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𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑮𝒊𝒓𝒍 ~ 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝑫𝒆𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒚

There was a long and awkward silence before one of the agents decided to speak up.

"You're back from your mission", agent Sitwell commented trying to hide the shock in his voice.

"Yeah, it took longer then expected but everything went just fine", Cameron replied lying easily. She could feel all the agents eyes on her especially Rumlow's whose eyes lingered on her figure for a little too long, but she didn't let down her guard and her poker face.

"You fought in the battle", Rumlow pointed out eyeing her wounds and referring to the battle with the aliens.

"Yeah, I tried to help without being on the front line", she replied again still looking forward seeming unbothered by the blood dripping down her suit and that now covered the hand that held her side.

"Have you talked with the director Fury about the mission yet?", Sitwell asked her as his voice was slightly trembling. If she said anything about Hydra's infiltration in S.H.I.E.L.D. then they had to get ready for a big fight.

"Don't worry agent. You don't need to worry about the...director", she said turning to Sitwell with a smirk knowing that he understood what she meant by that.

All the agents in the elevator looked at her startled before she started leaning towards Sitwell's ear.

"Hail Hydra", she whispered but loud enough for everyone to hear her. Now all the agents were even more shocked and looked at her wide eyed.

She simply stood back and waited for the elevator doors to open, the small smirk playing on her lips the whole time.

"After you", she said nodding towards the exit as they arrived. They all looked back at her before walking slowly out of the elevator.

As soon as she was alone she stepped out aswell and made her way in the big floor of the Stark Tower. There was a sort of wall that separated the hallway from the main room. While the agents walked to the side of the room where there was a bar, she leaned against the wall.

She watched as Natasha and Clint shared a drink before Nat took what seemed to be a scepter with a blue gem on it and gave it to Rumlow who put it in the suitcase he was carrying.

No one noticed Cameron yet so she just watched at the now most likely well known Avengers as they chatted together probably talking about the crazy battle.

As the agents started walking out they looked at her before stepping back in the elevator. She gave them a nod before the doors closed.

Cameron hoped that she was convincing enough and that her plan was working. She was going to pretend to be working for Hydra as an undercover agent at S.H.I.E.L.D. She wasn't worried of Hydra not believing her and wanting to take her back because from now on her identity was revealed and it wasn't so easy to kidnap Tony Stark's daughter, especially now after the events of the battle.

In this way she hoped that Hydra would go easy on Bucky. She would never forgive herself for leaving him there and she was going to do anything to find him again and getting him out.

She knew that Hydra was going to change to a new base soon, but she didn't think that they would move far especially after what she heard. They had been talking a lot lately about something big that was about to happen so they couldn't go too far.

What she was doing was risky, working as basically a triple player with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, but she didn't care anymore.

She was going to do whatever she could to help Bucky.

She let out a small sigh and turned her head again. The pain was coming again after all the adrenaline and it was hard to take, but she knew how to hide it.

She watched as Clint went to take a glass of what seemed to be vodka but as he turned around his eyes lit up when he saw a familiar figure.

"No way...", he mumbled shocked causing the others to turn around towards the figure leaning against the wall.

A/N: Early update this time, sorry this was really short. The elevator scene was a big reference to Steve's scenes in CATWS and Endgame, but I wanted Cameron to confront Hydra's agents infiltrated in S.H.I.E.L.D. I can't wait to write the next chapter, Cameron is going to meet the rest of the Avengers soon!!!
I hope you're all having a great day and that you're enjoying the book.

I love you all 3000 ♡

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