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A/N: There may be a small trigger warning for this chapter :)

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 ~ 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒖𝒙

Hydra facility

Cameron tried her best not to let out a cry as an agent hit her again. She didn't even know how much it had been, maybe another year but everyday seemed just a worse nightmare than the other.

She failed a mission again. She was sent with Bucky, now turned again in the Winter Soldier, to kill another Hydra traitor.
What she didn't expect to find that there was his little kid in the house sleeping peacefully with his mother.

God, sometimes she wished that the wiping machine worked on her. She had been forced to kill since she was a kid in the Red Room. She had to kill her sisters and when she became fully a Widow she had to kill many times kids during her missions. It was already hard killing an adult, but hearing the loud and desperate cry of a child before pulling the trigger was even worse.

So when she saw that kid she couldn't do it again. She managed to let him escape as she finished her mission, but Hydra found out soon and sent the Winter Soldier to take care of him.

As she returned to the Hydra base she was immediately escorted to the torture room where she was now being beaten up.

The agent roughly grabbed her chin making her face him.

"This is the last time that I ask gently, where is the kid?", he asked.

"I already told you, I don't know", she replied actually not lying. She didn't see where the kid went when she told him to run.

He scoffed before taking the taser and electrifying her. She let out a cry of pain that she couldn't hold back anymore until he stopped electrifying her.

She was really weak, but she could hear the sound of steps that ment that someone was entering the room.

"Oh, my dear Soldat", the agent said as the Winter Soldier stepped inside the room.

"What are my orders, sir?", he asked always showing no emotion.

"Take care of her", the agent said with a smirk referring to Cameron.

"No...", Cameron mumbled trying to move but she was too weak. She wasn't scared for herself, but for Bucky. She knew that when he would have remembered he wouldn't be able to forgive himself.

The Winter Soldier stepped forward and he didn't even give the time for Cameron to think as he landed a punch on her cheek with his metal arm. She groaned trying to pull herself up.

He didn't hesitate to punch her again this time on her ribs multiple times and she fell on the ground groaning.

As he got closer he started kicking her on the ribs until she was coughing blood and then he moved to be at her level and grabbing her neck with his metal arm he lifting her up. She desperately tried to stop him, but it was no use.

After what felt like forever she still tried to stay conscious as he kept choking her until the agent's voice started ringing in her ears. She couldn't understand what he said, though, as she felt her conciousness slipping away with every movement.

She felt herself falling on the ground as the metal hand stopped choking her.

The Winter Soldier stepped away at the order of the agent, his mind kept racing though.

He felt bad, but why? He never felt bad when hurting someone, but he felt like he didn't want to hurt this girl.
Did he know her?

Some agents started to take him away but he couldn't move. He kept looking at her as she was being taken to the wiping machine. He wanted to fight, to help her, but as much as he wanted to he couldn't do anything.

The door closed in front of his eyes as they brought him to his cell, but his mind started racing even more with each step.

Then suddenly it all came back. Everything hit him so fast that it hurt his head.

He could fight now, he remembered her and he needed to get her out of that room. But it was too late, he was already in the cell locked in as her screams started filling the facility.

A/N: I'm sorry, this was short. We're sadly coming to the end of this book, but there are still some chapters left. I really hope you're enjoying this story by far and if you want you can leave some comments and a vote <3
I hope you're all doing well!

Love you all 3000♡

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