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The next day I wake up at 8:00 AM, I slept only three hours because I spent the whole night focusing on my plan. If I need to get this done I need to be prepared for everything.

I receive a message from Nat asking me if I will be at Tony's house.

Nick is going to tell him everything about his father and the element that he's going to create today, but I know that they won't need me there.

I get up from my bed and head to the bathroom. I have a quick shower and get changed into a pair of black jeans, a black T-shirt with a pair of short black boots.

Nat and I always liked wearing boots, it became like our thing and we also usually borrow each other's clothes, so our style is pretty similar.

I take the keys of my motorcycle and get out of the apartment. Twenty minutes later I arrive at S.H.I.E.L.D. and reach Coulson's office.

"Cam, are you coming? We're about to go", he says after giving me a quick hug.

We became pretty good friends during these years. He's the one who usually makes jokes and I'm the most sarcastic one and even if Nat, Clint and I are one level higher than him we still go on many missions together.

"No, I have some unfinished business here, but you have to describe me his expression when you come back", I answer jokingly.

"You know that I really want to, but I'll leave right after for my mission", he says putting some files in a suitcase, "I'll leave you a message, though", he assures me with a kind smile.

"Right, your mission in New Mexico. Good luck then, agent", I say giving him a small smile. Some days ago something that seemed to be some sort of hammer was found in New Mexico, but it revealed to be something that certainly doesn't belong to hearth, so Nick decided to send Coulson to take a look.

"Good luck to you too, agent Stark", he replies before heading out of the door.

I get out aswell reaching my office. I get some earpieces and some other stuff that I'll need for my mission. Then I start heading out of the building, but I get stopped by a familiar voice.

"Hey, leaving without saying goodbye?", Nat says while walking over to where I was standing. I thought that she was already out so I didn't think about going to her office.

"I didn't think that you could be late to a mission", I say sarcastically.

"I'm not, Fury moved it to 9:00 AM, so I still have some time", she answers with her usual calm tone.

"We'll probably see each other tonight", I announce.

"At the Hammer presentation?", she asks furrowing her brows.

"Yes, he's working with Vanko and I don't trust that guy", I simply answer.

"I guess I'll have to bring my suit then", she says while making her way to the door.

"See you tonight", I say with a smile and she nods in response.

I get out right after heading to my motorcycle and start to drive home. As I get closer suddenly a thought appears in my mind. What if I don't succeed the mission?

Before every mission I'm never nervous, but this time it's different. If I don't get Bucky out of there he will still be Hydra's subject, their weapon because of me. He made that deal to protect me and I would never be able to forgive myself if I don't get him out.

As I arrive at my apartment I place everything that I took from my office on a table and start heading to the secret door on the right side of the leaving room. I tap on a spot on the wall and it starts moving revealing a secret room filled with weapons.

Being a Stark means inheriting a great brain and in the Red Room they made us train in technological stuff a lot t so I know way more than only the basics of hacking.

So, two years ago when S.H.I.E.L.D. gave me this safe house I added this little detail.

I get inside and take some guns and some other gadgets before placing them in a black bag. Still inside the weapons room I go to the left side and start tapping on a small monitor and right after one of the walls flips around revealing my suits. One of them is the one that I wore yesterday to see Tony the other is the one that I use on long term missions.

I get the second one and get out with it and the black bag from the weapons room closing it right after.

I start working on the suit to get it ready for the mission and I finish about an hour later.

I decide to start looking at the cameras that I installed in the place where is about to take place Hammer's presentation.

The images of an army of what seems to be some sort of robots appear on the screen. But as Hammer continues talking I understand that something doesn't seem right. Minutes later, after Rodhey shows up, everything starts going crazy and the robots start loosing control, but I know that it's because of Vanko.

I quickly get in my suit and rush out of my apartment and to my motorcycle.

I drive to the Hammer industries and park outside the building. I start walking to the stairs and end up meeting a familiar redhead and a man.

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