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𝑬𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒚 ~ 𝑪𝒓𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆𝒔

Hydra base near Sokovia

After the war in Sokovia, the Avengers left the town after defeating Ultron. What they didn't know, though, was that one last Ultron bot had made it alive. It was messed up, but still worked well.

It flew all the way to that Hydra base, Ultron wanted to go there for some reason, if he was going to need a plan B.

The bot made its way through the forest until he reached the facility. It wasn't really big, but there were many guards surveying it.

The bot didn't waste much time to blast all of them leaving a trail of dead bodies as it walked inside. It kept blasting the Hydra guards as it walked through the facility, until every single one was dead.

It looked around scanning everything until a bleep was heard coming from it.

"Energy revealed", the bot voice said.

It started walking towards the scanned area that led to a single cell. The bot looked down and scanned the floor seeing some sort of ramification. It had a purple color, but lighter. The bot started following the ramification until it reached the cell.

But it didn't have time to actually get to the cell because some sort of strange force wrapped around it. It got lifted in the air and moved by the force in front of the cell.

"Subject detected", the bot voice said faintly as the force started to slowly crash it.

Not long after the bot was completely destroyed, it fell on the ground. The force was still wrapped around it, it was the same purple ramification. The force slowly started vanishing as the bot was completely broken.

The force made its way back to its source, which appeared to be a woman. She slowly stood up from the floor of her cell where she was sitting. There was a single security camera still recording, it was the only witness of what was happening.

The woman walked to the cell bars and placed her hands on them. Then she closed her eyes and sighed deeply before the force came out again, this time rougher and stronger. The woman let out a gut wrenching scream as she focused all her energy and power on the cell bars.

The force made its way on the cell bars surrounding them with the purple ramification. In a few seconds the force became stronger and the cell bars were completely destroyed, being left in pieces that fell on the ground.

The woman opened her eyes and slowly stepped out of the cell. She was wearing some sort of gown and nothing else. It seemed like an hospital gown, but way worse.

Then she looked up at the camera that was recording her. She just smirked as she could feel the force burning inside her. Suddenly the purple ramification made its way on her body, lighting up in that purple color all her veins. Slowly also her pupils were wrapped in the ramification and the woman's smirk only widened.

She just had to look at the camera as it crushed, surrounded by the purple ramification aswell. It fell on the ground and the woman looked at it, the smirk not leaving her features.

She had spent almost three years there, being tested on. She had feared her powers at first, but she was no longer scared of them. She had welcomed them managing to control them. She had heard that Strucker wanted to use her for the battle in Sokovia, but he didn't have enough time to do anything before the Avengers attacked him.

The woman started walking out of the facility, passing the trail of dead bodies. She stopped in front of one of the guards and crouched down in front of him.

She reached out her hand and started taking off his uniform off. She quickly changed in his clothes and took his gun, putting it in the back of her jeans.

As she finally walked out of the facility she looked around. Fresh air filled her lungs and she smiled softly letting out a sigh.

She was finally free,
Cameron was finally free....

A/N: well you didn't think I would actually just let her die, did you?! This is the last chapter of this book and I'm so grateful for everything. Thank you all for reading this and supporting me!!

I really do love you all 3000 guys

-charlie <3

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