I'm in the ground floor already? I have to check down first." He decided, he already ran down and saw so many car parkings, so this is a hospital or a hotel? That doesn't matter.. he has to get out of here. If there are car parkings then there is a way that led them to enter this place and park here. He has to find it!

He ran around looking for an exit, and he found some sunlight coming from the left.. "This is it!" He cheered, he ran towards the sunlight and found a way to get out of there.

-"Hey!" One of the guards shouted, "Who are you!? And why did you get out from the parking way?" They asked from a far distance while walking to Sonic, some of them pointed guns at his head. Sonic looked around and saw that he is in an open area so he decided to run instead of dealing with them, they started to shoot at him anyways...

He made it out of the area, but he got shot on his left arm regardless "AUGH-" He covered his arm with his right hand and didn't stop himself from running. "I'm one step away from becoming free again-!!" He tried to motivate himself into running more and more, then he made it out! "This isn't it yet-! I'll have to see my friends.. they are definitely in danger! I have to help them!!" He said, running even faster towards the north.

-----------Exe POV-----------

He was checking his castle activity, and applying new guards outside of the castle for extra security, then he felt a weird guilty feeling, his memory flashed back to Sonic screaming and whining in pain which caused him to feel bad for the blue hedgehog, then he started to wonder if his servants would serve Sonic some food..

"hm.. I'll check on him later. He probably doesn't want to see me." He said to himself, feeling a bit upset when he said the last sentence. Now he is feeling guiltier everytime he remembers what he has done to Sonic, he becomes mad at himself for doing all of these things. He regrets torturing him in the first place.

"I'll make it up for him.." he reassured himself, then one of his servants was genuinely worried about him. "L-lord X.. may i ask what is bothering you?" A servant that he always liked, called Tanko. ((I'll show a pic of him later for you guys so y'all can imagine him)).

"Nothing is bothering me, you can go back to work." X assured him, and gave him a slight smile that made Tanko feel warm and safe around it.

Tanko smiled back and bowed in respect, then he went to do his thing again. X then saw himself standing awkwardly in confusion, he swore to himself that he imagined Tanko as Sonic in that smile, he wanted to see the smile on Sonic's face as well.. which made him impatient to stay in his castle without looking for Sonic and maybe treating him differently... Why not apologizing-?

Oh, nope, that will make him look like an idiot, it's really not necessary since he is considered an evil legend anyways, but why did he even think about it??

Is Sonic affecting him with his kindness magic thingy? Wait, can he even do that? Sonic is just as useless as those servants, why would he stop torturing him from the first place. This is really getting on his nerves...

"I asked him and he seemed to be confused about it, so he isn't really trying anything, then.. it's my problem." He finally gave that conclusion, and he wants to find a way into getting rid of that feeling.. because it's making him sick of caring about someone.

To be continued...

(A/N) //Have a shit post, i know it isn't necessary and this chapter kinda sucks but I'll try my best to make the other one longer lmao, bai bai.//

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