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𝑹𝒆𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ~ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒅

Walking through the streets of New York after the battle that had just occurred felt like a foreign feeling for Cameron. There were still some people around surrounded by police officers and firefighters to help them.

It was all a big mess and she couldn't help but wonder how they were going to figure it out and get the city back to its normal look.

She had just parked her motorcycle not too far from the restaurant and she was heading towards the address Nick told her to go.

Cameron walked with her hand still holding her side. She didn't have time to take some pain killers and even if she took care of the wounds they still stung a bit.

When she got to the place she saw Natasha and Clint outside leaning against the door of the Shawarma restaurant.

"Let me guess, it was my father's idea to come here", she spoke up making the two turn around towards her.

"Yeah, after almost dying he said he wanted to try out Shawarma", Natasha said smirking with a shrug and reaching out for her older sister.

The two hugged again but this time longer since they had a bit more privacy.

"I'm not getting another hug?", Clint asked sarcastically and as the two separated they looked at him smirking before hugging him a bit too tightly.

"Ok, ok. There's no need to be so rough", Ckint said as he was trapped  by the two women.

They pulled away as a big smile made its way on their faces. They took each other's hands and squeezed them tightly.

"I was serious before, don't do it ever again", Clint spoke up making Cameron chuckle.

"I won't, I promise on your favorite arrow", she replied sarcastically.

"Christine", he exclaimed dramatically acting offended.

"Oh, shut up Carl", she said smirking as they all made their way inside the restaurant laughing lightly.

Once they got inside they saw the rest of the Avengers finishing to order. The waiter was visibly confused and surprised to see the so called heroes that had just saved the city ordering Shawarma at his restaurant.

Tony quickly turned around as he heard the door opening. When he saw Cameron walking inside with Natasha and Clint by her side he quickly stood up and embraced his daughter in a short but heartfelt hug.

"You made it", he said as he pulled back.

"Yeah, I was hungry anyway", she replied truthfully. She had never eaten Shawarma before but she was sure that it was going to be better than what Hydra had given her in the past years.

The four of them walked back to the table and Cameron greeted the rest of the team warmly and then she quickly ordered with the others. Cameron sat between Natasha and Clint while having across from her Tony.

The meals arrived quickly and everyone began to eat feeling slightly exhausted. Throughout the meal the team did some conversation bringing up the fact that Loki had been locked up momentarily at the Stark Tower and that Thor was going to bring him back to Asgard later. In the meantime Cameron didn't really speak up much as she was lost in her thoughts.

"Cameron can I ask you something?", suddenly Steve asked making her turn towards him.

"Sure, but it depends on the question", she said with a smile making a quick joke to get her head out of the bad thoughts she had. Steve chuckled before speaking up again.

"Why aren't you part of the team? From what I understood you're a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent of the same level as Nat and Clint,  you're also in....contact with Tony so you technically should be part of the Avengers Initiative", Steve said careful to not say something inappropriate for her or that would make her uncomfortable.

"Well I was supposed to be part of the Initiative since the beginning, but I always refused, plus I've been on a mission since this morning so I wasn't...available", she explained.

"Sorry lady Stark but can I ask you why you always refused?", suddenly Thor asked.

"Well my identity had to remain a secret for...classified reasons", she replied taking a sip of the bear she had ordered.

Thor nodded respectfully in response and Clint seeing Cameron's discomfort brought up another subject starting another conversation.

They kept talking and eating until their plates were empty and once they were done they went to pay their meals (well, actually Tony paid for everyone).

As they walked outside everyone had their own vehicle so they stopped in front of the restaurant.

"We're going to get changed before Thor will go to Asgard with Loki, do you want to come with us?", Natasha asked Cameron.

"No, I have some stuff to figure out and I have to see if you sold my apartment in the last years while I was away", Cameron replied smiling and earning a chuckle from the others.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Mrs. Stark", Thor said and the rest of the team nodded in agreement.

"I hope to see you again soon", Steve said and Cameron nodded with a smile in his direction. While she was at Hydra sometimes Bucky happened to remember his past back in the 40s and he told her everything, especially about his best pal Steve Rogers and now she was happy to see that he was as gentle as Bucky described him to be.

They all said their goodbyes and Tony hugged her one last time for that day before they eventually had to go.

Cameron hopped on her motorcycle and made her way to her apartment. As she drove through the messy streets of New York she realized that the only thing that she could feel was guilt.

A/N: sorry it's been a while. I know I said I was going to finish this story sooner but I've been very busy but I promise I will update more frequently. These chapters are pretty boring but please keep reading because they will be really important for the plot.
I hope you all had or will have a great day and if you have any questions you can ask them in the comments!!

Love you all 3000

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