12: trust issues

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Sonic was looking at both of them and then he started to laugh, "That isn't a problem, we can go right now, heh, problem solved?" He asked while smiling, both of them looked at Sonic and smiled back. "Yes." Tails answered. "Let's do this." Amy added while getting her fists up.


Sonic, Tails and Amy went outside to discover other places, and to run away from any places that are well knows to X.. because they don't want him to know where they currently are.

- "But where are we heading to?" Amy asked while sighing tiredly.

- "We are going as far from Green Hill Zone as possible, and I tracked some sort of weird energy that we might use to revive our friends!" Tails explained while holding his tracking device, he always liked to explain things.

- "What if X knows about those energy places?" Amy asked.

- "It's fine, I can maybe handle it if he happened to show up.. he just can't kill me, and that's a great opportunity." Sonic said while walking and crossing his hands.

They discussed more about how will they react or do when X shows up, Sonic felt insecure for a second, so he turned around to check up on his friends.

- "Guys.. I feel like we are somehow being watched by someone.." Sonic said while looking around and up the trees.

- "Huh? Who would watch us Sonic? We are alone in this forest." Amy said.

- "Sonic must be right with what he says, but my other spying device doesn't detect any living being around here." Tails said while looking at his tool that is already in his hand.

- "Hmm.. okay." Sonic nodded and then he continued to walk forward.

Suddenly, they heard a thud nearby, so they headed towards the sound curiously to see what happened, and in their surprise.. they saw Metal Sonic, crashed into the ground hardly.. but it seemed like he is still functioning.

Sonic, Tails and Amy were wondering who attacked Metal Sonic and threw him to this location.

- "Where did he come from? How did he fall?" Tails asked.

- "Maybe someone was fighting him, let's hide a little and find out.." Amy suggested.

- "I'll see that by myself." Sonic said, and he walked closer to Metal Sonic... Analyzing the surroundings.. and the current state of Metal Sonic.

Sonic saw Metal having minor dents and scratches on his finish, though Metal looked too weak to stand up, and he was turned off.

Sonic gave an it's-safe-come-on sign to Tails and Amy so that they can walk closer to his direction.

- "It seems like he is turned off." Sonic said to Tails who is already standing beside him Analyzing Metal Sonic.

- "Yeah, he is actually turned off, but nothing happened to his system.. maybe he is in a 'coma' or something?" Tails said.

- "That means he will wake up anytime soon?" Amy said.

Recover before dying 2: Sonic x Sonic.exeWhere stories live. Discover now