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"Took you long enough", Natasha says as we head to the door.

"I was busy", I answer as we reach the door.

"You know each other?", Happy asks visibly confused.

I know Happy because one year ago Tony introduced me to him.

"It's a long story", we both simply say as we try to unlock the door.

"What are you guys even wearing?", he asks still confused

We ignore him and manage to open the door. We get inside and Happy goes straight to the first security guard.

"Hey, you can't come in here-", the guard begins to say but he gets cut off by Happy's punch.

We walk past them and and start heading to the two hallways.

"I take the left one and you take the right one", she announces and I nod in response.

"I'll see you there", I say smirking. She nods and we start rushing to the hallways, As we previously said, I go to the right one and she goes to the left one.

I hide behind the wall to see how many guards are there. I count five.

One of them is on the other side of the wall where I'm hiding, so basically behind me.

I step out of my hiding spot and punch the man on the face pretty hard. He falls on the floor but he's still conscious, so I raise my arm and point my wrist at him where's my Black Widow's bite and an electric red wire wraps around him.


I sprint over one of them and wrap my legs around his neck making him fall backwards on the floor falling unconscious.


One of the guards left points his gun at me, but I manage make it fall on the floor and kick him on the face making him fall.


As I wait for the other guards to reach me I kneel down and take my knife from the left boot of my suit.

Finally one of the guards reaches me and I turn around just in time to cut his throat. He moves his hand where the cut is trying to breathe, but falls on the floor as the blood streams down his body.

I'm as good as Nat when we talk about fighting, but I was also trained in Hydra other then the Red Room and, even if I hate that side of me, they were much more ruthless and that's what they taught me.


I run towards him while taking out from a pocket in my suit the black wire that I stole from the first guard.

He was giving me his back so I wrap the wire around his neck to choke him and after five seconds his out.

I get up and head to the door of the room where Vanko is supposed to be, even if I have a felling that he won't be there.

As I unlock the door I realize that the only thing that can be heard is Nat fighting with the rest of the guards and apparently Happy still fighting with the first guard near the entrance.

Once I open the door I raise my gun and with no surprise I find an empty room except for the two bodies hangling from the ceiling.

As I reach the computer Nat arrives with Happy looking around from the door.

"He's gone", Happy says from behind Nat.

She sits next to me and starts working like me on the other computer.

We start hacking in Rodhey's armour to give him the control over it again.

When we finally get the system access a smirk grows on our faces.

𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐆𝐨 𑁍 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now