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Present day


look down as the Hydra guards lead me to what I've always called the "wiping room". It's been only one week since I'm at Hydra and they still didn't wipe my mind, hopefully.

Even if it's been years I still can remember the screams that came from that room everytime they brought Cameron there. They did it for hours and the screams kept getting higher and higher. I didn't see her for days after that and when they brought her back to the cell we shared it was like they didn't do anything, she was really weak obviously, but she remembered everything for some reason.

When we escaped we decided to get separate ways and promised to never search for each other but none of us kept the promise.

I found out around two years ago that she was working for S.H.I.E.L.D. and when Hydra was about to get close to get her I had to protect her, I would give my life for her. But unfortunately she would do the same for me and that's why she's here now.

"Open the door", one of the guards shouts and another one quickly does as he says.

Once the door is open they bring me in. As I step inside I finally look up and anger starts boiling inside my veins.

Cameron is strapped on the metal chair, her wrists tied up. I can see from the multiple screens that the wiping machine is on and ready.

When I lock my eyes with Cameron's I can see a too familiar light in hers. She's scared. When they brought her inside this room they always made my stay in the cell. But now watching how scared she is I can feel the anger coming inside me threatening to burst out. And I let it.

I menage to get free from my restraints and start fighting the two soldiers who were keeping me. One of them falls on the ground with a loud thud and I don't even give the other the time to think as I grab his neck and start squeezing.

More agents enter the room and I fight them one by one, but they don't stop coming.

As I'm about to strangle another one I hear Cameron calling my name.

I turn to look at her and I can see just by looking at her eyes that she wants me to stop.

I reluctantly let the man go and the other agents restrain me again. I never take my eyes off Cameron's.

The Hydra agents tie me up with the type of chains that I can't even break with my metal arm. About ten of them are holding me still but I don't dare to move as I try to understand why Cameron doesn't want me to do anything to help her.

"Trust me" I see her telling me only moving her lips and I do as she says.

Not a big while later another agent comes in, he's one of the "big guys" in Hydra so he will most likely asks the questions.

He stops right in front of Cameron who doesn't look him in the eyes.

He gets down to get at her level, he reaches out his left hand and goes to lift up Cameron's face.

"Why are you here? Other than trying to take out your boyfriend", he asks her. Cameron's expression doesn't change though. She's always been the best at lying.

"I don't know what you're talking about", she says with gritted teeth.

The agent lets her face go and goes to stand straighter. Then I don't even have the time to elaborate when he punches her right in the face.

I try to fight my restrains but it's all useless.

"You're either going to tell me why you're here or I'm going to start off this machine. I've heard that it can't wipe your memories, but I'm sure that it causes a lot of pain, right?", he says. I menage to break a bit the restrains but all the agents begin to take me out of the room.

"You already know why I'm here", I here Cameron say as I try to fight the Hydra agents without much success.

I menage to catch the nod that the agent gives to one of the doctors before the familiar sound of the machine getting ready fills the room.

I menage to take down a few agents as they try to take me out of there but they're too many. I try to look at Cameron one more time before the door closes right in front of my eyes and I realize that they menaged to take me out.

Now I start fighting with all my strength and start taking down the agents. But my rage takes place all over me and I don't have the time to realize that one of them has taken some sort of taser. He starts electrifying me with it and I fall on the ground.

I can't move, I can't save her ones again.
Cameron's screams start filling the whole facility and I can't stop the tears falling from my eyes as I'm being dragged to my cell. I scream her name the whole time.

They throw me inside and I try to stand up and get out before they close it, but I'm too weak and I'm not fast enough.

I rest my forehead on the cell bars letting the tears fall. We had escaped our nightmare years ago and now it's starting all over again.

A/N: Hii, I'm sorry for the late update but I had many exams at school. As you can see there's gonna be a lot of trauma and I'm sorry about that, but I like writing this type of stories.

I actually am an editor btw and I'm doing some edits about this story so if you wanna watch them or you're just interested in marvel edits you can check my account "staerkx" on Tik Tok.

Please leave comments and feedbacks, I'd really appreciate it.

LOVE YA'LL 3000!!!

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