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A/N: Hii, sorry for the late update I promise I'll try to update more from now on. I wanted to say that I decided to start writing with a third person pov, but I will sometimes show someone's pov. I will also use the past because I think that it's better. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!!!(also there might be a small trigger warning)

Bucky straitened up as he heard the sound of footsteps. He could see Cameron's weak figure being held by the Hydra guards. He started banging on the cell bars trying to break them even if he knew it was useless.

She was still wearing her suit but Bucky could clearly see the blood coming out of her wounds.

As the guards came closer he backed up from the cell bars understanding that fighting was useless now. When they opened the cell they threw her inside.

As soon as they exited the cell Bucky quickly took Cameron in his arms. He gently placed her in a sitting position with her back laying on the wall. She was still half unconscious and he couldn't bear to see her like that.

He gently started unzipping the upper part of her suit to get a sight of her injuries and luckily there weren't as many as he thought. He took some bandages from his pockets, since he menaged to steal them from some guards earlier, and started working on her wounds.

While he was about to finish, Cameron gently took his hand. He looked up almost tearing up. She also had some bruises on her face and the last time he saw her that much injured was the last time that they were at Hydra.

He placed down the bandages after finishing on her wounds, then he zipped back up her suit and placed a soft hand on the side of her face.

"Why are you here? I thought we talked about this", he said with a small smile.

"You shouldn't have gotten yourself captured in the first place", she replied with a soft laugh.

"I missed you so much but this wasn't how I planned to see you again", he said getting more serious.

"I convinced Fury to send me here to get you", she said with a softer voice because of the light pain she still felt in her abdomen and in many other parts of her body.

"So what? We just escape now?", he asked not convinced.

"That's the problem, to convince him I had to tell him that I would have found some information from the inside so we'll have to stay for some more days if not even weeks", she said the last part with a lower voice knowing that Bucky wouldn't like it.

"Cameron we can't risk so much", he said worried.

"We'll be careful, I'll only get some information and then we'll get out, we'll do what they say and try to avoid tortures of any kind", she said understanding his worried tone.

"One month, we'll stay here for maximum one month then we escape" he stated.

"Fine, one month. Then we'll live the normal life we always wanted to live",she agreed with a soft smile.

"You really think we'll ever get to be actually happy?", he asked looking down.

She already started to regain her strength so she menaged to lift her hands and place them on the sides of his face.

"We will believe me, maybe it seems impossible but that moment will come. I promise you that I will make it happen", she said as tears were threatening her eyes.

"Please don't make promises that you can't keep", he said in a soft tone.

"When did I ever not keep my promises?", she asked jokingly.

"Well, you're here now", he replied laughing.

"So are you", she said joining his soft laughter.

"I really did miss you", he said looking inside her dark brown eyes that he used to dream every night ever since he last saw her.

"I missed you, too", she said softly.

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