22: Wondering..

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Sonic sighed then brushed his thoughts off for a while, he tried to forget the events and do something to let go of his boredom.. oh right!! the comics he took from the library! Time for reading some trivial jokes again.


<<The next day.>>

Everything seemed to be back to normal, Sonic was able to move freely inside the castle as he was wandering around. Sonic was still feeling a bit insecure with the slaves staring at him whenever he is around, or trying to do something by his own.. He already knew what are the servants suspicious of, and he was worried if they would someday find out about his new relationship with X.

Sonic was bored as usual, so he took permission from Tanko to go outside since X wasn't in the castle today. Tanko gave Sonic permission, but he has to get back to the castle immediately before his time limit.. which was 45 minutes.
Sonic immediately rushed out of the castle, not wasting a second. It was his first time feeling a bit more released than the other days he used to be staying in this castle, he is even feeling more comfortable.. and as if it was his home.

He made sure to stay close to the castle area to not let Tanko worry too much about him escaping, so he started wandering around. Then.. Sonic remembered the little demon junior academy he saw the previous week he got a tour around the castle, so he decided to head there and check how the education here works.. are the teachers aggressive to the little demons, or gentle? He wanted to know everything, and make sure he could at least fix some stuff around the castle if he could convince X on changing it.

Sonic saw the little academy building behind the Castle and then went to check.. but then he met two of the guards in front of the Academy entrance. Both of the guards looked at Sonic menacingly. Sonic shivered then backed away a bit when one of them pointed their sword at him.

"Heeyyyy calm down buddy- I mean no harm.." Sonic raised his arms in surrender, he wanted to convince the guards he isn't some sort of an intruder. One of the guards raised an eyebrow. "Leave before we make an action, no one will enter here, only students." The guard said with a deep, harsh tone. He pointed his sword closer to Sonic, and Sonic backed away in reaction.

"Ack- I just want to look around.. is it really forbidden to have fun?!" Sonic replied, his face turned to a slightly angry one, as he dropped down his arms to his sides and then huffed. "Fine! I will tell Exe myself." Sonic said this then turned around which made the guards look at Sonic in confusion, they both looked at eachothers.. unsure.

Sonic left the area disappointed, he couldn't get into the junior academy today, but he will do in another time. Sonic decided to look for Something else to do, then he got an idea.
Sonic went inside the castle again then pulled one of the guards by their arm. The guard yelped in surprise then looked at Sonic in confusion.

"Hey, race with me!" Sonic requested from the guard as his eyes sparkled in excitement. The guard was taken back by the request, and got confused again, but then shook his head. "I can't leave my duty for some trivial games, I will be punished." The guard responded, he pulled his arm back away from Sonic then stood back on his original spot.

Sonic drooped down his ears then rolled his eyes. "Dammit.."

Sonic huffed then crossed his arms, he went back to the castle and started to look around in boredom. Sonic never liked to stay in one place.. not even a single minute, he always liked to explore the world and race with others, but now he is forced to stay in a limited area, with boring people in a giant black castle... what a crazy fairy tale.

Sonic litrally had nothing to do other than going to the library, and that's exactly what he did. He entered the library (after finally memorizing where it is.) Then was surprised by Seeing Fleetway, the same entity that went to the dining room and made all the servants freeze silently a few days ago. Sonic stood on the entrance awkwardly, he then looked around and noticed that none of the other servants were in the library, and it was only Fleetway who was present in there..

This made Sonic gulp, he slowly walked into the library as he thought Fleetway wouldn't do anything to him as long as he was out of his way, so he peacefully went to check the books on the shelves, trying to ignore Fleetway's presence..

"Another one of those pests? Alive?? Well that's a surprise.." Fleetway scoffed, he then placed the book he was holding down and glared at Sonic.
Sonic jumped from the sudden voice, he didn't expect Fleetway to talk or notice him- but.. he hoped nothing wrong happens. Sonic remained silent as he turned around to look at Fleetway with a puzzled look.

"It's.. You. Again?!" Fleetway looked at Sonic with a mix of shock and anger. "Why didn't that ketchup leaking hedgehog kill you yet?! What a b*tch.." Fleetway said that with a bit of disgust in his tone, the look on his face was offensive to Sonic, as of looking at a piece of crap.

Sonic remained Silent, he didn't understand what is Fleetway trying to say or why is he even saying all of that now, he tried to just push it off and ignore everything.. he turned back to the shelves, looking at the different variety of books... which obviously made Fleetway super angry.

"Hey, YOU!! How DARE you turn your back to ME???" Fleetway kicked the table out of anger. Sonic felt like he is in danger now.. he turned ack to Fleetway with confused look on his face, as of asking what is wrong. "Uh.. what..?" Sonic asked dumbfoundedly. Fleetway glared and cringed his teeth, he looked like being mad as hell.. Sonic wonders what is wrong he did to make him this angry.

"Firstly off, YOU come in here WITHOUT my permission!!" Fleetway exclaimed. "SECOND OF ALL.. YOU Disrespect me, and TURN your back to my FACE!!" He banged the table with his fist again. "THEN after you do all of this.. YOU ask.. WHAT???" Fleetway stood up and closed the book furiously.

Sonic froze in his place, he looked at Fleetway.. unsure of what to say.
"Uh.. um.. wait-" Sonic didn't know how to explain.. "I- well.. actually-- Nobody told me that I have to get your permission!" Sonic raised his hands in defense. "I swear I didn't mean to disrespect you.." Sonic tried to defend himself.

Fleetway went silent, yet Sonic's explanation seemed to work.. it made Fleetway slightly calmer, but his sharp glare didn't leave his face...

[To be Continued]

//Yeah I am sorry guys, I know I ruined the confession part but I guess this chapter is just a filler- and... I kinda lost motivation to continue this story but I will try my best to update. Enjoy! (The next chapter will be fire.)//

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