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Cameron Stark

During this last year I tried to spend much time with Tony. It felt a bit strange to be with my father again.

We actually spent only one year together when I was four, my mother was killed by Hydra when I was three and then I started living with Tony.

He didn't even know that I existed, he was just a play boy and my mother was just another woman for him, he never loved her and I never expected him to love me.

But he surprisingly turned out to be a great father and I started loving him as my dad pretty soon. But we didn't get to spent much time together. Hydra and the Red Room were searching for me after my mother died but Tony didn't know about that.

It was 1988 and he still lived with his parents. They weren't surprised when the authorities showed up at their door with Tony's child, especially Howard (my grandfather). Even if he was only eighteen Tony was already a playboy and had many girlfriends. He's parents decided to allow me to stay there with him.

The house were we lived had an advanced security program, but the agents of the Red Room still managed to enter without getting noticed.

That day Tony had to go out with his parents for some sort of meeting and I had to stay with Howard's assistant at home, but after they left I heard a loud crash and suddenly a bunch of agents entered the house. They killed Howard's assistant and took me.

This was my last day living a normal life.

That's why I wanted to live every second that I had with Tony.

When I met him again I didn't know what Fury was up to, so I was as surprised as Tony was.

In the last year I always thought about telling him about his parents, my grandparents. When we were at Hydra Bucky told me that he had to kill them in 1991. When he found out that I was a Stark he remembered and decided to tell me that. He blamed himself for everything the Winter Soldier did, but I understood that it wasn't his fault.

But I didn't and still don't know how Tony could react if I tell him the truth and even if it's probably not the right thing to do I decided to wait a few more years to tell him everything. And now is certainly not the right moment.

In the last month I barely even got the chance to see him.

The last month I found out that Hydra was about to get me, but then they just vanished. Then I sooner discovered that Bucky was taken. He made some sort of deal to take him and not me.

Since then I started searching in every single Hydra base that I knew, but he was nowhere to be found. But then five days ago I found him and in one week now I will get him out of there.

Even if it's been five years I still think about him every day and the thought of him still inside Hydra is awful.

I actually planned to go sooner on the mission, but when I saw Tony at the Senate hearing I knew that something was wrong. So I convinced Nick to send Natasha undercover.

That day at Washington was the first time for me going public. Nat, Clint and I gave each other the names that we would have used when we would have gone public.

We chose Christine Sullivan for me, Natalie Rushman for Nat and Carl Brown for Clint. We were definitely drunk while choosing those names, but that was the fun part.

So, also for Nat this kind of mission would have been her first time going public.

It's been a week since I last saw Tony and Nat had been with him the whole time founding out about the palladium in his blood that is going to kill him if he doesn't find something to replace it.

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