15: Long chat

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"Now that your belly is full, want to explore more in the castle?" Tanko asked nicely, his smile was back as soon as he asked the question, now that Sonic is happy with his belly full of chilli dogs, he nodded quickly and they went to explore further into the Castle.


The castle tour was done, Sonic saw that Royal dining room again, and saw a very huge kitchen that has many mobians working in there, sheesh, food must be too important to serve quickly.

Sonic saw other rooms like Magic lessons for junior hedgehogs and a mini school behind the castle teaching everyone the ability of flying, and how to learn their own quirks.

Sonic was really amazed from everything new he had seen, he even thought of going to that mini school as a visitor in the morning, and maybe get to have fun with the juniors.

After the tour, Tanko gave Sonic a smile. "And after all of that, you are free to roam around the castle!" Tanko said, he patted Sonic's shoulder while smiling at him, which made Sonic tense up from the sudden movement. "Umm.. that's it? you will leave me alone?" Sonic asked, he really didn't want Tanko to leave him, he was the only guy he can actually talk to, if he left him, what can he do? He already forgot where the library is.

"Well I have some tasks to do as a commander, my lord won't forgive me if I missed something happening from behind his back." Tanko explained his situation, meaning he will leave.. unfortunately. Sonic will have to find out where was the library again so he can find himself a good book to read, well he is too lazy to read something too long anyways, but that's all he has to do. Oh! Maybe they have a map or something showing the inside of the castle and the locations?

"Uhh... alright then! But.. I actually forgot where can i go to eveything that you showed me just now." Sonic said shyly, he scratched through his quills and smiled nervously. "Oh that is not a problem! you can see in each door there is a sign which has a map of the castle structure, and also has the name of the room." Tanko said, he pointed at one of the signs beside the main room door. "Go over there and it might help you." Tanko said while pointing, then he looked back at Sonic and gave him the last, and best smile he could give. 

With that, Tanko gave his back to Sonic and walked away towards the throne room, and now Sonic is alone, Again...

'I will live the hardest life in my whole career in this castle.' Sonic complained through his thoughts, even if the castle was beautiful, he will never like it, because everyone in here is cruel, heartless and aggressive people, if they would be replaced with his friends, it will be 99% better. Why not 100%? well because Exe has to be there too. Shit.. It really can't get any worse, can it?

Sonic went to the sign that Tanko pointed at, then memorized where the library is. Sonic followed the steps of the location he memorized then finally found the library door and opened it quietly to enter. What he saw in there was a nightmare.. why would that idiot be in there? X, sitting on what seemed to be customized chair, with a smooth nice looking glass table.

'So he has his own table in the library.' Sonic thought then he rolled his eyes, he avoided the presence of X in there, then he proceeded to look through the shelves to find the most interesting book for him.

"So how was the tour?" a calming deep voice asked, Sonic's whole body shivered when he heard that tone, but he decided to ignore it for a while.. "I see you liked the library." X said in a calming tone again, which was too surprising for Sonic to hear him like that. "Erm.. yeah..?" Sonic didn't know what to say, he hated talking with X at that moment, so he wasn't in the mood to start a conversation with him, again. Sonic didn't even turn around to face X, he was still looking at the shelves.

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